Sequel: Do I Stay Or Do I Go?
Status: Deciding between updating or making a sequal.

The runaway

Running away

"Come on Shay help us bring in the boxes." My adoptive mother Alison, said as she brought in another box into our, I mean there new house.
Right now I was lying on one of our, I mean there couches that the movers brought into the house.

"Fine." I mumbled as I got up from my lying position and walked over to the truck that held a few boxes. I looked at it and read 'basement' and picked it up and headed towards the basement of the house. The box was kinda heavy so I had to hold onto it with two hands and walk very carefully.

I was half way down when my puppy Bullet ran down the stairs and made me drop the box as I tried to grab the railing for support.

I watched helplessly as the box fell to the ground with a loud thump and watched as my old baby things fell to the ground and spilled out on the ground.

"Shit!" I said out loud, but quiet enough so that Alison and Drake couldn't hear me. I rushed down the stairs and started to pick things up.

I picked up my old baby blanket that my real mother gave me, I also picked up some of my old baby toys, but I wasn't expecting to find a picture.
Looking at the picture I saw a young couple, The man had dark black hair and hazel eyes. Then the Woman, who was shorter then the man, has brown hair and brown eyes. They looked happy in the picture. Me being stupid looked at the back of the picture to see if there was anything written on it, an there was. It said Huntington, then the little note under it said 'We love you baby girl.'.

I tucked the picture into my jean's pocket and picked the box back up, I could study the picture later, right now I need to put the box somewhere else and get Bullet to stop peeing on the other boxes.

"Bad dog." I scolded Bullet as I walk to the far end of the wall and set the box down.

"Your ten weeks old, you should know not to pee in the house." I said out loud as I walk over to where Bullet was and picked her up. Bullet was a Shiba Inu and she has beautiful black and tan and white markings. She's my baby.

Holding Bullet close to my chest I started to walk up the stairs and headed to their backyard. "Now go finish your business." I told Bullet before I put her down and closed the glass door.

"Dinners ready." I heard Alison say from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I shouted back to her.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw Alison had set the table and set our plates out. Drake and Alison were sitting together, so I sat across from them.
We ate in silence.

"Alison, Drake?" I asked as I set my fork down, I don't know why I'm going to ask them, there probably gonna try to take the picture away from me.

"Yes Shay?" Drake asked for the both of them.

"Who are they?" I asked them as I pulled out the picture. They just seemed to stare at it, then they started to mumble to each other.

As I put the picture back into my pocket Alison sighed as she looked at me again.

"There your birth parents, they were both sixteen at the time you were born."

The rest of dinner was spent in silence. The rest of the time I just thought of what it'd be like to be with my real parents.


I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling of my bedroom. 'I don't know what to do' I thought as I turned my head side ways and looked at Bullet who was asleep in her crate.

So many things were rushing through my mind at one time.

I sighed heavily as I stood up from my spot on my bed and started to grab a few changes of clothes, a blanket and I'll need to go down stairs to get the things I don't have in my room.
'I'm running away' I thought as I silently opened my bedroom door and walk out.

I only stepped on two squeaky floor boards as I entered the kitchen, being as quiet as I could I went to the pantry and grabbed something light for me to eat, a water bottle for Bullet and I to share, puppy food and Bullet's dog leash.

'Oh a blanket!' I thought as I passed by the hall closet and grabbed a thin blanket to help keep me warm.

I walked quietly back into my room and put all of the things into my backpack, it was going to be heavy, but that was OK.

After I packed everything I walked over to the night stand next to my bed and opened the drawer, inside held a white envelope that held around two hundred dollars in it. 'This should help us.' I thought as I stuffed it into my jean pockets.

Quickly and silently I pulled out Bullet's dog leash and hooked it onto her collar.

Since it would be to noisy if she walked I picked her up and off we headed. I walked out of the house silently and made my way down the drive way. It was a little cold out but that was OK, I had on my favorite hoodie.

"Huntington, here we come." I mumbled silently as we made our way down the street.
♠ ♠ ♠
in her backpack

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