Status: Active :DDDDDDDD

Bad Romance


My boyfriend is gone. The only guy who was just like me. Straight "A"s, never sent to the principal, never got in trouble. He was sweet and caring, and now....he was gone.
I frowned while talking into the phone. "Ivy your joking right? Tell me your joking."
"Natalie, honey, I'm not joking. You can look on the news right now." She said sympathically.
"Oh god." I mumured. I hurried downstairs and got the TV remote and turned on the TV.
"Eighteen-year-old Conner Martin was found dead in the forest by his house. It looks as if he was stabbed and choked to death." The news reporter said nonchalantly.
"Ivy, I have to go, right now. Bye." I said as tears started to brim in my eyes.
"Natalie call me later, kay?" Ivy said worried.
"Okay, bye, Ivy." I said getting off the phone. I stomped into the kitchen, my mom was in the kichten getting ready to cook dinner.
"Mom...Conner is dead" I said as I started crying.
My mom dropped what she was doing and ran towards me "Honey, it's gonna be ok, don't worry, sweetie" She said taking me by the shoulders. She walked me up the stairs and walked me into my room and tucked me in my bed.
Sighing she said "You need to get some rest, sweetie. We can talk about this in the morning." She smiled. "Goodnight, honey." She added walking out the door.
" Goodnight." I whispered into the darkness.
I just couldn't stop crying over him. I loved him so much. He was the only boy I truly loved.
I kept thinking to myself this can't be real, this just can't be real.
I couldn't believe that he was dead.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The next day my mom didn't really talk to me about Conner.
I didn't really want to though because It would've made me cry over him again. I sat in my room sadly when my phone rang. Ivy.
"Hey Nat, you ok" she said in a sad voice.
A tear rolled down my face "Yeah I'm fine."
"Do you want to come over today? To take it off your mind?" She asked.
"Nah. Not today. Maybe another time though." I said as a crash ruptured in the backyard.
"Whoa, Ivy I'll call you back later kay?" I said, standing up.
"Um....oh-kay. Bye." She said confused.
"Bye." I finshed hanging up and running outside.
♠ ♠ ♠
I finished. >.>