‹ Prequel: Jenna's Deathwish
Status: bare with me...

Martin's Choice

Time To Meet The Grandparents

I took my usual seat between Greg and Aaron during the lecutre. None of us knew what she was going on about, because I swear, that moustache was getting bigger. After, we went out for a smoke then I went to the canteen so I could talk to Alice about the project.
Her family greeted me with smiles, all except Aiden. I didn't bother to look at him.
"Alice, when you wanting to work on the project?"
"You're still doing it?" Aiden asked Alice. "Me and Greg finished it."
"Makes us wonder what you two really get up to." Adam winked.
Alice shook her head, but smiled, "We could go to the library after next lecture?"
"Pip, you alright?" Amy asked.
We all turned our attention to Philippena.
Matt, sitting closest, grabbed her wrists and looked into her eyes, "What is it?"
Pip looked angry. Really angry. Terrifying. Her eyes were normaly blue, but I could have sworn they were now black. Her nostrils flared and she was glaring at Alice like she wanted to murder her cousin.
"Angry." She managed.
"Who?" Aiden was at her other side, holding her steady.
Ah. Rachel Kell. My stalker. Same age, tall, pretty, blone hair, blue eyes. Never stops texting me. Always tries to get me to sleep with her on a night out. Follows me around. Creeps the shit out of me and the guys.
"Why is she angry?" Aiden asked.
I had never seen that boy show any emotion, never mind concern for his little cousin.
"Martin is talking to Alice. And not her." Pip was shaking now.
Matt grabbed Pip and dragged her out of the canteen as she was starting to attract attention.
"Is she okay?" I asked after people had lost interest.
Man she was acting weird.
"Pip's fine." Aiden snapped.
Amy grinned, "Look who it is."
Before I had time to look, her voice sent a cold shiver down my spine.
"Hey Martin."
I grimance, "Hey Rachel."
Creepy Stalker Girl put her arm on my shoulder then looked down her nose at the perfect family, "Hi Alice."
Ooh. Not so friendly.
"Hello Rachel." Alice beamed, "Martin and I were just discussing going to the libraby together to work on the project. Weren't we?"
"Uh, yeah." I wriggled out from under Creepy Stalker Girl's arm.
Rachel's face turned nasty, "I'll be out with him at the weekend." She turned to me, "Who knows what could happen."
"Leave, Rachel." Amy said.
As soon as Amy spoke, Rachel made a face as if she was repulsed by their presence or something. She sort of gagged, then ran out of the canteen.
I was even more confused, but before I had a chance to ask 'what the fuck?' Alice said she would get me after college.
That was my que to leave.
"Martin, can I use your car today? I was wanting to go to that store in Polmont to buy some fresh tatties." Papa asked as I was getting ready.
I hated Mondays.
I hesitated, "I need it go get to college."
"Mince and tatties for dinner tonight."
"Sure take it! I'll get Greg to give me a lift."
After breakfast I grabbed my phone and dialed Greg's number.
"Hello?" After a few rings.
"Hey. Why you whispering?" I asked.
"Tell you later. Whats up?"
"Can you pick me up?"
"Aye. Be there in five."
"Cheers. Catch."
"See ya."
Five minutes before our lecture was due to start, Greg pulled up the drive and barged into the house wearing nothing but his boxers.
I nearly pissed myself, "What the fuck? You awrite? The Hell happened?"
"I'll tell you on the way." He mumbled. "Can I borrow your clothes?"
"Aye on ye go."
He came down wearing my black Doc Marten boots, grey ripped jeans and a blue t-shirt.
"Bye Betty. Paul" He waved to them as we left.
"So. Want to tell me what happened last night?"
"Well." He sighed, "I went out with my cousins, right. And there was this girl. Fuckign sexy as fuck. Big tits and everything. We ended up back at hers, you know. Then the next morning, her fucking fiance came home!"
"Ha! No way!"
"She said he wasn't suppose to be home for another week! I didn't even know she was engaged! I had to hide in her wardrobe, thats when you phoned, and she wouldn't give me my clothes back."
"Thats hilarious."
"It's fucking shit, man!"
He complained all the way to college. We got to the lecture half an hour late because he had to stop off at the petrol station to buy fags and petrol. During break Greg told Aaron his story, who also found it hilarious.
Hometime at last, and I was about to leave with Greg when Alice took my hand.
"Library?" She smiled at me.
"Actualy, I need a lift home."
"Well. It's my turn to give you a lift."
Kenny Loggin's Footloose played from her CD player as she started her car. She sort of stared, horror stricken at it. I had to laugh with her.
"So what are your grandparents like?" She asked as the chorus came on.
"Aye they're really sound. The're gonna love you." Damnit that sounded like she was my girlfriend! "You'll love them too, like. They're lovely. Ask you hunners ae questions, like."
She done her beautiful giggle.
"Martin! You didn't tell me you were bringing a guest! I would have gotten all dressed up."
"You look fine, Gran."
Gran was fussing over Papa now, telling him to go comb his hair and wipe the dirt off his face because I had brought 'a very pretty girl over.'
She then dissapeared to her bedroom.
Alice smiled perfectly at Papa and introduced herself. My papa sort of done a double-take when he saw her and offered her a seat and a cup of tea.
That's a first. I bet he wouldn't even offer Jesus a cuppa if he arrived. Alice must have impressed him.
Gran came into the living room wearing her Sunday best and also offered Alice tea. She declined both times, and so did I. Alice introduved herself and Gran sat right beside her and gave me a huge grin.
"Alice. Where abouts are you staying?" Gran asked.
"I live with my family in Lionthorn."
"Do you have a big family?"
"Yes. Theres fifteen others."
"Fifteen of you all in the one house?" Papa asked.
"We live in the big mansion, sort of seperate to all the other houses in our estate."
"How did you meet Martin?" Gran asked.
I sat back in the couch, "Told you."
Alice smiled at me then continued to answer all their questions. How we met, what her family do, what they had done before moving to Scotland, blah blah blah.
When it was safe, I led her to the door so she could...escape.She thanked me and told me she thought my grandparents were lovely people.
Without thinking, and before I had a chance to stop myself, I invited her to my birthday do. She frowned and told me she would see me at college.
Smooth, Martin. Smooth.