Status: working on it :)

Love Is A Luxury


The day could not have gone any slower. It seemed as if the clock was playing a game with me, going as slowly as possible to make me suffer. Fortunately, that morning I had a interview with the other girls to advertise Victoria Secrets’ new bra line. They were super comfortable though, so it worked! I had to pick up the boys at the airport at 7 and it was only 5:20. After taking a bath to kill time I decided to choose what I was going to wear. I rummaged through my closet for something cute yet casual. I decided on dark washed skinny jeans, a white v-neck, and a lavender purple hoodie. I pulled on my worn out black converse and got to work on my makeup. I kept it simple, with some black eyeliner and mascara. I brushed out my dark brown hair, and straightened it to perfection. Like I had so much time, I got to spend a lot of time on it, making it perfect. I left my side bangs where they were, because they framed my face perfectly. I glanced at the clock, and seeing that it was 6:28, I knew it was time to hit the road.

I got to the airport at just a little bit before 7 and started walking towards the terminal. I quickly searched the plane’s progress and saw that it was perfectly on time. I guess that I did still have some luck today! As I was waiting, growing impatient, I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly opened it and saw I had a text from Kyle.

Yo Soph- left mint oreos in the cabinet. See you tomoro loser! :]

I smiled and giggled at his text. He knew I loved mint oreos. It was our tradition to eat them with milk while watching scary movies.

Thanks Ky. Ill try not to eat them all :D Shyup, tomoro its on fer shoo!

All of a sudden I heard a loud chorus of “SOOPPHHIIEEE!” I whipped my head up to see my 5 guys running full speed towards me. I broke out in a huge smile and ran towards them, dragging them all into a huge bear hug when we all collided together. Pat pulled me into a tight hug, where I couldn’t breather for a good 5 seconds. Garrett, Kennedy and Jared all hurried after to embrace me. Suddenly I felt a pair of strongs hands snake around my waist.

“She’s my girlfriend, remember?” John laughed as he pulled me into a kiss. I was so enthusiastic to see him I squeezed him tight and kissed him lovingly, momentarily forgetting where we were. John pulled me even closer so that there was no space in between us and brushed some stray hairs out of my face.

“I missed you so much baby” he whispered into my ear.

“I missed you so much it hurt.” I responded, pulling him in another kiss.

We couldve stayed there forever until Garrett cleared his throat loudly.

“Dude, don’t eat her face off” He laughed, which made me blush. The guys got their suitcases and we packed them into my car. John sat up front with me while the other 4 guys took the back seats.

“It’s so fucking good to be back!” Jared hollered as we let the windows down, letting the Arizona air fill the car.

“Hell yea!” Pat yelled in response. “The sexy 6!” he sang and we all broke out in laughter. That had been our inside joke all throughout highschool, as we were all extremely close.

“Soph, you better have some drinks ready cause it’s time to party!” Kennedy hollered.

“We havent had a break in over a year and now these next few months are going to be spent partying, getting girls, and chilling with our sophie-nator!” Pat said. I laughed, at the nickname he had recently given me when we were texting and I told him that I was watching terminator.

“Suckaas! You guys have to find ladies!” John chuckled and kissed me on the cheek to add some emphasis to his statement.

“Ew, girlfriends.” Garrett said and I shot him a glare which shut him up. He laughed and blew me an air kiss, knowing perfectly well that he had gotten to me. I did the most adult thing I could do. I stuck my tongue out at him.

We spent the rest of the car ride jamming out to the radio and talking about everything and anything. It was decided that the the 4 guys would crash at John and I’s apartment because I was too tired to drive them all to their houses and we were all excited to see each other.

When we reached the apartment, the guys dropped all their stuff in the middle of the living room and headed straight for the kitchen. Luckily, I had anticipated this and had prepared chicken and mashed potatoes with green beans and salad. I got many kisses on the cheek and high fives as they attacked my beautiful meal. In 20 minutes, all that was left was chicken bones and empty plates and cups.

“Dude, movie time?” Jared suggested as he browsed through the movie selection.

“Sounds good!” Kennedy replied as he joined Jared, trying to decide on a movie.

10 minutes later, we were all snuggled on the coach, armed with pillows and blankets. The guys had decided to watch The Unborn, another scary movie. All of a sudden I got a text.

Meet me outside in 10. I’ll leave in 5 and you join me later so the guys dont get suspicious :) -john

I quickly replied to John’s text:

Okay love :D

“Was that Kyle?” asked Pat.

“Yea that was him.” I said, trying my best to sound convincing. I smiled to myself, aniticipating getting John to myself.