‹ Prequel: Jenna's Deathwish
Status: bare with me...

Martin's Choice

Birthday Days

I rolled out of my bed at half eleven the morning of my birthday. Scratching my bed hair and heading for a piss.
"Here he comes!" Gran grinned at me with a card in her hand.
"Two seconds, Gran. I really gotta go."
"Morning." I smiled at my grandparents as they hugged me and wished me a happy twentieth birthday.
I opened their card, and a fifty fell out.
"Aww, thanks!"
"That's not all." Papa pulled a big one from behind his chair.
I took it from him because it looked heavy. I tore it open to see a shiny red electric guitar.
My mouth fell open and I drooled a little.
"We thought since your last one broke you needed a new one." Gran put her hand on my back.
I plugged it into the baby amp, tuned it, then began playing a few tunes, "Still got it! This is great thanks so much. And, err...I just wunna say I appreciate everything you've done for me since my...since the fire."
"Your parents would be proud of you." Papa smiled at me.
I met Greg and Aaron at Wetherspoons at seven, when the party and pub crawling would start. We stood outside having a smoke before the others from college arrived; Dean, Andy, Seth and Anthony. We went inside and ordered pitchers straight away. Seth said the others would be comming later after they finished work.
It was going to be all guys for the pub crawling, then we were getting everyone else at City, the local nightclub. It was pretty pish if you were with a small group. But nearly everyone in our college year was gonna be there tonight.
There was nineteen of us stumbing out of Sportsters by the time the pub craw was finished. We made our way to City, which was thankfuly next door. We were all so wrecked, it was such guid fun I hardly remember it. But I do remember one thing.
Alice turned up putting all the other girls to shame. Her pretty eyes found me at once and she made her way over and wished me a happy birthday.
She told me she wasnt staying for long, and took my hand and lead me to the staff's store room and locked the door behind her.
Where did she get the keys?
I remember her kissing me, and all I could think was 'YASS I'VE SCORED.'
After a while she began biting my neck, which was alright I have to admit. I was feeling a little drained afterwards, but I blamed the high alchohol intake.
I have no idea how long we were in there for, but it must have been a good while because some of the party looked worried, but winked at me when they seen me coming out the room with Alice.
She then kissed me again and told me she had to go, and she was so sorry.
I rolled off the couch at one with a massive hangover, and Aaron's foot in my face.
"Aww, fuck!" I had an hour until work.
I tripped over Greg, who was on the floor, and headed for a shower.
I felt a little better afterwards, and shoved a bottle of water in my bag before heading out the house. I didn't worry about Greg and Aaron; we always crashed at eachother's. And my grandparents loved them. They'd get spoiled today.
The clock eventualy struck seven and I was able to head home. Work hadn't been as bad as I thought. I lit a fag and put The Stranglers on and drove home casualy, wondering what Gran had left for my dinner. I always told her I'd make my own when I got in, but she always made extra for me.
There were no cars in the drive way so I could only guess Greg and Aaron had headed home earlier on. I opened the back door and there was an unusual smell of shea butter. I shrugged and kicked my shoes off and shouted hello.
That was weird. Usualy they'd reply.
I snapped on the kitchen lights and saw a plate of maccaroni, chips and peas on low heat in the oven. I touched it, but it was only warm so I turned the heat up, poured a glass of milk and walked into the living room.
My hand brushed the wall, searching for the light switch. I found it but before I turned the lights on I caught a sort of stale, iron-y smell.
"Gran?" I asked.
Maybe they had gone to bed early.
I flicked the switch and immediatly dropped my glass of milk. My mouth opened but no sound came out. I fell to my knees and stared at my grandparent's mutilated bodies in the middle of the room. The blood was everywhere in dark red streaks that dominated the once cream wallpaper. I managed to move my body, which felt a thousand times heavier, towards my Gran, who was the closest to the kitchen door.
Her eyes were staring at me. It looked like she and Papa had been in pain when this happened. Their bodies were bruised and, I was no doctor, but it was obvious one of the main arteries in their necks had been cut. That would explain the mass amount of blood I was now soaked in.
Soaked...the blood was still wet so I guessed this had happened recently. I choked back tears knowing I could have prevented this from happening if I had only called in sick.
I had to call someone. I had to call someone.
I feebly fumbled for my phone and went to contacts. Aaron was first so I called him.
"Hey what's up?"
"Aaron." My voice was a pathetic whisper.
"Martin. You alright.?"
"You have to...help. Help! AARON GET HERE NOW!"
"Okay, okay. You alright.?"
"Aaron you have to...they're dead."
"Shit. Martin, I'm on my way. Just stay there I'm coming!"
He didn't bother knocking. He was in the house literaly five minutes after I had phoned him. Aaron shouted on me, but stopped dead in the doorframe when he saw.
"Shit." He whispered. "Greg, get here now." He hung up on Greg and grabbed me by the arms, "Come on. Lets get you out of here."
He sat me on the dining chair and closed the livingroom door so I couldn't see them.
"Did you phone an ambulance? The police?"
I slowly shook my head and stared at the livingroom door.
He quickly dialed 999 as Greg opened the door, wondering what the comotion was all about.
"Hey, whats up? Martin, you alright you look like you've seen a ghost."
Aaron punched his arm and opened the livingroom door.
Greg turned pale.