Status: writer's block.. D':

Everything Happens for a Reason


I woke up to the beautiful sounds of birds chirping outside, the sun shining through the window of our room. And with no memory of what I dreamt last night. It was Saturday morning.

I remember, at the beginning of my sleep, I dreamt of the accident. But when I asked who was calling me, I was suddenly in a dark abyss. With nothing. Then I fell into a dreamless sleep.

I don't get it.

"Knock, ladies awake?" A muffled voice came from outside the door.

"Coming!" I said. "Pssst, Cris! we've got visitors!" I said, while I shoved her of the bed.

"I'm awake!" She said, still groggy.

I opened the door, surprised to see Xavier standing outside, with a tray of coffees on one hand, and a box of muffins on the other.

His scars and bruises from yesterday were almost gone! It was as if they were caused months ago.

"I thought of bringing you mind?" He asked.

I smiled. "No! of course. Come in."

I walked him to the kitchen, and I went to get Cristel. Of course, she fell back asleep again.

"Psst! Cristel!! Xavier is here!!"

That certainly woke her up.

"What!! okay, tell him I'll be out in a sec." She said, then ran to the bathroom.

I walked to the kitchen, and he was eating a bluberry muffin.

"Cristel will be out soon. So what brings you here?" I asked, as I sat beside him.

I grabbed a coffee and started sipping it.

"Oh, I just wanted to thank you for last night." He said.

"oh, no problem..." He was so sweet and nice.

"So I was wondering..." He walked over to me. He was way too close, not that I mind. I could feel his cold breath againgst my skin. The weird thing was, that his breath was actually extremely cold.

"If you wanted to...-" He whispered in my ear. I shivered.

He was interupted by Cristel. "Hey guys!"

Xavier stepped away from me. And I could tell my face was all red.

Cristel gave us a weird look, but she shrugged it off. She went to Xavier and they got into a deep conversation.

He had his arm wrapped around her shoulders. I felt a pang a jealousy. But I shouldn't be feeling this. Right? I mean, She saw him first. If I had said yes to him, I was so totally breaking the bestfriend code.

I can feel Xavier's eyes on me. I looked at him, and caught him staring at me. He smiled and went back to the conversation with Cristel.

Man, if he had super hearing right now, he would've heard my heart fluttering so fast.

So I decided to leave them. Betrayal is one of the biggest things that can break a friendship.

I took a shower and got dressed. I decided to wear something nice today. I wore a plaid skirt, black blouse with heart polka dots, heels with long black socks.

I got out of the dorm, trying to shake out that feeling.

As I was heading to the campus mall -deciding I needed new school supplies- I bumped into someone.

Once I've made contact with the person, I felt an electric shock, that longing feeling. And without having to look up, I knew who it was.

I didn't want to see him. If I did, I wouldn't be able to help myself from jumping on to him.

So I walked away, with my head down.

He grabbed my arm.

"So now it's your turn to walk away?" Mason whispered. I felt his warm breath on my ear. Now his breath was hot! It felt like fire.

"Oh, so what, is it your turn to follow me too?" I said. Whoops, I think that came out the wrong way. He chuckled and turned me to face him.

And I couldn't help it anymore. I looked at him.

"What happened to you?!?" I gasped.

He had the same cuts and bruises Xavier got, but worse! His looked like they were brand new.

"Damn it, I forgot!" He muttered under his breath.

I pretended that I didn't hear him.

I stood there waiting for his answer.

"I'm sorry you had to see me this way." He said. It looked like he wasn't even hurt! It was as if this was part of his daily life.

"You're sorry? Don't worry about it. I'm more worried about you!" I said.

"Come on, let's go to the nurse's office." I grabbed his hand. I was actually surprised that I did it, so non chalantly.

"No!" He yanked his hand out from mine.

I felt hurt.

"Why!?! You're hurt!! We should get you medical assistance!! And don't act all tough guy on me!! I know it hurts!" I yelled at him.

People were looking at us now.

"Could you be quiet! People are now staring!" He barked at me.

I was frustrated now. "Fine. Suit yourself!"

And with that I walked away.

When I got to the mall, I went to Grand & Toy. To my surprise, there were actually a lot of people in there. Who knew school supplies were in demand this month?

I bought all the stuff I needed. The day was still early, so I went to a restaurant for lunch.

Everyone at the restaurant looked like they were on a date. Couples were everywhere.

And I finally knew why, there was a big sign outside that said "Couples Special, Half off"

The waitress looked at me. "Table for two?" She assumed.

"Oh no, I'm here by my-"

I was cut off by a husky, mysterious voice. One that I know too well.

"Yes, but could you find us a more private table?" He said.

The waitress took one glance at him, and was already drooling. I don't know if it was the cuts that made her stare. But with all those cuts and bruises, Mason still looked as perfectly handsome.

"Oh, no! I just want a table for o-" I was cut off again.

"Excuse, miss? That table?" Mason said, giving her his priced smile.

The waitress shook her head, and lead as to a table on the far back of the restaurant.

"This private enough?" She asked, turning all sweet and suckle. She squished her boobs together, trying to make it look bigger. Apparently it worked, because the other guys around us looked at her, ignoring their dates, completely.

Except for Mason, he was looking at me.

When she noticed that he wasn't noticing her, she grunted, "your server will be here soon." And with that, she left.

We sat down, and I was the first one to speak.

"So what? You're actually following me now?" I said, annoyed.

I really did want a peaceful lunch by myself.

"I want to talk to you." He looked at me seriously.

"Okay fine, what do you want?" I asked.

Our server came, and I was glad it was a guy. If it was another girl, trying to flaunt herself all over him, I swear I would throw up.

After we ordered our food, Mason said," I'm sorry."

"For what? For not taking my help? For ignoring me completely? Or for rejecting me?" I snapped.

I'm actually surprised that he didn't cringe. At all. I thought I sounded pretty harsh.

"For everything." He said.

I gave him a confused look. All he did was smile innocently.

"So are you going to tell me?" I asked.

"Tell you what?"

I gestured at him.

"Oh this." He said, I saw him tense up.

" see....I uh....fell?" He said, sheepishly.

"You know, that's exactly what your brother said last night." I said.

He had this look on his face. Like he was hiding something.

"You met up with my brother, last night?" He asked, clearly trying to avoid the topic.

"Yes, and he was also all bruised up, and had cuts on his face. Now that I think about it, he was a complete mess last night." I explained.

"And he also gave me a lame excuse. I want the truth, Mason." I touched his hand.

"I'm not sure you can handle the truth." He mumbled under his breath.

He looked away.

I just looked at him, being patient.

He took a deep breath, then looked at me.

"Okay, so this is what happened..."
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been writing a chapter everyday xD
well comments are appreciated (: