Status: writer's block.. D':

Everything Happens for a Reason


"Watch Out!" He yelled. I turned to his voice and saw him pointing his finger to my side. Turning in that direction, was when I noticed it.

Big bright lights, two of them, near each other, were shining through my side window. The lights were actually getting larger and brighter. 5 very precious seconds passed before I could figure out what it was. A large truck was heading straight for us. Panic started rising within me. Instinctly, I slammed my foot on the gas pedal; but with everything that was happening, I also slammed my other foor on the brakes. That idiotic movement only moved us an inch from our original spot.

A sputtering sound came from the car.

Great. Stupid old car.

When things couldn't get any worse, it just did. The car shut off, No gas. And at a time like this too.

Acting fast, I unbuckled the seatbelt.

"OKAY, Time to go, let's get out of here." I said, well more like yelled. Since nothing can be heard over that loud honking of the truck.

There was no movement, no shuffling and deffinetly no unbuckling sound beside me.

"Ryan! Start moving! Come one, time's runn-" The expression on his face cut me off.

He was smiling. Apparently a situation like this seemed to not bother him at all. While just last week, he looked like he was about to die of anxiety over his missing Air Jordan's shoes.

I stared intently into his bluish-gray eyes, knowing I have this confused look on my face, He smiled even wider. That smile took my breath away, making me want to faint right in to his arms. How did get so lucky to get this guy. He's just too handsome. I still can't get over his damn good looks.

I quickly looked though my side window. The two bright headlights were still there. But they weren't moving closer, they weren't moving further either. It was just frozen, in its place. The loud honking was replaced by this eerie silence.

I looked back at him, expecting an answer to all of this. Like he would have an explanation.

It's as if he read my mind, he said, "Don't worry. Everything happens for a reason. You'll survive, just don't forget me." His voice was like velvet. Smooth and calm.

Just when I was about to ask him what he means. There was an earsplitting crash, ringing in my ears. I had the sudden urge to cover them, but I couldn't. Since now, all I could hear was the screeching of my voice.

Then everything went black.


Deep into the dark abyss, I finally hear something.


A deep mysterious voice whispered.


From what I can tell, that mysterious voice came from a guy.

"Annabell, wakeup..."

The voice changed. And it was getting louder.


From a whisper, the voice turned into urgent yelling.



Slowly, I opened my eyes. I ended up staring at my roomates big blue eyes.

"Okay, first, if you dump that milk on me, I'm going to tell everyone you snore while you sleep." I said, clearly annoyed.

Feeling a bit threatened, she lowered the bucket.

"Second, get your big butt off me!" I shoved her off.

"Okay, first of," She said, mimicking my voice,"It's not really milk, just water. And second...I do not snore!" she said with a smirk on her face.

I grinned. She got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom, and poured the water down the sink.

One of the perks of going to a dormitory school : Your own bathroom.

"Having that dream again, huh?" She asked.

"More like nightmare." I muttered.

"Maybe you should tell your parents." she said.

"OHH, no way am I bringing them into this. They've went through enough, they don't need to start worrying about me over nothing."

Another perk about boarding schools...No parents.

"Whatever. Oh and you better get dressed, the funeral is in an hour."

An hour?

I looked at my clock on the beside table. It said 9:30am

"Oh my god! Why didn't you wake me up?" I jumped off my bed and went straight into the bathroom.

"Uhh, I just did, like a couple of minutes ago. And I sorta kinda got distracted." She said through the door.

"Oh, how nice of you to think of me first!" I said, with deep sarcasm.

"Sorry! Look, I'll meet you at the lounge in 30 minutes, kay?" She said. And before I could answer back, I heard the door closing.


Why did I have a roomate anyways? Oh yeah, it was school rules. I go to Mercado Academy High Boarding school. I guess you could say that this is an Ivy League High School compared too all the others in the continental U.S.A.

It was okay having Cristel Thompson as roomate, I guess. She is one of those really beautiful girls. The straight-blonde-hair-deep-blue-eyes-heart-shaped-face type. She's always preppy and upbeat. But deep down, she's sincere and loyal and honest. That's what made her my best friend.

Splashing my face with cold water, really woke up the sleep that was still left in me.

