Status: New story, I'm not sure what to think about it. But I will update.

When Love and Death Embrace

Saturday Part One

Almost a week of being impatient had finally ended as I made my way up his driveway heading to his front door. He hadn’t promised to give me the so called ‘tour’ but I hadn’t given him a choice, I was adamant on getting him out of his home. Knocking on the door I waited, not too long though, because before I could even count to ten the door opened revealing his Mom.

“Oh! Hello, uh... Gerard correct?” she smiled warmly.

“Yep, is Frank home?” she frowned.

“I didn’t know he had plans, then again, he never tells me anything. Yes, of course he’s home, come on in hun.” she stepped back letting me step through the doorway.

“His room is the last door on the left upstairs.” I thanked her even though I remembered and took the steps by two.

Scanning the familiar walls the grin on my face only spread when I saw his door. Knocking on it lightly I shoved my hands back in my pockets, only he didn’t answer nearly as quickly as his Mom had. Frowning I knocked again, he still didn’t answer.

“Frank, its me, I’m coming in. You better be decent.” I laughed at the end, turning the door knob I pushed it open and stepped inside the dark room.

“You’re asleep? Seriously?” I flicked on the dim lights and saw him laying on his bed.

The strong urge to lay with him overwhelmed me as I shut his door and made my way over to his side. He was on his back, one arm stretched across his bedding, the other laid across his bare stomach. His sheets were a mess around his legs showing his black boxers. It was sad though, because even in his sleep he had changed. Now he looked restless, his face no longer peaceful. Reaching out with timid fingers I ran them down his warm cheek and sighed. He was broken.

“I love you so much,” I whispered leaning down and kissed the corner of his eye knowing it wouldn’t wake him.

Sitting back up I reluctantly pulled away and looked around his messy room before clearing my throat, I had come here for a reason.

“Up Frank, time to get up,” I stated loudly shaking his shoulder which barely caused him to stir.

“Frank, wake up,” this time I shouted in his ear which did the trick.

Shooting up he gasped, only to see me he frowned.

“What the hell is the matter with you?” he growled punching me in the stomach.

“Its two in the afternoon, its time to wake up. Besides, you’re giving me a tour.” I stated watching his confused face.

“I never told you I would give you a tour. Fuck.... how... how the hell do you even know where I live?” I frowned, I never thought of that.

“My Grandma told me. Now up, you need to get out anyways. Locking yourself up isn’t healthy.” I walked over to his window and opened the blinds causing him to groan and pull his sheets over his head.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your fucking head when you were a kid?” I shrugged.

“Dunno. Now up, besides, its not that bright.” I walked over to his dresser and opened up the drawers pulling out jeans and then made my way over to his closet.

“Seriously? Get out of my shit, I don’t even know you.” he groaned and climbed out of bed walking over to me.

“Well I succeeded in getting you out of bed.” I smirked, which only caused him to roll his eyes and snatch his clothes from my hands.

“Just get out okay? God.” he pushed me towards his bedroom door.

“Ok, but I’m waiting outside, and I’m coming back in in like five minutes. So don’t think about going to sleep.” I stated turning to face him.

“Oh, and don’t think about escaping out your window either.” I smirked grabbing his door and pulled it shut on his bewildered face.

I leaned against the wall with a satisfied smile on my face, waiting patiently. It didn’t take long before his door opened and I peeked my head in.

“You ready?” I walked over and sat down on his bed.

“Almost.” his voice poured out of his bathroom.

“Nice room.” I stated striking up conversation as I looked over the mess on his floor.

“Yeah, thanks,” his voice laced with sarcasm.

“Just trying to be nice, that’s all.” I sighed standing up as he finally stepped out.

“Damn,” I mumbled as my eyes trailed over his tightly clothed body.

“Excuse me?” his tone showed annoyance and it brought my gaze back to his face.

“Uh, nothing.” I stated feeling my face go red.

We fell into silence after that, he stood with his arms crossing his chest, a scowl on his face as he looked everywhere in the room, his eyes not landing on me once. It wasn’t hard to realize that he didn’t want to spend the day with me, or maybe he just didn’t want to spend the day with anyone. Swallowing my embarrassment I walked up to him and grabbed his elbow heading for his door.

“You’re just wasting your day,” he stated pulling himself away from me.

“Why’s that?” I mused as we headed downstairs.

“Because there’s nothing here that’s worth looking at.” he grumbled.

“I told you to surprise me Frank,” I smirked before telling Mrs. Iero goodbye as we headed out the front door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its been a while again.
I know this is a crap update and totally not worth the wait, so I apologize!

Senior papers and speeches have been crazy and I just really haven't had any motivation for any story in particular that I have on here.

But don't worry because I'm not going to just stop with this! I will finish it, I will get you updates. Just don't expect one every week. I wish I had the time and the inspiration for it, because all of you lovely readers deserve it.