Sequel: Do I Stay Or Do I Go?
Status: Deciding between updating or making a sequal.

The runaway

Two days

Two days

I've been with Dane for two whole days, which means I've runaway from Alison and Drake's house three days ago. I must say Dane is a really nice guy. But unfortunately we arrived in Winchester last night.

I woke up in the motel room Dane got for us to share. He was laying on the bed next to mine and Bullet laid on my bed next to me.

'Today will be the first day in three days that I got to take an actual shower.' I thought as I slowly got out of the old and uncomfortable bed and walked over to my backpack to get out clean clothes.

Being a little paranoid I picked up the now awake Bullet and brought her into the small bathroom with me. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed some of the news paper that talked about weather and set it down on the ground next to the toilet, just in case Bullet needed to go to the restroom.

Once I made sure Bullet was situated in the bathroom I locked the door and hopped into the warm shower water. it felt good to have the grime that was piled on my skin be washed away by the good smelling soap that the motel had provided.

Once I thought my hair was shampoo free I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel.

Once I got dressed I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to comb the knots out of my wet hair. But that seemed to get me annoyed because my fingers kept getting stuck. "I should of bought a comb." I mumbled to my self as I bent down and picked up the soiled newspaper and threw it away.

When I opened the bathroom door I didn't see Dane anywhere in the room.

"He must of left already." I said as I walked over to my backpack and put away the clothes I changed out of. "I'll need to buy myself some more food." I mumbled once I saw that my Goldfish bag only held about five goldfish left.

"Your leaving?" I heard someone ask behind me. I turned around and saw Dane standing by the door a white envelope in his hands.

"Yeah I thought it's about time I got out of your hair." I told him as I uncoiled Bullet's leash and clipped it onto her collar.

"Then here, I got this for you." Dane said as he closed the room's door and handed me the envelope. "What's in it?" I asked as I opened it.

"It's a bus ticket to pay for a ride from Winchester bus port to Laguna Beach bus port." Dane explained as I looked at the ticket. "And what's this?" I asked as I looked at what looked like a dog tag, but it only said Bullet(Pass tag) on it.

"That's so that you can have Bullet with you on the bus" Dane explained again as he hooked the temporary tag onto Bullet's collar.

"Dane you really didn't need to do all of this-" Dane cut me off mid sentence.

"If I didn't you'd be walking in the desert for five days straight to get to your destination. Now just say thank you and give me a goodbye hug" Dane said as he opened his arms for me to hug him.

I put on my backpack and stuffed the ticket into my pocket as I walked over to Dane "Thank you." I said as I hugged him.

When I pulled away I smiled at him, then left the room.

"Winchester is a old fashioned city." I said out loud. Right now I was walking down the street, with Bullet in my arms. I didn't want her walking around in a city because she's really small and I don't want her getting stepped on and injured.

"It's approximately ten thirty something and our bus doesn't leave til eleven thirty, so we have some time to find me something to eat." I said as I walked into a gas station to buy some chips and another bottle of water.

The gas station was pretty fancy I guess you could say. The wall were white and the idles were kept really clean.
I went to the snack food isle first and grabbed two ninety-nine cent bags of Cheetos's. Then I went and grabbed a bottle of water.

As I went to the counter to pay I saw a SUV pull up out side but decided to ignore it.

"That's going to be three fifty." The clerk said and I handed her a ten.
Once she gave me my change I thanked her and left the gas station. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl with bright blond hair standing next to a really tall and buff looking guy.

They looked like an odd couple, but who was I to judge.


I was sitting on the bus with Bullet on my lap, we only have two more minutes to wait til the bus leaves. And I'm starting to get exited about finding my birth parents.

One thought has been nagging me though 'What if they don't want me?'

I was jerked forward a little bit as the buss finally started to leave the port.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got my four comments, so here. I three or four more comments til the next chapter.

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Could someone make me a banner?

Bus ports are real things!

Just so you guy's know Winchester and Laguna Beach are real places.