Looking up, I saw a girl's reflection on the mirror. She had bags under those hazel eyes. Her chestnut-brown hair was a huge mess. And the only thing appealing about this girl is her lips. Her cherry colored lips against her pale skin.

I almost forgot that, that girl was me, Annabell Maria Sawyer. I know that I haven't gotten much sleep for the past few days, and that's why I look like this.


Deciding I needed some serious scrubbing down, I stepped into the shower. Walk, almost hot, water was drumming down my back, relaxing all my tense muscles. I used my favourite strawberry scented shampoo. The nice fragrance filled up the bathroom.

After the shower, I blow-dried my long hair. Reviving it to its original soft curls. And now that I think about it, my hair is getting a tad too long, maybe I should get a haircut soon.

And as if on cue a voice said, "No don't. I like your beautiful long hair."

I spin around, ready to use my blow dryer as a weapon. But there was no one else in the room, but me.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about me you even remember what I said before?" He said, with a hint of mockery.

"Who's there?!" I said, nervously.

Then I realized that the voice was coming from inside my head. And a hint of recognition popped in my head. It was HIS voice.

Oh wonderful, I'm not just dreaming about him, now I hear his voice too. I must be going crazy.

Feeling sure that no one else was in the room, I put down my blow dryer.

I went in to my closet and took out the strapless black silk dress, with a whitebead trim around the waist.

I also took out the matching black flats and scarf.

I never thought of the day where I would have to wear a dress like this for my boyfriend's, well I guess now ex boyfriend's funeral.

A tear escaped from my eye. Looking at the mirror, I slowly raise my hand to the top right corner of the frame, It was a picture of me and him sitting on a park bench. His arm was around me. His blue-gray eyes looking directly into the camera. With his built body, not the buffy extremely muscular type. He was lean and tall. And he was extremely hot. A guy every girl dreams of. And in this picture I was looking at him. It was the day where I was so sure that I've fallen inlove.

"Oh Ryan. I miss you." I whispered.

Tears were now pouring down my face now.

Realizing that it must have been passed half an hour now, I wiped my tears off, put back the pictures, and rushed out the door.

Stay strong Annabell...Stay Strong

I repeated those words over and over again in my head.

I walked into the dorm's lounge, looking for Cristel. And guess what, there she is sitting on the lap of some muscular looking jock. And from what I could see from afar, he was pretty good looking.

"Cris!" I yelled. And since it was Sunday, the lounge was pretty empty so she shouldn't have had a hard time hearing me. But of course she was too busy talking to the guy to even notice.

"So you like scary movies?" asked the guy. His voice was deep and husky. I have to admitt, it also sounded sexy.

Cristel did her flirty giggle, and the guy's eyes went wild.

Oh boy...

"OKAY, sorry to break this up but me and Cristel have somewhere to go to right now." I interrupted them. And it took almost all of my strength to get Cristel off his lap. Once I got her off, I finally took a look at what she was wearing. She was wearing a black chiffron dress with a silver ribbon.

"Call me." She told him.

All he did was nod and walked away.

"So, who is it this time?" I asked, only a little bit interested.

"His name is Xavier Duschene, and he's new to this school." she was going gaga over him.

"OH and he has a twin brother, well they're not really twins perse, since they are both adopted by, yes the famous Mr. Duschene owner of the biggest advertising company. And they are both od the same age. His brother's name is Mason. I got a glance of him, and he is pretty cuuuute. You and him are like totally perfect for each oth-"

"STOP! you're babbling over a guy again." I interrupted her.

"Not A guy but two" she answered back.

"Oh geez, let's go, were going to be late."

Her face suddenly filled with sorrow. This is why she became my bestfriend. When you need her, she's always there for you, no matter what.

"I am soo sorry, I totally forgot." she said. I gave her a small smile, saying that I was okay, but it didn't work. She glomped me into one of her supporting hugs. "I can't believe I can be such an ass. I shouldn't have started setting you up with guys when your last one....uhmm. Oh, maybe I should stop talking. But my shoulder is always open to cry on" She gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back.

"Okay, let's go before I start crying all over again." I said.

"Yes ma'am" She saluted.
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okay guys
first chapter!! :DD
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