The Artist

Info and Chapter One through Three

Name-Allie, Age-30, Name Known For-The Artist or Der Künstler
Looks-long ginger hair, green eyes.
Bio-You'll find out. It's pretty gory.
~Chapter One~
(Aldo Raine's POV)
We pulled up to the warehouse that held a person by the name of "The Artist." This person killed more Nazis than the Basterds have. When we go out someone screamed something in german.
"Wicki, ask them if they speak english."
He spoke to the person in the warehouse."Yeah!" Said someone with a Texan accent. "You American?"
"Yes, sir"
"Well, I know I ain't no sir." When they came out I am in shock. It was a girl.
Allie's POV
I came out and looked around. One of the men looked familar. He looked like Smithson Utivich, my cousin.
"Can I help you, men?"I ask.
"Yeah, we are looking for "The Artist""
"Your're looking at her"
"Yeah, I'm her. I know you were expecting a man," I said to the men."But I can do anything a man or boy can do."
"Yeah, what I wanna know, is why do they call you 'The Artist',"said the leader.
"Well, first what're names?"
"I'm Lt. Aldo Raine. That's Sgt. Donny Donowitz, Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz, Cpl. Wilhelm Wicki, Pfc. Smithson Utivich-"
"Smithson?"I asked the man.
"Yeah?" I guess he didn't remember me.
"I would of hoped you would remember your cousin, Allie"
His eyes widened as he said, "Allie?What are you doing here?"
"Been here for a long while,"I said to him. "Please continue Lt."
"Thank you. As I was saying, that's Pfc. Omar Ulmer, PFC Hirschberg, PFC Andy Kagan, PFC Michael Zimmerman, andPFC. Simon Sakowitz. Now, who are you?" continued Aldo.
"Me? I'm Allie Witzdie. Or also 'The Artist'. They call me The Artist, because you can't see it but all over my arms and back are words tattooed onto my skin. I was captured during the first year of the war. For two years the Nazis tattooed German words onto my skin as they tortured me in any way you can think of. So, now when I kill my Nazis, I tattoo words from the Jewish Bible onto their skin." I explained.
"That's creative," the one with the bat. I assumed he was th Bear Jew or as Aldo had said Donny Donowitz.
"Why,thank you!"I said cheerfully."Would you like to come in. I'm just about to interagate a Nazi?"
"Yes ma'am." They walked in with me behind them."So, you can either watch or go exploring around the place. Which ever is okay with me."
They all stayed. Some leaned against the wall or sat on the floor.
There was a little table by the far wall with two chairs, one on each side. One chair had a man about 30 or 31 straped to the chair. He had the normal German SS Officers' clothes. I walk forward and sit casualy in the open chair.
"Ich möchte wissen, wann die nächste Quad, dass von hier kommt."(I want to know what the next quad that comes by here.)
"Ich möchte wissen, wann die nächste Quad, dass von hier kommt."(I want to know when the next quad that comes by here.)
"Wenn Sie mir nicht sagst, wann, wie viele, wo, und die Waffen der nächsten Quad hat, ich werde durch das Abschneiden Ringfinger zu starten."(If you don't tell me when, how many, where, and the weapons the next quad has; I will start by cutting off your ring finger.)
"Ich werde nie sagen, eine Hure wie Sie."(I will never tell a whore like you.)
I cocked my head to the side and said,"Falsche Antwort."(Wrong answer)
Within 30 seconds I had my hunting knife and had cut his left ring finger where a wedding band was located.
"Jetzt willst du mir sagen."(Now, are you going to tell me.)
I was getting pissed so, next came the right ring finger.
"Wenn Sie mir nicht sagen, ich werde deine Hand abgeschnitten."(If you don't tell me I am going to cut off your hand.)
"Fuck you."
"Das hättest du nicht gesagt."(You should not have said that.)
I take my 9mm hand gun and just shoot him in the head. I noticed while we were talking Wicki was translating everything I said. Next I walk to my supplies and get my stuff ready to do my work. I start with his arms and then move on to his back. Next I take the officers medals and badges. I did this all with an emotionless face.
"Hmm...Very impressive, Allie," said Aldo.
"Thank you." I put up my stuff and clean my hands. "So, do you fine gentlemen want something to eat or drink?"
After the men got their food and drink, we were just sitting around the table in another room. They were telling about the places where they were from. Donny was from Boston, Hugo was from Germany and an ex-Nazi(killed 13 Gestapo), Raine was from Tennesse, and I already knew where Smithson was from.
"What about you? What's yer story?" asked Aldo.
"Well, I was born and raised in Texas until I was about 20. Then I moved to Australia for about five years. Then I came to France. As I said, I was captured and tortured for the first two years of the war. I was raped a couple of times. After one guy got done torturing me he left a weapon. A 44m was laying on the floor. So when the guy came back, I shot him. There were two gaurds so I shot them. Then, I found a machine gun. There was at least 20 men there. By the time they were getting their guns ready, I had already shot them. I went and checked to see if they were anymore and there weren't. I got a truck with a tank full of gas and loaded it with weapons, gas, and food. I drove for about six hours and found this place. I have taken one Contentration Camp and saved quite a few Jews. It was only a small one, though. And that's my story."
"Well, ain't that a story" said Raine.
"Yep. Now, I want to know what you are doing here?"
"Well, we came here to get you. To see if you wanted to become a Basterd. What do ya say?"
I started to think about it. I think I should.
"Yeah, sure. Why not?"
The guys started to cheer and pat me on the back. "Welcome to the Basterds, Allie."
After that we started to talk. Some of them started to get tired so I showed them where they could sleep. Only a few were awake. They were sitting by the fire place in the den. I went into, what I consider, the kitchen. I got some rum out of my little closet.
"Whatcha doin'?" somebody said from behind me. I snapped around. It was Aldo.
"Just getting some rum. Do ya want some?"
"Yeah." I got him a glass and we sat down at the table. We were quiet with only a few words here and there. After that we went and sat in the den. Some of the guys were awake, because they keep watch. Slowly I started to fall asleep.
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