Status: writer's block.. D':

Everything Happens for a Reason


"What did you just say, Mason." I repeated.

"Uhm, that everything happens for a reason?"

"Did you hear that from someone else? Where did you get that phrase from?" I asked.

"Oh it's a common phrase, everybody says it." Xavier interrupted.

But I didn't believe his excuse.

I looked back at Mason with pleading eyes, "what are you hiding from me?"

"Nothing, what is there to be hidden?"

"Stop answering my questions with questions."

I got up, and walked over to the couch.

"I think you guys need to leave." I nodded towards the door. "I need to think."

I heard Xavier mumble "bye" before he left. I noticed that I only heard one set of feet that walked out the door.

"I said, go." Knowing Mason was still in the room.

"No, I'm not leaving you again." He proclaimed.

"Again?" I turned to look at him.

He walked over and sat beside me. He stared at me, with sea-green eyes of his.

An unexpected thing happened again. I felt that same spark that I always feel when I stare into his eyes. I don't know what has gotten into me lately.

"Im sorry" He said, breaking the silence.

"For what?"

"For before, for being rude, and for not telling you."

"I am so confused, my life has been going down the drain ever since....e-ever since h-he died."

"You mean Ryan?" He asked.

"How did you know?"

"The KK twins had a lot to say." He smiled.

I chuckled, "Yeah, they're big gossipers. It's just, I miss him...soo much."

"I can tell you haven't been sleeping much," he observed.

"That's because I keep having this stupid dream, and it's not letting me sleep."

Once I said the word "dream" I saw him go rigid, and his face was hard.

"What, exactly happens in these dreams?" He looked at me, intently, as if he really wants to know the answer.

"Oh, its the same every night, a replay of t-the n-night, ahem, the night he died" I said, barely getting the words out.

"Is there something else that happens? Something after?"

I didn't want to tell him the truth, but then I also didn't want to lie. So I said something close to the truth. "Nothing, he just kept saying that phrase over and over again, and then darkness." I decided he didn't need to know about the mysterious voice that always whispers to me, beckoning me.

He looked slightly relieved with my response. Now that makes me wonder what if I had said the whole truth, what his reaction would be.

"Do you think he's trying to tell you something?" He wondered.

"That's exactly what Cristel said, but what could he tell me. I always wake up before I finish the whole dream."

"Have you tried talking back?"

"No, the only words that came out of my mouth was the exact same ones from the night of the accident."

"You know, you can control your own dreams." He informed me.

"You can? Isn't that impossible?"

"No, before you sleep, just think about what you want to say. And most likely, you will say it."


It was 10:30, and Mason left about half an hour ago. After he told me that dreams can be controlled, for the first time, I couldn't wait to get to bed.

After patiently waiting the hours to go by, I had said goodbye to Mason.

And just as he opened the door, Cristel was taking out her keys.

"Hey, where were you the whole day?" I asked.

"Ooohhh here and there." She smiled.

"Okay, you did something, either good or bad, you're telling me." I scolded her.

"eeeehhp!!! okaay!!!" She squealed.

So I'm guessing it's a good thing.

"Okay, so I was talking to Laura at Starbucks, and then Xavier walked in."

Once she said Xavier's name, I felt myself tensing up.

"And then we asked him to come and sit with us. Laura left like 10 minutes after, and then we got into a heated up conversation!" She squealed again.

With all the guys that she dated, she's still not used to these situations.

"Heated how?" I asked. My heart beated faster, waiting for her answer.

"We got into a full make-out session!!" She squealed even louder.

"And OMG was he a greeaatt kisser!!! EEEEP, we're going on a date tomorrow!"

Okay, I don't know what's going on with me, but now I'm fully jealous. I was about to blurt out that he was going to kiss me first!

Of course a guy like him would get bored with me.

"Please tell me that's it with the details, I don't want to know what happened during your lip-lock session." I complained.

"hehee, I won't, but I'm just soo happy! He finally asked me out!" She giggled.

"So, what did you do today?" She asked me, while getting up to the kitchen and looking in the fridge.

"Oh, I brought some left over Spinach Pasta with Chicken and Peas If you're hungry. And not much happened to me, Mason came over though." I decided to leave out Xavier and what happened between us.

She took out the take-out box, and put the pasta in a plate, and into the microwave.

"Ooooh, Mason. Did anything interesting happen?" She grinned.

"Ha. Ha. No, he just came to talk, you know, about the dreams I'm having." I explained.

"Oh? And mmm this is good, where did you get it?" She said, stuffing another fork full of pasta in her mouth. Completely changing the subject. Which I didn't mind. There was nothing more to say about what happened

"At that new restaurant on campus. Anyways, I'm beat, I'm going to bed. And don't forget to clean up." I told her.

"G'Night!" She said.

"Good night" I smiled, and then went to bed.

I'm not really tired, I mean I think it's still too early to go to bed, but I wanted to try out Mason's advice.

So before I closed my eyes, I was thinking "who are you, who are you, who are you." I chanting that question over and over again in my head.

Then soon, I fell asleep.

......"Watch out!" I yelled.

Then the time froze. "Everything happens for a reason."

Then the all in famous earsplitting crash.

I was back again to that deep dark abyss.

Who are you, who are you, who are you.

I kept chanting.

"Annabell" That same mysterious voice appeared. That voice, it sounds extremely familiar.

"Annabell" It kept whispering my name.

"Who are you?"

I finally asked.

"Annabell, I'm right here."

I spun around, towards the voice. But all I see is darkness.

"Where are you?" I asked the voice.

"Over here." The voice whispered in my ear. I felt myself shiver, I can feel a presence behind me.

But no matter how much I tried, I couldn't turn around to face him. I struggled as hard as I could, but I was trapped in my place.

"What are you?" I asked.

"You don't know what I am...who I will be" He whispered, his breath on my skin.

"I don't understand, you must tell me. Please." I begged him.

"I-I c-can't, I'm forbidden to." He croaked, barely getting all of the words out of his mouth.

"You can't know, Annabell, I'm only here to protect you"

Then all of a sudden I was released from the trap I was in. I spun around to see who was behind me.

I gasped at the sight of him. He was even more beautiful that before.

I walked closer to him. There was nothing around usbut darkness. I wanted to touch him, be in his arms again. I wanted him to touch me.

As I was walking closer, he also walked closer.

"Protect me from what? How am I in danger?" I walked closer to him, if that was possible, seeing as we were already so close. I held his hands. They felt cold, and rigid.

"From..from him" He staggered back.

I saw a something flickering in the corner of my eye. I looked to my left, and saw another person. But the image wasn't right. It was blurred. Who is him? The image flickered more, but before it disappeared, I saw its eyes. They were green. Bright green, with a hint of blue. Almost like sea-green.

"Just remember," He whispered in my ear for the last time. "I will always be here for you. I love you."

And then he started to fade.

"I love you too..," I managed to whisper, before his image disappeared right before my eyes.


I gasped, opening my eyes, only to see the cold hard ceiling of my room.

I finally figured out that voice belonged to. Finally got to put a face and a body to that voice. Every part of him, I loved so dearly.

That voice...

It was Ryan's.
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you know the drill (:
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