Status: working on it :)

Love Is A Luxury


As expected, 5 minutes later, John got up saying he was going to "brush his teeth". The guys looked at him strangely but didn’t say anything as they were too busy watching the movie. 5 minutes later, I got up as well and told them I was going to the bathroom. This time no one bothered answering as their eyes were fixed to the TV, except for Pat who was hiding under the blanket.

As quietly as possible, I snuck outside into the warm Arizona air. John was already there laying down watching the stars. I giggled and slowly laid down next to him, snuggling into him. He pulled me on top of him and kissed me passionately.

“It feels so good to hold you in my arms. I missed you more than you can imagine.” he whispered to me as he traced my lips with his fingers.

“I’ve missed your lips, the way you giggle randomly, your smile, everything about you… he trailed on as he stared into my eyes.

“John, I love you more than life. I am so excited to spend the next few months together peacefully and the rest of my life with you.” I smiled as I bent down to kiss him once more.

“I love you Sophie.” He told me in between kisses then pulled me into a deep kiss.

“I love you too baby” I murmured against his lips. Our feelings for each other grew more intense until before we knew it we were kissing passionately. Along the way, it got so hot that I took off my hoodie and he took off his shirt. We continued kissing until we lost track of time.

It wasn’t until I heard Garrett yell “Get it John, woo!” and the others guys laughing, that I realized what we were doing. John was laying down as I was straddling him, kissing him. I had my fingers tangled in his hair and his hands were wrapped around me protectively. He had no shirt on and we were both out of breath.

“Dude, you just can’t share, can you?” Kennedy said loudly. Kennedy loved to tease us about how we couldn’t stay away from each other.

“Nope.” John responded as he pulled me back down for another kiss.

“Well then we’ll teach you!” Garrett joked as he and Pat raced towards me and lifted me off John. Garrrett swung me easily over his shoulder as Kennedy and Jared wrestled John. Garrett carried me easily back into the house despite my constant yelling at him to put me down.

When we were back in the kitchen, he finally put me down. I glared at him but all he did was laugh. Oh he’ll pay…I thought to myself. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was 11:30 already. I guess we had been outside longer than I thought.

The rest of the boys came back into the kitchen and I could tell they were all exhausted. I went to the cabinet and pulled out extra blankets and pillows, and sleeping bags.

“Where should we sleep Fee?” Kennedy asked, looking ready to pass out.

“Jared and Pat you can sleep in the pull out bed from the couch, Pat and Kennedy you can share the guest bed.” I concluded, deciding that that was the best sleeping arrangements. Everyone seemed to agree so everyone went to their assigned sleeping places. 15 minutes later, the house was completely silent except for Garrett’s weird noises that he makes in his sleep. I was cuddled into John with his arms wrapped around me, and realizing I was tired as well, I fell asleep quickly.