Status: In progress, I will update as I can. I'm sorry

Kidnapped or Dream-napped?


Now, you've got to realize that I was completely freaking out at this point, I grabbed the note and raced back to my house and hid beneath the covers (as if that would help). Somehow I fell asleep.

Morning came and my alarm went off. It scared me because I hadn't even realized I fell asleep. "Nacy! Nacy! Get your ass in here!" I dressed in a hurry and just made it to the bus stop before the doors closed, but my shirt got caught almost causing me to fall. I yanked my shirt out and blushing horribly made my way to my seat. Strangely no one laughed. Usually all the jocks ride my bus and they love to laugh at everyone's misfortune, yet the bus was deathly silent. It was only then that I noticed that I was the only kid on the bus! There was no one else, not even a driver. There were weird signs on all the seats, one sign said "Death to only those that are pure", it was written in bright red and looked like it was dripping, IT'S BLOOD! My eyes darted frantically around the bus in search of an escape, but the windows had bars and the doors were solid steel. There was NO way out! I turned to look at the sign for my seat and noticed a picture of Shay, with the words "Beware the teeth". I turned to look forward as a dark shadow draped itself over me, I started to scream--
"Nacy! Nacy! Get your ass down here!" WOAH!
I sat straight up in bed gasping. My eyes darted around the room, I looked down at my clock and OH MY GOD it is the exact same time as in my dream! I slowly get up and dress completely different than in my dream, as I walk down the stairs I glance at the kitchen clock, YES! I've miss my bus. I start to walk to school when my phone vibrates. My breath quickens and my heart begins to race, I slowly look down and the caller ID flashes Shay's name. The message has a picture of Shay smiling and says
"Nay Nay,
It's time to go,
Don't be afraid.
Just let go.
See you soon,
Love, Shay"

What does he mean? TIme to go where? Time to die? Time to join him? What teeth? Oh no! I quickly glance down at my wrist and see the weird tattoo there. I reach up and feel my neck, WAIT, these aren't tattoos...they are real bite marks. But when? And what? My phone vibrates again and I read the next message,
"Nay Nay
Go around the corner
that is directly ahead of you
and walk into the house.
Love, Shay"