Status: Active :D

Sing Me To Sleep


Within minutes of falling asleep, I was woken up by someone screaming and cursing.

"Who the fuck do they think they are?!" Someone roared. "What asshole sprays kids with fucking mace and then pushes them off stage?"

"Alex, I know you're pissed, but can you please stop yelling?" Zack asked quietly.

"We have two girls on the bus that were attacked. I brought one on and so did Rian." He continued to explain.

I heard someone sigh so I assumed it was Alex."Yeah man, I'm sorry. I'm just so fucking pissed right now." He said calmly.

"I know. We're all pissed off. There was no reason for that. It wasn't the fans fault that security sucked ass." Zack said.

"I know." Alex sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair. "What happened to the girls?"

"Jasey and Carlee. Jasey got maced and then pushed off stage. She hit her head pretty hard, to where she blacked out. She also sprained her ankle. Carlee, Jasey's best friend, was also pushed off, but only sprained her wrist." Zack explained.

"Oh. So why are they on the bus then?" Alex asked.

"Because Zack didn't think that Jasey should drive. So he offered for them to stay with us." Rian said.

Alex turned to look at Zack. "Where are they sleeping?"

"Jasey is sleeping in my bunk and Carlee is sleeping in Jack's." Zack answered.

Alex just nodded. "Well, the curtain to Jack's bunk is open. So Carlee must be with him."

"I think they're outside attempting to make a mini bonfire." Rian said, getting a bottle of water out of the mini fridge.

"Jack would try and kill her on the first night." Alex chuckled.

"Yeah, but the scary thing is, Carlee is just as hyper as Jack. So I'm pretty sure she can dodge the fire." Rian laughed.

I chuckled to myself. I had always thought Carlee and Jack were alike. It's funny how other people see it too. I suddenly wasn't tired anymore. Sure my head was still throbbing but I didn't want to stay in bed anymore. I sat up in bed and let my legs out of the bunk. I let them dangle there for a second, I looked down at the ground and gulped. With a good ankle this would have been easy, but with a sprained one it was going to hurt like a bitch. I breathed in slowly and leaped off the bunk trying to land on my good foot. That didn't work out, when I landed on the floor, with a sharp pain shooting up my leg.

"Shit." I gasped. "That hurt."

"Jasey, are you okay?" Came Zack's concerned voice.

I looked to my left and saw him making his way towards the bunks. When he noticed me standing there he just looked at me."Did you just jump from there?" He asked.

"Um, yeah, I'm not tired anymore." I said.

Zack shook his head and chuckled. “You really should get some sleep.”

Me being my normal stubborn self, I shook me head. “I’m fine Zack. I’m just not tired anymore.” I told him.

“I would feel better if you slept for a little while.”

“I’m fine really.” I looked around the bunk for my best friend. “Where’s Carlee?” I asked, changing the subject.

“She’s outside with Jack.” He answered.

“Why are they outside?”

“They weren’t tired and Jack wanted to build a fire.”

“He wanted to build a fire? Interesting.” I turned and started limping to the front of the bus. “Why don’t we join them?”

Zack shrugged his shoulders and followed me to the door. I stopped just short of the door when I realized there were steps and I probably wouldn’t be able to make it down them by myself. I let out a small squeal when a pair of built arms wrapped around my back and knees.

“Zack, what are you doing?” I demanded.

“You weren’t going down by yourself so I figured you needed help.” He smirked.

God his smirk was so adorable, I could just melt. It was a bit unbelievable what had happened today, it had started off like any other concert day. I was anxious and excited to see my favorite band perform. Carlee and I had gone to dinner like we do before every concert we got to together. My night was complete when All Time Low came on stage and put on a great show. It was a great day, until the end of Dear Maria, Count Me In. That’s when all hell broke loose, fans stormed the stage and security wasn’t able to stop them. That’s when my normal concert night took a turn for the worst. I was maced and pushed off the stage, resulting in me hitting my head so hard I blacked out and received a sprained ankle.

