Status: Active :D

Sing Me To Sleep


I sighed and dialed my mom's number, sitting there waiting was just killing me. Until she answered all panicky.

“Jasey Dawn, are you okay? I saw on the news that there was some kind of riot or something at the concert you were at.” Mom said as soon as she answered.

“Mom, breath. I’m fine and so is Carlee. We did get a little banged up but nothing major. We aren’t going home tonight though.”

“Why not?”

“Well I was pushed off stage and hit my head pretty hard. The paramedics and some of the guys from the band said I shouldn’t drive and Carlee forgot her license.”

“So where are you two staying?”

I smiled to myself. “With the boys.”

“What boys?" She asked, a bit alarmed.

“The boys from All Time Low.”

The line went silent and then there was the sound of my mom laughing. “Yeah sure you are. How hard did you hit your head?” She chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, of course she didn’t believe me. “Mom I’m serious. Carlee and I are sitting outside with them right now.”

Jack giggled. “Your mom not believe you are actually with us?”

I shook my head, she could be so stubborn.

“Here,” Alex said, reaching for my phone. “Let me talk to her.”

I giggled as I handed the phone over to Alex. My mom was going to flip when she realized who she was talking to. She had always thought Alex was so adorable.

Alex took my phone and smiled. “Hello Mrs…” He looked at me for the answer.


“Hello Mrs. Michaels. My name is Alex Gaskarth.” He chuckled, mom must have started to freak. “Yes the girls are fine. We just didn’t want Jasey to drive because of the fall she took.” He paused letting my mom speak. “No not at all. They fit right in with us…sure thing. Okay, you too. Bye.” Alex ended the call and handed me my phone.

“What did she say?” I asked.

“She was worried that you were going to get in the way. She also said that she could come get you and get your father to pick up your car, but I told her it was fine if you guys stayed here.”

“So she’s not coming is she?” Zack asked.

Alex chuckled,” No dude she not.”

I looked at Zack with a raised eyebrow and he looked away, blushing. That’s twice I made the boy blush and I wanted to do it again because he was really cute when he blushed.

“So Jasey, tell us a little about yourself.” Rian said.

“Well what would you like to know?” I asked

“Are you in school?” Jack asked.

“Um, night courses online. I work at a daycare during the day. “

“Do you like your job?” Alex asked.

“Love it.” I smiled. “Working with kids has always been a dream of mine.”

“Living the dream…nice.” Rian smiled and I nodded in agreement.

“How did you and Carlee meet?” Zack asked.

“We met in our computer class my junior year and her sophomore year. We started talking and have been best friends ever since.” I smiled at Carlee when she gave me the heart we give each other randomly.

I'm glad Carlee was with me tonight. If she wasn't, I knew she definitely wouldn't have believed any of this, either that or she would have said "I hate you." over and over again.
♠ ♠ ♠
second update tonight. (:
my best friend wrote this whole chapter. bahaha. i wrote the last little paragraph.
i feel so proud xD

so Carlee, has my personality, which is bubbly, entergetic, hyper, happy, confident, outgoing, and i'm NOT shy at all.

and Jasey, is just like my best friend Larisa. She's shy, also hyper (but when i make her hyper), happy, confident with some things, outgoing, philly attitude *rolls eyes*.

anywho. that's how it's gunna be in the story. soo yeahh. i just wanted to let ya'll know.

enjoy and comment <33.