Status: writer's block.. D':

Everything Happens for a Reason


"Don't worry. Everything happens for a reason. You just have to find out what that reason is." Ryan's voice echoed through my head.

Then, here it comes again. An earsplitting crash rings through my ears, followed by my screeching voice. Falling in that deep darkness of nothing. While mist swirled around me. So beautiful and elegant, like it was dancing some intricate ballet dance.

Someone whisper's my name. But it wasn't Cristel's voice. It was that same mysteriousness, deepness of the voice from before. It was smooth and calm. And it wants me.


My eyes shot open. I looked around me, and I was in my 4th period Physics class.

"Ms. Sawyer, I think you should head down to Guidance." Mr. Rolan, my teacher, said.

"Oh, uhmm, no I'm okay." I muttered.

Let me explain. I have been going to guidance for the past few days, because of the trauma that happened to me recently. Apparently, any weird or unsual activity that I do, for example sleeping in class, I was supposed to head to the guidance. But there wasn't anything unsual about sleeping. Is there?

I can tell Cristel is staring me down with her concerned look.

"I know it must be tough for you. But your academic grade is getting lower. I do believe that you should head down to guidance before you sleep through one of my classes again."

"No sir. It's okay, I'll be fine. Plus if I leave now, I'll miss the rest of your lesson." I said.

"Okay, but I better not see you dozing off again," He answered back, and continued onto his lesson.

A piece of paper landed on my desk. I slowly opened it.

You are explaining EVERYTHING to me after class!!
Ps: NO you are NOT okay
- Cris

She dotted her "i" with a heart, like she always does.

I looked at her, and she was looking back at me. I nodded at her, giving her confirmation that I read the note and will try to explain. She smile, and went back to focus on the lesson.

Before Mr. Rolan could give us any homework, the bell rang.

I head straight for the door. On my way to my locker, I see Cristel waiting there.

"How the heck did you get here so fast?" I asked.

"Umm, I was the first one to leave class....DUH! Now tell me what is happening to you?" she asked.

Ignoring that question, I opened my locker. Taking out my lunch I finally answered her.

"Nothing's wrong with me. Now I'm, hungry, let's go eat lunch."

"Oh honey, you had that dream again, didn't you? What is that? Like the 5th time in a row?"

"I thought it would stop after the funeral. But I keep having it everytime I sleep now." I said.

"Do you think he's trying to tell you something?" She said.

"I don't know, but I'm hungry. Can we eat now?" I was about to walk away when she grabbed my arm.

"Hold on there Anna, you're avoiding the question. I'm really concerned about you." She said.

"Well if your concerned about my well being, then you should let me eat. Since you know, I might die of hunger!" I said, with sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine"

So we strutted to the cafeteria. Heading to our original table, we realized there were two guys sitting there already. Everyone knows that that table is for Cristel and me only, with the ocassional couple of friends, and boyfriends. And no one ever contradicted. Cristel was pretty popular, and was extremely convincing; probably why everyone always abides by her rules.

Cristel cleared her throat. "You do know that this is our table, and you need to be a friend or an invitation from either of us for you to sit here." She explained.

"Sorry. Come on X , I told you we should've sat on the other table." The guy on the left said. His voice was deep and mysterious. It feels like I've heard it before. I was suddenly staring at him, in awe.

Who is he?

"No man, I'm staying here." The guy on the right said. Now that voice I deffinetly recognized.

"Xavier?" Cristel asked.

"Ohmygosh! I almost didn't recognize you. Of course both of you can sit here. Don't worry about it." She said. Then she hurries over to sit beside Xavier. And I didn't want to bother her, so I sat beside the other guy.

I turned to introduce myself, but he was standing up and leaving.

How rude!

Xavier must've seen the look on my face. "Don't worry about my brother. He's just shy." he said with that sexy voice of his.

Cristel always gets the hot guys.

Except for Ryan, of course.

Oh great.

Thinking about him made my eyes watery.

"Uhh, I'm going to get some fresh air." I mumbled.

Of course no one was listening to me. They were too busy talking to each other. They seem happy. Maybe it's right to leave them alone for now.

Luckily my tears didn't start pouring down. So instead of going back, I decided to take a walk outside. Get some fresh air.

Right when I was about to open the door, the one that leads to the courtyard, I tripped over something. Though it wasn't something, more like someone. And I recognize those shoes. Just a couple of minutes ago, it was walking away from the table before I could say anything to the person who was wearing it.

"Oh it's you." I muttered.

And just like that, he stood up and walked away.

