Status: Completed.

All Is Done, There Is Nothing Left To Say


“What the hell Brian!” I shouted in frustration as I paced our living room floor. “I'm sorry,” He sighed and stared at me with his deep chocolate brown eyes.

“Sorry? Sorry for what? Sorry for cheating on me? Sorry for getting another girl pregnant? Sorry for breaking my heart? I mean seriously, how long have you been seeing this girl?” I wondered as my harsh glare struck him.

“Jessica, come on. We both know this relationship isn't working out, and we knew that it wouldn't last forever.”

“So, every single fucking time you told me you loved me, you didn't mean it?” I questioned, wondering if he was out of his mind. “Of course I meant it, and I still do. Just not in that way, I love you like a sister.”

“If you loved me like a sister than why have we been dating for three years, and why have we been fucking for five?” I said through gritted teeth. Words couldn't explain how pissed I am right now.

“It's complicated Jess.” He snapped as he stood up. “How is it complicated Brian? Fucking tell me, because honestly I'd like to know!” I snapped right back as I slammed the palm of my hand against the coffee table in front of me.

Hours earlier...

A yawn escaped passed my lips as I walked around Walmart in search of a few items on my very small list. I had been running around all day, and I really just wanted to get home and relax with my boyfriend Brian.

I finished loading up the cart with the few items I needed and headed to check out. I prayed there wouldn't be a a long line, so I could get home quicker. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as I noticed there was in fact several long lines. I stood there texting Jimmy and Val as I waited behind two other ladies who had their own carts full of groceries.

“It'll be okay, baby.” I heard a very familiar voice say from the check out line beside the one I stood at. I narrowed my eyes and glanced beside me over the small candy shelf, thankful I was wearing my black heels that made me taller. I felt anger rise through my petite body as I noticed that familiar voice was In fact my boyfriend Brian, and he wasn't alone. He had his cheating ass hands all over a blond whore who held a First Response pregnancy test box in her hand.

I left my cart, to pissed to move it, and slipped past the couple behind me. “Brian,” My voice full of anger as I walked up behind him and called out his name. He turned around slowly and looked at me with wide eyes. “Who the fuck is that?” I kept my voice low as I pointed at the blond whore.

“Me?” She scoffed. “Who are you?” She asked with her nasally voice. “I'm his girlfriend of three years, what about you?” I questioned her as my head snapped towards her direction.

“Brian, what is going on?” She demanded to know, not bothering to keep her voice quit which started to cause a scene. He ran a hand over his face and turned to her for a minute.

“Cassie,” He warned, and she shut her mouth as if he was her master and she was his dog. “Are you going to fucking explain what is going on?” I asked him as he turned back to me. “It's not what it looks like, baby.” He tried to cover.

“It looks to me like your cheating ass thinks you've knocked up that two cent whore over there.” I spat.

“Hey!” She shrieked. “I am not a whore.” She emphasized every word to me as if I was mentally challenged. “You are if your sleeping with my boyfriend!” I growled, about to beat the stupid out of her.

“Can't we talk about this at home?” Brian pleaded, not wanting to cause more of a scene than we already had. “Oh no,” I shook my head and laughed bitterly.

“I want you to come back home, pack your shit and get the fuck out of my house. It is no longer your home Brian. You can stay with Matt or that whore for all I care, because we're done.” I sent them both one last glare before walking away and forgetting about the items I was suppose to buy. I needed to get home and talk to Val.

Back to the present...

“I met her around six months ago at Johnny's.” He told me, referring to Johnny's bar down the street.

“You mean, you've been cheating on me for six months?” My voice raised slightly. “No,” He answered quickly and shook his head. “It's not like that Jess. At first is was nothing, she flirted a little bit and kept me company.” He explained.

“I can't fucking believe this.” I muttered as I ran a hand through my dark brown curls.

“We didn't start sleeping together until about three months ago, I swear.”

I scoffed, “Like that matters anymore Brian. She's fucking pregnant! How could you be so damn stupid and not wear protection?” I demanded to know. “We got caught up in the moment, I guess.” He shrugged and ran a hand over his face.

“Oh, I just love hearing that!” I laughed sarcastically. “Well, I don't know what you want me to say Jessica?” He raised his voice and stood up in front of me.“Of course you don't, Brian!”

“What the fuck does mean?”

“You never know what to say, because you're always fucking lying! I mean, what's the truth?”

“You want to hear the truth?” He asked as he if he dared me to say yes. “That's all I want to hear.” I challenged him.

“We're over Jessica, and Cassie and I are together. She's having my baby and I love her more than anything in the entire world.” He said calmly. I bit my lip as tears sting my eyes. The man I was madly in love with didn't feel the same back anymore.

“Am I not good enough? Is there something wrong with me?” I asked as a few tears trickled down my cheeks, and smudge my eye make up.

“No, Jess.” He sighed. “Nothing is wrong with you.”

“Then why did you cheat? Why did you fall in love with another women?” My voice cracked.

“I...I don't know,” He said truthfully. “It just happened, and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm really sorry.” He shook his head and looked at me with sympathy filled eyes.

“Get out,” My voice was low and filled with hatred in a matter of seconds. “Jess, come on. I still want to be friends like we use to. I don't want us to end like this,”

“Than you should have thought about that before you cheated on me. Get out Brian, and don't ever come back. I'll do just fine without you.” He looked at me as if he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shout and walked out the door with his bags, never looking back.

Five years later...

“Savannah, I'm going to get you!” Alex; my fiance exclaimed as he chased after our four year old daughter through the sand. “Be careful!” I shouted after them and laughed.

After Brian left, I found out I was two months pregnant, but with him and Cassie already having a baby I didn't feel the need to tell him. Instead, I moved away to Los Angeles and met Alex. He was supportive and with me through everything, including Savannah's delivery. He proposed to me a little over three months ago, and we both decided to buy a house and relocate back to Huntington Beach. It seemed like the best choice for the both of us. I knew that running into Brian or any of the Avenged family was a possibility, but I couldn't live every day worried about it.

As for me, I'm as happy as I've ever been. I have the best daughter and fiance in the world, and I've managed to move on since Brian after he left me heart broken. I like to think that growing up with Brian and being with him was meant to be. If not, then I wouldn't have Savannah, and I would never have met Alex who I know in my heart is my soul mate.

Maybe I will see Brian again one day, but for now I'm just going to keep on enjoying my life the way it is, because he doesn't matter to me anymore. I'll always love him because he's the father of my child, but I'd never love him the same way I use too. All is done, there is nothing left to say.
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I really enjoyed writing this, and I think the contests is very interesting.
Hope you enjoyed, :D