Status: writer's block.. D':

Everything Happens for a Reason


"Mason?" I whispered.

"Boy! have you learned your lesson!" The man who was looming over him said, his voice was booming. I was surprised no one else heard.

"This is not your battle! Why have you come here!" Mason said. His voice didn't quaver once. I can sense his courage all the way from here.

They were located across the courtyard, deep in the tall grass. I can bearly see them.

The man lifted up his hand, and it started to glow. This intense blue glow, that got brighter every second.

I had to save him. This man was going to hurt Mason!

Then a sudden bright flash crossed over the courtyard. I felt the ground shake a little. I looked over to where Mason was, afraid that he might be dead. I hid behind a bush, watching. I looked over to where Mason was and I was completely shocked! There was this light surrounding him. It was in a shade of red. It looked like a force field. But that's impossible, force fields aren't real...right? Whatever it was, it was shielding him from the man's undying power.

Out from no where, I had a sudden urge to go run and help him. As I was about to leap out, run and scream his name. Someone grabbed me from the waist, and covered my mouth.

The person picked me up, and took me to the other side of the courtyard, where I couldn't see Mason anymore.

I was struggling to get out. I thought I was being kidnapped, when my kidnapper let go of me, and I fell to the ground.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"Shh." The guy said.

"What do you want from me?! I'm telling you, I have no money with me right now." I said, annoyingly. And with that I stood up, ready to leave.

"Hold up!" The guy said. Now that voice I recognize.

"Xavier?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He said.

"So it is you! What the hell are you doing here?!" I yelled at him.

He chuckled. "Can you quiet down, there are people still sleeping."

"That doesn't answer my question." I muttered.

"'t...sleep, soo, I decided to take a walk." He stuttered.

"Besides, what are you doing outside at 3:00 in the morning?" He asked me.

"Oh, well, umm, I couldn't sleep either." Then I remembered Ryan. I felt my eyelashes getting moist.

"Hey, are you crying?" He said, concerned. I'm even surprised that he can see me in the dark.

"No" I said, in my utter attempt to sound convincing, I deeply failed.

"Wanna talk about it?" He said, and I felt him getting closer to me.

"It's okay, I'm fine...I'm good....Okay, good, I'm fine." I said, clutching my heart as I said it.

"It doesn't sound like it.." He mumbled.

"What do you care?!?" And right when it came out of my mouth, I deeply regretted it. I sounded too harsh.

"Well, sorry then, see ya Annabell." He said, and I heard him walking away.

"Wait! I'm sorry, I've just been in a bad mood lately. With what, my boyfriend dying on me, leaving me here to suffer y myself, without him." I was surprised I said that all out, without even stuttering on a single word.

As soon as I realized it, I broke into a crying spree. I just fell to the ground and cryed my heart out to him. "Ryan, why?" I whispered.

"Hey, shh, it's okay...I'm here." Xavier came back, and was now kneeling beside me. He wrapped his arms around me, and I just sobbed. Making his shirt wet.

Thinking of a way to get my mind off of Ryan, I suddenly thought of Mason.

"Wait, Xavier. Your brother, I think he's in trouble." I said to him.

Right when I said it, I felt him tense up. He let go of me and stood up.

"He's asleep, in our dorm." He said, but his voice quavered a bit.

"No, I just saw him! Fighting a man." I said, anxiously. I can't just be standing here and leaving him there to possibly die!

I stood up, and started striding back to the courtyard.

"Hold up! Mason's not there. I'm pretty sure of it." He said. Something in his voice told me he was hiding something.

"No I saw him. There were lights everywhere. And I heard him. He's in danger."

"You're seeing things Annabell. It's late, or I guess early, after all. It just must be your imagination. I mean, with everything going on in your life, you must be stressed out." He said.

"Well you didn't have to say it like that." And with that, I left him there and walked back inside.

I was on my way to my room when I heard footsteps behind me.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I almost screamed.

It was Xavier.

"God, could you stop doing that!" I said.

"Sorry" He grinned.

"What are you doing here anyways?" I asked.

"I couldn't think of leaving you alone, after what happened. You might think that theres a man with magical powers coming after you."

"Jerk." I grumbled.

He laughed.

When I got to my dorm, I turned on a lamp. Cristel was still sound asleep. By the looks of her face, it seems like she wouldn't be waking up easily.

I would've thought that Xavier would've left by now, but no. He was sitting on the couch, in the room.

And under the light, I finally saw his face.

"What happened to you" I gasped.

He flinched, as I skimmed over the cut on his forehead, and bruised face. I looked at him more carefully, and noticed that his shirt was all dirty and crumpled. And that his arms looked like they were burned. He had cuts and bruises all over his knuckles.

Even with all the cuts and bruises, he still looks as handsome as ever. With his dirty blond hair, and mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes, with specks of green and gray in it.

"" He said, sheepishly.

"This couldn't be all caused by just some simple fall. I mean your right arm is burnt!" I whispered. Trying to compose my figure, as I try not to panic.

"Okay, I was having a bonfire with a couple of guys, I tripped on a rock and fell into the fire. There, happy?" He frowned. He flinched again, as this movement hurt him.

I still didn't believe him though. How could that cause bruises on his knuckles. But it seems like he won't tell the truth so I dropped the subject.

I left him and went into the cupboards in the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

"You should be more careful. You could've gotten killed." I choked on the last word. Thinking of Ryan again.

"It was nothing, just trouble." He said.

I dabbed his cut with alcohol, he was flinching as I did it. Then I put a band aid on his forehead. I applied some after burn ointment on his arm, and got up to get some ice. I wrapped the ice around a towel and put it on his knuckles.

"What do guys get themselves into." I muttered.

I felt him chuckle.

He suddenly stopped. He looked at me, then at Cristel.

I knew what he was thinking.

"She likes you too, you know." I said.

"I know... But she's not who I'm thinking about" He said, then he looked at me.

I think I was blushing then and there.

He asked what time it was, and it was 3:30am. As if in a hurry, he quickly got up.

"I umm....uh have to go." He said. He got up and hugged me.

That surprised me a bit, but I just melted into his toned body.

"Okay?" I mumbled.

As he left, I could've sworn he said something along the lines "Mason you better still be alive"

He was hiding something from me. But I guess whatever it was, he couldn't trust me with it.

Just then I heard Cristel shuffling.

"Who was that?" She said, still groggy.

"Uh, Xavier" I muttered.

"What! What time is it!? and what was he doing here?!" She glared at me.

I just smiled at her, it was funny when she gets jealous.

She frowns at me.

"Hold your boat there, nothing happened between us, I swear. And it's 3:35 am, in the morning." I yawned.

She just looked at me.

"Okay, I took a walk outside, to get my mind cleared up, and I bumped into him. Turns out, he fell into a fire or something so I put a couple of bandages on him" I gave in.

"Oh...wooah! ugh, I just have this major hangover." She said, as she puts both her hands on her head.

"That's what happens when you finish a whole bottle of vodka!" I said.

I got up from the couch to get some aspirin and a glass of water.

"Here take this."

"Thanks" She mumbled.

I went to the other side of the room, and got in to bed. When I felt the soft pillow, I suddenly knew that I was incredibly tired.

" 'Night" I muttered.

"Good night" She said.

And with that I fell asleep. Dreaming again of the night when HE died, and I survived
♠ ♠ ♠
okay sooo chapter 4!
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