Letter's to an Angel

Falling to your feet and crying.

... ;

Shut up. Shut up shut up shut up.

You aren't going to die, you fucking promised me.

I can't meet him on my own - do you see how selfish that is? He's half yours too, how the fuck can he see how amazing you are if you're dead?

He can't.

And he won't.

Because you, aren't going to die.

Not yet. Not now. Not for a long time, and not if I have anything to do with it.

Please, please, don't leave me in the dark like this.

Don't shut me out for so long.

I'm clutching at fucking straws here.

I can't help you, I can't possibly change your mind.

But I can help you see.

There is something so much brighter out there.

It's him.

He's waiting for you.

He loves you.

