Status: Active :D

Sing Me To Sleep


I was coming to, and I didn't know where I was. My head was throbbing, but the burning in my eyes had finally gone away. I could hear voices around me, but yet again they were distant.I could feel someone rubbing my arm and I really wanted to know who it was.

"She'll be fine. She's coming around as we speak" A man said.

My eyes fluttered open and everything was blurry. After blinking for what felt like a few hundread times, I could finally see again. I looked around and saw three people. One was sitting on the couch with me, one sitting in a chair across the room, and the other was standing over me. I instantely recognized two of them. The one sitting in the chair was Rian Dawson, and the one on the couch was Zack Merrick.

"Y- Your Zack Merrick." I said quietly.

He chuckled."Yeah I am."

The other man spoke up. "Jasey, I'm Josh, I work at the first aid tent. You hit your head pretty hard." He simply stated.

"Yeah, I guess I did. I remember what happened, but not fully. Can someone please explain."

Rian spoke up. "Security sucked, so every teenager thought it'd be awesome to jump on stage after we finished playing. What I'm assuming is that a security guard grabbed you, maced you, and then pushed you off stage. Causing you to hit your head and sprain your ankle."

In the middle of his explanation, I realized that my ankle was wrapped and that Josh had left.

"I saw you get pushed off, so I ran over to you and brought you back here. Right after I got you, you had already passed out." Zack said.

"Right, I couldn't see what was going on. I was extremely scared. I was looking for my best friend cause we got separated. I still don't know where she is." I said sadly.

"What does she look like?" Zack asked

"Um, about 5'3' with short brown hair-" I said, getting cut off by Rian.

"Right after you got pushed, a small girl about 5'3' with short dark brown hair with red streaks got pushed off as well, and I helped her back here."

"Oh my God! That's Carlee! Is she okay?!" I exclaimed

"Calm down. She's fine. She only sprained her wrist." Zack said.

"Where is she now?" I asked, looking around the room for my best friend.

"She's with Jack, probably getting killed." Rian chuckled. "I'll go get her."

He got up from the chair and walked out the door. I finally felt good enough to sit up. Zack handed me a bottle of water and two pain killers. Five minutes later, Carlee ran in with her wrist bandaged up.

"Jasey! Are you okay?!" Carlee yelled.

"I guess, I've been better." I shrugged.

"What exactly happened?" She asked.

"Well, I lost you in the crowd on stage. And I started to look for you until a security guard grabbed my arm. He pulled out mace and didn't like how I was acting apparently, so he maced me and pushed me off stage. I hit my head pretty hard on the concrete and apparently sprained my ankle. That's when Zack saw what had happened and ran and got me. After that I guess I passed out and I woke up here." I said,

"Oh God. Yeah, that was hectic. A police officer pulled me out of the crowd and I got pushed off as well." She said.

"Well. Jasey, Carlee, You guys are welcome to hang out here for as long as you like. Your parents won't mind will they?" Zack asked.

It was my turn to chuckle. "We're 19. So, our parents really wouldn't care. Especially since Carlee and I share an apartment." I stated.

"That works. Besides I don't think it's really smart to drive with a head injury. I can go get your car if you want and bring it over here." I nodded my head slowly and then winced in pain. Zack smiled sympithetically but continued. "You can stay with us on our tour bus. You can sleep in my bunk and I'm pretty sure Jack would let Carlee sleep in his." He said.

I looked at Carlee and she was all up for it. I glanced back at Zack. He was insanely cute. How could I say no to that adorable smile.

"Okay. Could you help me though. I don't really know if I'm sturdy enough to walk on my own just yet." I said shyly.

"Sure thing." He said.

Carlee got up off the floor and skipped out the room. I'm assuming she went to the tour bus to go hang out with Jack. Zack got up and pulled me into his arms. We started walking slowly towards the bus.

Once on the bus, he asked me if I needed clothes to change into. I nodded and he got me a black wife beater and grey basketball shorts. He led me to the bathroom and I started to change slowly out of my clothes and into Zack's. Several minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom to find Zack waiting for me to lead me to his bunk. Of course his was the top bunk and I couldn't get to it, so he helped me up there. He told me goodnight and he would see me in the morning.

I laid there just thinking about how eventful today was. I was glad that Zack had found me. Just the thought of him gave me butterlies. I've had the biggest crush on him for I don't know how long now. Tonight he basically rescued me, and now I was in his clothes and his bunk, it was almost like a dream.

The pain killers started to kick in and I started to drift to sleep. Sure I had gotten hurt today, but as of right now I couldn't be any happier. Minutes later, I fell asleep thinking about Zachary Stephen Merrick.
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second update tonight!
on both storys! i'm on a role.
my other story is I Guess I'll Go Home Now.
check it out if your not subscribed/reading it (:

comments are amazing (: