Status: writer's block.. D':

Everything Happens for a Reason


It was 5, and school ended 2 hours ago. And let me tell you, I was glad it was over. It was like living through hell. I ended up getting fustrated with my feelings and got myself drenched in paint.

After I took a shower, I saw Cristel looking at me with a smirk on her face.

"What? Did I forget to wear pants or something?" I said

"No...I just think its been a while since we had any fun..thats all" She said. Right then, I knew something was up.

"Uh oh, what do you have in mind Cris?" I asked, hesitantly.

She walked over to our closet, and started to dig into one of the boxes. A couple of minutes later, she took out a bottle of alchohol.

"Cristel! How long has that been there?!?" I yelled.

"Shhh. And not a while. I've been saving it up, just in case." She whispered.

"Just in case of what?!? We can't drink that, we're 17, meaning, we're underaged!" I whispered, more loudly than a normal whisper actually.

"Just in case of this. Ever since the funeral, you've been out of it Anna, and I've been worried sick for the past few days. I just thought that this would get your mind out of it for a while." She said.

I smiled. I'm glad to know that she's worried about me. But alchohol...Oh no!

"Come on...Just one drink, that's it, promise" She smiled and held her hand up.

"Fine" I grumbled. I reluctantly went to get a couple of glasses in the cupboards.

She poured some in each of the glasses.

"Cheers to us!" She said and held up her glass.

"Cheers" and we clanked our glass together.


"Don't forget about me..."
Ryan's voice echoed.

Then I heard another voice.

It was that same mysterious voice from before.
"Annabell. Come to me."

For the first time ever, I finally opened my mouth and spoke.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You'll know soon enough." The voice said.

I woke up, with beads of sweat around my forehead. And oh, did I have a major headache. It was 2 in the morning, and I tried to recap what happened last night.

Oh I remember. I looked around, and I saw the bottle, dried empty. I guess we finished the whole thing. Some "one drink only". I saw Cristel, and she was sleeping on her bed, with her shoes still on.

I got up, but soon regretted it. I fell back down on my bed, trying to recover from this major headache. When I was finally sure I could stand up, I walked over to Cristel's bed and took off her shoes, and put her blanket around her.

I suddenly felt sick, and ran to the bathroom to throw up. When it was finally over, I rinsed my mouth with water and flushed the toilete.

I remembered the dream I was having. It was the same one I've been having for the past week now. But this time was different. This time I actually said something. Must be the alcohol that did, because I usually wake up before I could get anything out of my mouth.

The voice was so familiar this time. I kenw I've heard it before, but I just can't get a name to whom it belonged to. This was getting frustrating.

The air was eery and warm, so I decided to take a walk outside.
I walked to the garden behind the school grounds. And I sat at the bench underneath the giant oak tree.

This was "our" bench. It was the bench we sat on in that picture. I looked at the far right corner of the bench were we carved our names.

Anna and Ryan together forever

Oh great, now the tears were pouring down my face.

I wiped them off, deciding I should get back to my room.

I was on my way, when I saw a dark sillhoutte at the corner of my eye. From the way it stood, it looked like it was looming over something.

It was too dark to see what it was standing over. Then I saw the thing it was looming at moved. It was a person. The person raised his hand up, as if protecting themself. The tall man looming over him lifted up something, and light came out of his hands.

That light was enough, to make me see who his target was.

It was Mason
♠ ♠ ♠
two in one day!
Lol but that's because my mind is like swirling with ideas
hope for all who's actually read it
like it :D
this one is a little shorter than my usual
but i needed to get the point xD

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