Letter's to an Angel

Come Angels.


I bet you didn't expect to hear from me so soon, did you? To be perfectly honest, I didn't expect to hear from me so soon either.

Taking a vow of silence is a fucking stupid thing to do, even if your reasoning if perfectly reasonable.

As you can probably tell, my words are a bit shaky. The damn pen won't keep still in my palm.

You'll never guess what I did yesterday. I caught a butterfly. In my bare fingertips. It was terrifying. I hate butterflies. They're falsely beautiful. The look all pretty and weightless and mystical, and then they attack. Butterflies are vicious, you know. Horribly vicious. Still, I caught it; God it was scary. It had a spaz in my cupped hands, buzzing and flapping uncontrollably. My heart started beating as fast as its fragile wings were frenzying.

And then I pushed my hands together and crushed the life out of it.

It was the most perfect moment.

You should have been there.

Forever yours;
