Funeral For a Friend

Chapter oo3

Andrew paced in the hallway outside Mr. Berkley’s office, his feet barley making a sound as they made contact with the nicely carpeted ground. His hands were shoved deep down in his tight pockets, his head working quickly.

He jumped slightly when he heard the door open behind him.

“Oh, I thought you had left,” Emily said rather happily, appearing beside him.

“Well I was going to, but than I decided that you and I should go and have some fun before we start are mission.” Andrew replied casually, smirking.

She grinned. “Oh did you? Well I have to say that I can’t say no.” She giggled.

He put his hand on the small of her back and directed her politely through the lobby and out the revolving door and into the busy street. Emily stared around as people dressed to the nines passed by her. Some her age in heels so tall that she couldn’t see how they were moving so fast.

He carefully directed her through the crowd, making it look easy.

“You obviously know where you’re going,” Emily remarked.

He looked at her and flashed a dazzlingly smile. “This isn’t my first time working here.” A few minutes of silence passed by and finally he led her into a modern looking café where a smiley waitress seated them.

“Look’s like a date,” She said, her eyes so wide that they seemed too big for her face, along with her grin.

Andrew smiled. “You’re right,”

He glanced at Emily who quickly said, “Yep. Just spending an afternoon with my sweetie,”

”Aw, that is so cute!” The waitress sighed dreamily, left some menus on the table, and disappeared behind the kitchen doors.

“I swear I will never get used to this,” Emily said under hear breath, spreading her napkin out on her lap and trying to sit up as straight as she could.

“Oh you will,” Andrew whispered back. “You’ll have to.”

It was 3:08 by the time the two finished with there lunch. They patted there full stomachs and tromped back to the hotel.

“I would take you site seeing, but considering the fact that we must have dinner with the boss, we should get back so we can get ready.” Andrew explained. They were walking side-by-side, smiling away.

“Get ready?” Emily asked hesitantly.

“Mr. Berkley doesn’t eat at shabby cafes,” Andrew said matter-of-factly. “We’ll be eating at one of the finest restaurants in the city.”

“Oh,” Emily said, her face sort of flushed. “Would a dress be-be suitable than?” She asked timidly.

”It would be expected,” Andrew replied.

She shook her head. “If I had known this than I would have bought a dress. What am I supposed to do?”

”It’s alright,” Andrew chuckled as he glanced at the look of shock and distress on her face. “I have one you can use,”

“Do you normally carry around women’s dresses with you, Andrew?” She asked, slightly amused.

“Actually,” He said defensively. “I do.”

”Oh, rather embarrassed are you?” Emily said, referring to how bright red his cheeks were turning.

“Look, we’re here.” He said bitterly.

“Calm down, I was just playing,” Emily giggled softly but gasped in surprise as Andrew reached for her hand and pulled her close to him. She could smell the cologne that he wore and felt the fabric of his jacket up against her skin, his body heat making her smile. He was quite comfortable to be so close up to.

He turned into the hotel, directing her up to the elevator. Once they reached the right floor Emily was about to say goodbye when Andrew said, “I wasn’t joking. I really do have a dress.”

“Oh,” She followed him down the opposite way of the corridor and watched as he slid a card into the door of his suite and opened it wide.

His room was just as elegant as hers, his smell wafting all the way out into the hallway. He was very particular about where he put things, it was obvious with the way he had his suitcases lined up.

“Come inside,” He held the door open for her and she passed him, her hair tickling the bottom of his chin.

Swiftly he went into his walk-in closet, rummaged through it a bit, and than finally pulled out the dress, holding it up for Emily to see.

She gasped. It was black, with small straps that criss crossed in the back, flaring out slightly at the bottom where a white lace added to the gorgeous gown.

“Andrew, where-where did you get this?” She exclaimed, breathless.

“It was my mums,” He said, and smiled.

“Are you sure you want me to wear it tonight?”

”Well of course I do.” He than added, “I’d rather have you wear it than any other girl.”

Carefully she went towards it, feeling it in her fingers carefully, as if it was glass. She looked up. “Oh Andrew, you’re so sweet.”

He grinned down at her. “Would you like to try it on?”

”Yes of course!” She said ecstatically. She gripped the hanger in her hand and disappeared into the bathroom.

Andrew waited on his bed, smiling to himself, and tapping his foot slightly. When she finally came out he gaped at her, standing up quickly.

“Em-Emily….” He was lost for words. For once in his life he could not find what he should say. She was beautiful. Maybe that word was enough to describe it, he just wasn’t sure.

“Does it look alright on me?” She asked, biting her lip.

He stared at her. At her small, round shoulders, the shape of her eyes, the way her hair lay so perfectly on her chest, her fingers fidgeting with each other, her legs. Everything.

“You-you’re-you look gorgeous!” he said breathlessly.

She beamed.


“Oh, Miss Harp, don’t you just look stunning!” Mr. Berkley said, chuckling.

“Why thank you,” She smiled sweetly and settled down in a high backed chair that Andrew, who was wearing a suit and tie, had pulled out for her.

”She is looking quite beautiful,” Andrew commented, taking his own seat and grinning at her. Emily wasn’t sure if he was just a good actor, or if that gleam of happiness in his eyes was real.