Sleep All Day! Party All Night!

Become One of Us

Name- Jag Emerson
Age- 17
D.O.B.-October 31
Family- Her mom and dad are just divorced. Brother; Sam, and Micheal. She and her family are moving in with her Grandpa.
Looks- Look at the picture. eyes change color with mood.
Hobbies- working on her motorcycle, reading, writing, playing with her brothers, drawing, listening and playing music.
Other- Been half-vamp for five years. Her canines are a little longer than normal.
Chapter One-The Boardwalk
Beautiful music was playing at the merry-go-round. I got on and sat side saddle on a black stallion with gold and white triming. As I was looking around, I caught scent of four boys around my age. One had dark brown hair with brown eyes. He looked Indian or Mexican. He wore a leather jacket with no shirt and black jeans and boots. Another had a mullet of blonde, almost white, hair and crystal blue eyes. He an aura of pride and respect. Another had long curly blonde hair with dark blue eyes. He had a Cheshire Cat grin. The last was another blonde with laughing eyes. He looked like he just walked out of a Twisted Sister music video. One look at them and I knew they were vampires. I liked all of them.
They haven't seen me yet so I could leave. It is kind ofbad to be on another vampire's territory. Since I'm only half it doesn't matter. As I passed them, they seemed to freeze. I took a glance over my shoulder and saw them looking right at me. I smirked and winked at them. I then turned back and kept walking. I was soon at the beach and decided now would be a good time to party. I had about two beers and started to leave. One guy started to follow me. I made my mind to become a full vampire. Once we got far enough away from everybody, I turned to him and looked around to make sure we were alone. I looked at him and jumped him and torn into his neck.
Once I was done, I turned around. I froze when I saw the four guys from the merry-go-round.
"Who are you?" the one with the mullet asked. I guess he was the leader.
"Jag," I simply stated."You?"
"I'm David, that's Marko" points to curly blonde, "thats Dwayne," points to the brownheaded, "and Paul." points to the Twisted Sister.
They started asking me questions about me and where I live. When they found out I lived in the outskirts of Santa Carla, they wanted me to live with them.
"Okay, just let me get my bike."
We rode until we came to a girl with a little boy about eight. She got on behind David and the little boy got on behind Dwayne. I saw Micheal looking at the girl like a person who just saw the sun for the first time. Just as I was going to follow the boys, Micheal saw me.
"Jag, what are you doing? Mom's gonna kill you!"
"I'm staying with them for a while Mikey. And no she's not cause she is not going to find out."
Then I left.
Chapter Two
While I was riding, I started to notice that we were going into part of the forest. I looked up toward the sky and closed my eyes. It was like I was flying. I looked in front of me and started to pay attention to where we were going. We were coming up to a cliff and they weren’t stopping so I didn’t stop. As we were coming up to the cliff, I started getting ready to jump off. I slowed down and my bike came to a stop just at the cliffs point. I cut off the engine and got off.

“Come on, Jag. We’ll show you the Cave,” said David. I followed them down a few rocks and into a tunnel. When it opened up, there was a big fountain in the middle. There were three beds with a long see through screen around them. Couches around the place and a picture of Jim Morrison on the wall. There was a desk that looked like it was in a hotel once. “This was the hottest resort in Santa Carla about eighty years ago. To bad they built it right on top of a fault. In 1906, when the big one hit San Francisco, the ground opened up and this place took a header into the crack. Now it’s ours.”

He said it like it was repeated many times. I wondered if it was with how many years he could have lived.

“So, why did ya come to The Murder Capital of the World?” asked Marko.

“Oh, my mom and dad got a divorce and she got custody of me and my brothers.”

“How were you turned?” asked Paul.
“Well, when I was twelve, my mom and dad were always fighting. One night I decided that I would run a away. I only got like two or three miles before I found an abandoned mental hospital. There I met Ry, Dory, Benni, and James. James was the leader and had a thing for helping little kids. I stayed with them for around three months. There was this other group that was always trying to cause trouble. So, as me and the boys were walking down the street, looking for something to eat for the guys, the other group wanted to take James and the boys down since our group was the best in the region. It started out as a little battle then it became an all out war. As they were fighting, Dory was trying to protect me. When I got hit a little Dory lost his concentration on the task at hand and was killed. Next, went Ry. He was going to get a guy when another came behind and killed him. Then went Benni. Bennni tried to run but the leader had already tore Benni’s head off. Last, was James. Before he could do anything, he looked at me and the look in his eyes told me to run. And run I did. I ran all the way home. I was different, but my family didn’t really notice. And that’s me story.”

The boys were quiet for a while. The look in their eyes said it all. They were sad, angry, and most of all sympathetic.

“Whoa,” they all said together.

“Yeah,” I signed.

It was silent until the boys went back to their normal self. I noticed the little boy sat next to Dwayne. The girl sat away from everybody else. I walked to sit on the other side of Dwayne. The boy was looking at me curiously with his head cocked to one side like a puppy. He was so cute.

“Hi,” I said with a warm smile. “I’m Jag.”

“Hi,” he said with a shy smile and blush. “I’m Laddie.”

I looked to Dwayne and smiled at him. He blushed a little too. I raised an eyebrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
My picture of her is not working right know. I will find it.