Teen Titans and the People of the Settlement

Info and Chapter One

Character One-

Name- Yukino.

Age- 16.

Looks- Short grey-ish, purple hair. Bright blue eyes. Average body with some muscles.

Bio- She grew up in a small settlement of people. She lives her best friend in an abandoned building. Everybody in the settlement have powers or are part animal.

Clothes- tight tank top, black cargo-pants. Sometimes basketball shorts.

Powers- she can control electricity, electronics and can build anything. She is like a mini-IronMan except she does not have a fake heart. She does have an automail arm.

Character Two-

Name- E.V.

Age- 16

Looks- Crimson hair. Blue-grey eyes. Pale skin. Can see better in dimlight than daylight.

Bio- She is a ragedy girl wearing a purple shaw and tanish colored dress with a semi-dirty apron. She lives in the same place as Yukino. She is an expert with explosives and fire but also has the hidden ability of copying another's power or ability.

Character Three-

Name- Synge

Age- 8

Looks- a dragon child. Black charcoal eyes and blazing red/orange hair.

Bio- One of the children in a brigade to gather food. Excitable, playful, and protecting. Seems hostile at first. He's a hot head.


Yukino is the leader of the brigade. Even though Yukino and E.V. are best friends, they are different. Like Yin and Yang. E.V. does not agree with the brigade but understands that they need supplies. They both like to fight. Synge sees Yukino as an older sister and E.V. as a mother figure. Most of the people in the settlement are blind, because they are always in the dark.

Chapter One

For years people have been wondering what as been under the ground. People's answers are always different. Sewers, dirt, and even an alligator. What people don't know is that there is a settlement with people who have powers or are part animal. Some of the people have never seen light before in their lives, so they are blind. I'm Yukino and this is my story of how I met the Teen Titans.

*Jump City. Night time.*

It's quiet and nice at night time. Everybody sound asleep. Children tucked in bed. But, not everybody is asleep. Through the darkness we see movement. Children from the ages 7 to 16 are wondering the streets looking for something to eat. They are led by teenage girl of the age of 16. She looks like just any other teen except something seems off. She is on the short side wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with a black tank top over it. Black cargo pants adorn her body and tennis shoes on her feet.

They walk up to a grocery store and the girl puts her index finger on the lock, disengaging the lock and alarm system. The doors burst open and the teenage girl speaks.

"Get enough food that can carry and meet outside. If caught run."

All of the children spread out and grabbing all kinds of food. A young boy, who is half-dragon, half-boy, stays by the girl's side.

"Why don't you go get something, Synge?" asks the girl.

"Cause, I want to stay by you, Yuki," the boy, Synge, says.

Yukino smiles warmly at Synge and ruffles his hair. Synge scowls and glares at Yukino.

*Twenty minutes later*

The children were almost done and they would have been done if it wasn't for what happened next. All of a sudden five teens come running into the store. All of the children ran and escaped back to the settlement, except for Synge and Yukino that is. Yukino stood in front of the five teens, analyzing them. There was a boy about the age of 14 who had green skin and grey, purple and black suit. The next oldest, about 15, was a girl with red hair and purple and grey suit and she was floating in mid air. The next one was another girl that was about 15 and was wearing a black leotard with a dark blue cap and hood. The next one was a boy who looked about 16 and had black hair and was wearing a mask and a yellow, green, and red suit. The last one was a dark skinned boy that looked 16 and was part robot, part boy, also none as a Cyborg.

Yukino and Synge ran at the five and flipped or jumped over them and ran away. What they failed to notice was that Synge had stolen a little round thingie that was the Teen Titans' communicator.

*With the Titans*

The Titans were stunned and felt defeated. As they were on their way to the Titan Tower, which was a giant building that was shaped as a T, they didn't notice that Cyborg's communicator had been stolen by the little boy until the next morning. They had a feeling that was not the last time they see the children.
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