Sequel: Do I Stay Or Do I Go?
Status: Deciding between updating or making a sequal.

The runaway

Meet Dane

I have no idea how long I've been walking. All I know it that my legs hurt and I have to pee really bad. An it doesn't help that Bullet is now walking and is peeing on trees, lucky dog.

The sun was starting to rise in the horizon, it was a pretty sight, but the horizon meant that Drake and Alison would be getting up and going to work soon.'I need to hurry.' I thought as I started to walk a little faster, poor Bullet had to run to keep up with me.

"You are now leaving,La Quinta." I read on the sign that was ahead of us. "Welcome to the desert." I said as I looked at Bullet, who was yet again peeing in a shrub.

We started to walk again, each time I look behind myself I could see that the city Alison and Drake moved to was getting smaller, good riddance.


From what my phone says, it's nine forty-five am, which also means that I've been awake for twenty-four hours.

I kept walking with Bullet in my arms, the backpack I have on is starting to feel like it's packed with rocks.

Thankfully I spotted a tree in the distance, it looked half dead, but it should produce some shade. Slowly I walk over to it and I was right it produced some shade.

I practically collapsed in the small bit of shade. It felt so good since I was walking in over a hundred degrees weather. I could only imagine what it was like for Bullet since she's mostly black.

"Come here Bullet." I said as I pulled out the small water bottle from my backpack. Slowly I unscrewed the cap and poured a small bit of water into it and gave it to Bullet to drink, while I took some small sips from the bottle.
Once Bullet was done drinking I poured the remaining bit back into the water bottle, even though it's gross.

"Are you hungry girl?" I asked Bullet as I put away the water bottle and grabbed a small handful of puppy food for Bullet to eat. While Bullet ate her puppy food I ate some of the goldfish I brought with me.

When I was a little full I put the goldfish crackers back into my backpack as well as Bullet's puppy food.

I checked my phone again, it's now eleven o'clock in the morning. "I think we should sleep until sundown." I said out loud as I looked at Bullet who was already asleep on my stomach. I grabbed a hold of Bullet's leash and tied it to my arm, so that she wouldn't stray to far while I slept.

It felt amazing when I laid down and closed my hazel eyes. The exhaustion of walking finally felt like it was easing as I fell a sleep.

Unfortunately I didn't sleep to long, because I was having my nose chewed on and licked by Bullet who was wide awake. As I sat up, I noticed why Bullet woke me up. My cell phone was ringing, I only knew it was ringing because I could hear simple plan's song shut up playing.

I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Alison.

"Hello?" I said when I hit except call.

"You little brat. Where the hell are you?" Alison yelled into the phone. 'Wow she's in a pleasant mood.' I thought as I thought of what to say.

"I'm in no where you should be concerned with." I said then hung up my phone.

I have always hatted Alison and her annoying husband Drake. They always yelled at me for the stupidest things. Like when I accidentally closed the front door to hard.

I looked around and saw that the sun was going down, checking my phone for what felt like the twentieth time today, I saw that it was seven o'clock in the afternoon.

"We should keep going." I said as I stood up and dusted off some dirt that was on my pants. I zipped up my hoodie, threw my backpack onto my back and held onto Bullet's leash.

Bullet and I only walked a good mile and a half when we heard a car engine behind us. I turned around and saw a nice blue car and it was pulling over.

"Hey." Said the guy who was driving the car once he got next to us.

"Um hi?" I asked more then said as I bent down to pick up Bullet.

"What are you doing in the desert?" He asked me.

I stopped walking and the guy stopped his car. "I'm going to find my birth parents. Whats it to you?" I asked. Standing right next to the mans car let me get a good look at him. He was young, no more then twenty and he had blond hair as well as brown eyes.

"Well I thought you'd like a ride in a nice air conditioned car." The man said and smiled at me.

"Sorry I don't except rides from strangers." I said as I turned around to start walking.

"Well my name's Dane, I'm nineteen and I'm going to collage to become a teacher. What's your name?" The guy I now know as Dane said.

"I'm shay and this is Bullet." I said giving up on ignoring this guy. He seemed pretty nice.

"Nice to meet you. Now do you want me to give you a lift "

I sighed giving up, this guy is really persistent. "Fine." I said. The gut smiled and unlocked his doors as I walk to the other side of his car. Once I put my backpack on the floor in front of me, I sat down in the front passenger seat.

"Where are you heading?" Dane asked me as he started to drive.

"I'm heading to Huntington." I told him as I held Bullet of my lap and looked out the window.

Dane seemed to contemplate my answer."Well that's a LONG ways away and it's out of my way, But I can take you to Winchester, is that alright?"

"Yeah, as long as it brings me closer to my destination." I told Dane as I continued to look out the window.
♠ ♠ ♠
I guess three is close enough.


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