Status: working on it :)

Love Is A Luxury


My alarm went off at 6, and I grumpily got up. I hated morning photoshoots, they drived me insane. I got out of bed as quietly as possible and gave John a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to the bathroom for a shower and to get changed. 30 minutes later, I was out the door and greeted by Kyle to go to work.

“Wow Fee, you look happy to go to work” Kyle joked when he saw my grumpy face.

“Haha” I said, and giving him a swift kiss on the cheek I said “thanks for taking me to work Ky.”

“No problem. Lighten up it’s the last day bebeh!” he said in a cheerful voice. He was always cheerful, I wonder what his secret was.

“Gah. So glad I have a month off after today. I’m so sick of watching what I eat every 2 minutes and excercising to get nice abs. I want to get fat.” I ranted. I pat my non-existent belly reassuringly. Kyle just shook his head and laughed and we talked to whole way there.


I woke up to an empty space next to me and my arms outstretched as if I was holding an invisible person close to me. I forgot Sophie had work, and I hoped she didn’t have to work all day because I wanted to spend all my time with her. I trudged to the kitchen to find all the guys already surrounding the table, eating. Pat was extra cheerful because Sophie had left him a fruit salad in the fridge, which he devoured quickly.

“Morning” I mumbled, still half asleep. The guys nodded in responsed and continued to eat. I poured myself some cereal and while I was chewing, I notice a piece of paper on the table. It was a note from Sophie:


Had to leave for work :\ I’ll be back around 2:00 and I wanna hit the beach, so if you guys are down be here around then. If not, see you soon muchachos!



P.S: I asked Kyle to take me to work so that you could have the car to go home if you need to. Keys are next to the home phone.

“So guys, time to go back home!” I laughed. “Dude, I’m happy to see the fam for a bit. Then back to partying with Sophie while you losers are stuck with the parentals!” I laughed.

I expected sour faces but instead my four bandmates broke out in huge smiles.

“What?” I asked

“John, I think we’ll be staying longer than you expect…” Jared said, answering my question, still smiling.

“Don’t you guys want to see your families?” I asked, a little shocked.

“Well my parents are on vacation for their anniversary” Pat explained.

“My family and Garrett’s family went on vacation. It is summer after all…” Jared said.

“And my parents went to stay with my grandparents for a litle while” Kennedy finished.

I just stood there and then laughed. What a fucking coincidence right? My parents were on tour with my little brother and his band because he was too young to travel all alone.

“So we were thinking that we could just go home and grab clothes and our mattresses and some necessities and crash here that way we could all be together?” asked Kennedy.

“Yea that’s fine guys. I’m sure Fee will be happy.” I said and we set off to get our things.


After work I felt so free that I sang the whole way home in the car. Kyle was really my best friend for putting up with my singing, because I had to have the worst singing voice in history. But he just smiled at my happiness and sang along. We gave Journey a run for their money. Haha, not.

When we reached the apartment I thanked Kyle for the rides and raced up to the apartment. I opened the door and gasped at what I saw.