Then my shitty night got a little bit better, I met Zack after he pretty much saved my life and for the second tonight I was in his arms. I have to say that it was a nice place to be. I smiled to myself as Zack pushed open the door while holding me.

We stepped outside and Zack walked me over to Carlee, who was sitting in a circle with Alex, Rian, and Jack. Zack set me down in the empty beach chair next to Carlee and took the box next to me. I looked over at him and he just shrugged his shoulders and I shook my head, turning to face Carlee.

“Hey girly, how is your wrist?” I asked

Carlee laughed and rolled her wrist, showing me that it was in good shape. “How’s your ankle and head?” she asked.

“My head’s good, but my ankle is still messed up.”

Carlee chuckled. “Yeah I noticed.” She sent me a wink and I blushed.

Alex cleared his throat and reached his hand across the empty space between us. “Hi, you must be Jasey? Zack told me what happened and I am so sorry about those assholes.” He said

“It’s not your fault security sucked.” I smiled. “Oh and thanks for letting us stay with you guys.”

“Don’t mention it, we are glad to help. Especially after that fiasco.”

I nodded and looked around the circle of people. Rian was typing away on his phone, Jack was still trying to start the fire, Alex was just kind of sitting there, Carlee was watching Jack, and Zack was looking at me. I turned in my chair to face him.

“Hey,” I said quietly. Zack looked at me and smiled that adorable smirk of his and my heart skipped a beat. “I never did thank you earlier for saving me.” I did something that I never expected myself to do, I kissed his cheek lightly and about died. “Thank you.” I said softly.

Even in the dark I could tell he was blushing. “You’re welcome. It was nothing really.”

“It was something. You saw someone get hurt and instead of going backstage to get away from everything, you jumped in the middle of it to help me. Most singers probably would have turned their backs on people like me.”

“We would never turn our backs on our fans.” He said.

I smiled and turned to watch Jack jump around like an idiot because he got the fire started. I chuckled when Alex stuck his foot out and tripped him and he tumbled to the ground. I was so wrapped up in the two boys fighting that I jumped when Zack placed his hand on my bare shoulder.

“Yes?” I asked, turning to face him again.

“Do you want a blanket or a hoodie? It's starting to get chilly out here.” He asked, standing up.

“Um, yeah sure thanks.” I watched as he disappeared into the bus.

“He likes you you know?” Rian said as soon as Zack was in the bus.

“How do you know that?” I asked, glancing behind me to the door.

“This is probably the most he has spoken to someone he just met. Plus he saved you, brought you on the bus, gave you his bunk, and some clothes.” Alex added with a smile.

“Rian saved Carlee and I know he has a girlfriend.” I shot back. I didn’t like talking about people who liked me, I liked for it to be a surprise. Oh yeah sure finding out that Zack likes me is a huge surprise, but his friends are telling me. That doesn’t count in my book.

“True, but she isn’t staying in my bunk.” Rian said.

“She also isn’t sharing a seat with you.” Alex laughed as Jack flipped him off.

I turned to look at my best friend and sure enough she was sitting on Jack’s lap, wrapped up in his jacket. She had her arm wrapped around his neck and he had his arm snaked around Carlee’s waist and his hand was resting on her hip. I sighed, Carlee had always had more confidence than I did when it came to guys. Here she was sitting on a guys lap and cuddling with him and I was trying to talk to a guy’s friends out of him liking me. Oh how we are different.

The door to the bus slammed shut and Zack walked out wearing shorts and a grey hoodie. He took his seat next to me and handed me a black one. I slipped it on and shivered, I didn’t realize how cold I actually was since the fire was going.

“Oh Jasey, your mom called. I didn’t answer it, but I brought your phone out here for you.” Zack reached into his pocket and pulled out my IPhone.

Oh great, I was going to be in a lot of trouble. I told her about the concert a few days ago, and she probably saw what happened on the news. Guess I better call her now and get this over with.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know i haven't updated in a while.
haven't been very inspired.
my best friend wrote half of this. bahaha.
oh well, enjoy and comment.
