Status: working on it :)

Love Is A Luxury


Scarfing the food down, we were done in literally 30 minutes. I don’t know how everyone was so skinny, because we were all eating on the fast track to obesity. Jared burped loudly, creating an eruption of laughter at the table, and a disgusted look from my part. Boys. Sometimes, they just have no limits.

I felt a hand brush against mine, and fingers wiggling on my palm, trying to find my fingers. I giggled to myself at John’s sly attempts as he talked casually to Garrett, pretending nothing was happening. He finally found my fingers and interlaced our hands together. I smiled when he had finally succeeded; it took that fool long enough. I smiled at the warmth I was suddenly basking in, only because of his hand?

This boy had a strong hold on me, something no one had ever had to this extent. I was thinking strongly about a boy who was next to me…but a boy who was mine. And only mine.
Thinking to myself, I would do anything for him. He was my other half, my soul mate.

He knew everything about me, and I knew everything about him. Things that nobody else knew in the world, not even his family or best friends, which made our bond that much tighter. Nobody else knew that he liked to be awoken with kisses along his jawline and neck. That he loved The Notebook. That he likes to cuddle at night. That when he’s had a rough night, he likes hot chocolate with m&ms that have been slightly warmed up in the microwave. That he hated making decisions of where to eat. That he liked to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder because it made him feel strong. That he liked surprise kisses. So much more that I knew, that we shared together, as one.

“EEEAAARRTHHH TOOOO SOOOPPPPHHIIIIIEEEE” Pat yelled, flailing his arms in the air like a mentally challenged bird. I felt John squeeze my hand gently and I snapped my head back to the table, getting weird looks from everyone at the table.

“Oops sorry” I blushed, apologizing for spacing out.

“Well no worries, we’re heading home anyways” Kennedy smiled, and everyone moved out of the seats. I suddenly felt really sleepy, probably already in a food coma. We all piled into the car, and the car ride was silent, as sleep was on everyone’s minds.

When we got to the apartment, everyone rushed upstairs, fighting for the shower. Thankfully, John and I had our separate shower so we didn’t have to share. We said goodnight to the guys and hurried to our private room.

“Oh man!” John sighed sprawling out on the bed when the door was closed.

“Our economy is just spiraling out of control! I mean people are just using resources without any limits. Did you know that we’re wasting so much water? Gallons and gallons just for every shower. You see, if I was the president, I’d require couples to take showers together. My intentions are very pure though! All about saving water. Save water, save the plane!” John chanted, throwing his hand in the air for emphasis.

I looked at him and just rolled my eyes. I went into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. “Nice try cutie!” I yelled out before turning the water on.

“But babe!” I heard him whine from outside, most likely using his pouty face. I just giggled and hopped into the shower. 40 minutes later, John and I had both showered and changed into pajamas, although I did have to grab my pajamas chuck-norris-style and avoid being tackled by my very affectionate boyfriend. I sent Kyle a quick text telling him I missed him even though he had abandoned me to go on a last minute tour, which was a huge deal. I was so happy for him though, he deserved to show the world how good of a drummer he is.

Turning my phone off and charging it, I turned to John and wiggled my way into his arms. His body being a lot taller than mine, I came into contact with his neck instead of his face. I kissed his exposed flesh and felt him shiver, but wrap his arms around my waist protectively. I flipped over to straddle him and pinned his arms with my legs.

“Ooooh Fee, a little feisty, are we?” John smirked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

I scoffed and sat back far enough to have his legs and his arms pinned back at the same time.

“Weren’t you the one who laughed when I said I was an incredible wrestler?” I asked, glaring at him playfully.

“Yea, but wrestlers don’t use seduction as a tactic to fight” John commented.

“Well I guess I’m just a one-of-kind wrestler!” I smiled, leaning down to kiss him softly. Our foreheads connected, and we stared at each other, our lips centimeters apart.

“Yes, you are one of a kind” he smiled and connected our lips.
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feedback? i tried to make this one a little longer :3