Status: Active :DDDDDDDD

Bad Romance


"Holy crap!" I said when I was in the backyard. My parents were at work now so I was at home alone. "What in the world..." I said jogging across the vast grassy backyard.
I stood in front of the broken fence. A huge chunk of fence was taken out when cart was droven into it.
"Hey!" I yelled, looking out to the pond behind my house. A teenage boy was making his way around the perimter of the pond, running for his life.
"Hey! Get back here!" I screamed, starting to climb over the golf cart. "This is a fellony!" I called, chasing him around the pond.
"Get back here!" I yelled, following him into the forest on the far side of the pond.
He kept running, not slowing down and keeping the quick pace. He darted through trees, making me lose him.
"There you are." Someone whispered in my ear.
My eyes widened and I turned around. "Who are you?" I asked the boy who had someone ended up behind me.
He leaned against a tree trunk and dully picked at his nails. "I don't really have a name"
"Everyone has a name." I said back, my hands on my hips.
"I don't." He smirked. He was wearing a navy blue sweatshirt with the hood up over his hair. He had on dark dirty blue jeans and blue Converse.
"You have to," I argued.
"I have more of a...stage name." He smiled, his light blue eyes gleaming. "You know who I am."
My eyes narrowed. "No, I have never met you before."
He chuckled. "Okay, your right. You haven't ever met me. But you do know I am."
"Look, dude, I have absoultly no idea who you are. All I know is that you just randomly came and drove your golf cart into my back....." He smiled as I hesitated. "Waaait."
"I told you, you know who I am." He smirked and pulled off his hood revealing black hair with blue and blonde highlights. I stared in shock. He took my hand and pulled me off deeper into the woods then.
"Your....your....Garrett La'Salle?" I asked.
"Yep. And you?" He said looking at me.
"Natalie." I said.
"Natalie....Natalie De Luca." He smiled.
"How do you know my name? Or my full name?" I asked stunned.
"I don't read your mail," He smirked.
"You read my mail?!" I excliamed.
"Just the envelope. I don't open it."
"Omigod." I said, as we entered at clearing, that was set up as a campsite.
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