"Ugh! Fine, if you didn't want to talk to me, why don't you just say so!" I yelled at him. I was extremly annoyed now. I was about to stomp away like a little childish girl, but I noticed that what I said stopped him in his tracks.

It was silent for a while. Then I said, "Why do you keep walking away? Like I'm some dangerous disease?" I told him.

"I just though that you wanted to be alone." He said. And there is something so familiar about the mysterious-ness of his voice.

"Oh" that whas the only sound that came out of my mouth. Then he started to walk away, again.

What's with this guy and walking away.

"Wait!" I called after him, he stopped walking, and turned around.

"I'm Annabell, by the way." I said, holding out my hand.

"Mason." He said, and shook my hand. His hand was smooth and warm.

Once we made contact, it felt like an electric shock. But not the painful kind. More like in a longing way. It felt good, just to touch him. And my heart was beating so fast.

Why is this hapening to me?

After that, I just wanted him to hold me. So I stepped forward. It was as if he wanted the same thing too. In a few seconds, I was in his arms.

Then the unexpected happened. And it wasn't a kiss, but a voice.

"Don't forget about me." Ryan's voice echoed in my head.

That broke the trance I was in, and shoved away from this guy, who I bearly knew. I backed away. Confused. I looked at him, and he was confused too.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened there. It just felt like I've known you for a long time." He apologized.

"No it's okay, I felt sorta the same way too. But I just met you." I replied. I can feel my cheeks burning.

After that, I looked at him. I mean really looked at him. Studying his featured. He was tall, very, Like 6'4". He was lean and muscular, though not really buff. He has dark brown hair. His hair was a mess, but in a stylish way, a look probably only he could pull off. The darkness of his hair nicely contrasted with his pale skin.

His face was so perfect. And his eyes. They were this beautiful color of sea green. Staring at them made me feel like I was swimming in the sea. Last but not least, he was absolutely, positively, gorgeous. It was as if he fell from the heavens, were all the beautiful people come from.


I was still gazing at him. Then I saw that he was also checking me out. I felt my cheeks burn, then I saw him grin.

"Uh...yeah...that was the gotta go to class...Bye now." I sputtered and rushed past him. Our arms brush against each other, and I felt that sudden electricity again.

"Wait! What's your next class?" He asked.

"Annabell! there you are!"

It was Cristel.

"Come on, we're going to be late for Art class." She said and started to pull me away.

I managed to say, "Bye Mason." and I saw him smile and wave before I started to speed walk to class.

We made it to class, before our art teacher, Ms. Blake, walked in.

Cristel and I have most of our classes together, except for first and second.

I sat down on my usual seat, beside Laura Anne McFloy. One of my great friends. Cris on the other hand sits across the room from me. Our teacher seperated us since we talked to much.

"Hey" Laura said with a smile.

"Hi, gosh I made it just in time" I said, a bit winded.

She laughed. "Oh did you hear? We're getting a new student." She told me.

"Really? I wonder who it is."

"I hope it's a guy, this girl needs a new man." She said, pointing at herself, a grin on her face.

Laura is a very pretty girl, so she doesn't have a hard time getting dates. She has really curly red hair. Almost like little ringlets hanging from her head, and full on brown eyes.

Just when I was about to tell her about Mason, he walks into the room.

And just like that my heart beated faster.

He instantly saw me, like he was drawn to me. And I saw him smile.

"Ohmigawd! He is hot!" Laura exclaimed.

"Class, this is Mason Duschene..he's new to this school, and will be joining our class for the rest of the semester. So make him feel right at home." Ms. Blake announced.

"Mason dear, why don't you sit in the seat behind Ms. Sawyer over there." She told him, while pointing at me. I must be blushing because he did this cocky, sexy smile. Then walked over to sit behind me.

"He is so hott! I want to get into action with this guy." Laura whispered. "Ugh too much information Lor." I whispered back.

She giggled flirtatiously, and gave Mason her I'm-checking-you-out-boy-and-I-like-what-I'm-seeing look. I saw something in his eyes that told me he was thinking the same thing.

I don't know why exactly, but I felt angry. My face was heating up.

I heard him introduce himself.

"I'm Laura, I think your going to know me pretty well." she said.

I almost gagged. "Oh boy" I muttered.

I can feel him staring at me, so I truned around to confront him, but nothing came out of my mouth.

He was staring straight into my eyes, then his eyes traveled down to my lips, then back again. I got that longing feeling I get every time I look into his eyes.

"Okay class, settle down. How about we start with our paintings today. Oh and Annabell, since you look like you've met before, you can fill Mason in with this weeks lessons." she said.

Oh great.
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