Status: working on it :)

Love Is A Luxury


I stepped into the living room to see Pat trying to jerk like a black girl and the guys laughing while Jared videotaped the entire thing. I giggled and shook my head. These boys were just too much sometimes. Especially Pat and his obsession with dancing like a b-boy.

I made my way over to John who immediatley pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, resting his head in the crook of my neck. He smelled so good, and I fell into him comfortably.

“THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!” Pat cried as he fell to the ground and covered his face with his hands.
“Bahhh, Pattie don’t be too sad. You’ll learn one day.” I smiled and reassured him as he rolled on the floor as if he was in pain.
“Yea, Sophie’s right. We can ask some of our fans to show you how Pat!” Kennedy exclaimed, trying to calm Pat down before he started crying or threw a tantrum calling random people ‘cupcake lovers’.
Everyone turned their eyes to Pat, who looked like he was having a seizure.
“Dude. Let’s bail and get pancakes for dinner.” Garrett suggested randomly, rubbing his flat stomach. I swear that boy only thinks about food and yet he manages to stay incredibly thin.

“So down!” John murmured against my neck, which caused a shiver to run along my spine. I shivered involuntarily and he wrapped his arms around me tighter, pulling me into his warmth.
“Yea, that sounds good. I want to get fat.” I laughed, patting my non-existent belly fat.
“Yea uhh hate to break it to you but you have a long way to go before you get fat Fee.” Jared said, poking my side.
“Ya ya ya, but don’t underestimate me.” I warned. “I could take any of you boys down in a wrestling match. I’m just hiding my giant muscles.” I scoffed, flexing.

The boys erupted into a chorus of laughter, ridiculizing my previous statement.
“Yea okay Sophie. Why don’t you save your amazing wrestling skills for another time and lets mob to IHOP!” Garrett exclaimed, making his way to the kitchen to grab the car keys.

Reluctantly, I started shifting to get up and follow the now exiting boys. I had grown a little hungry as well and I was ready to get my pancakes on. John groaned unhappily and muttered a small ‘no’ when I tried to move.

“But babe, we need to go eat!” I laughed turning into him and kissing him softly. His lips were soft and warm and felt perfect against mine, as if they were meant just for me.
“I need you more than food.” he retorted, kissing me again. I giggled and kissed him back softly, not wanting to get carried away when we were about to leave.

At hearing this, John abruptly got up and set me down softly on the ground. I looked at him questioningly.
“Would Garrett really do that?” I asked him, my eyes growing wide.
“Don’t underestimate Garrett when he’s hungry” John said, lacing our fingers together and leading me to the door.

After a 15 minute drive, we finally got to IHOP and everyone jumped out the car.
“Don’t get out of the car until it is at a full stop!” Jared yelled out angrily, shaking his fist out the car window.

“Calm your tits Jared, I’m fucking hungry.” John said, opening the door of IHOP. We found a rather large table and all sat down, ready to eat like no other.
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you soo much to:
what not to live

ive just been losing inspiration for this story and my other one :/ idk what it is. but the comments gave me a little spark to continue. thank you guys :) <3