Sequel: Do I Stay Or Do I Go?
Status: Deciding between updating or making a sequal.

The runaway


I must have fallen asleep because one minute I see the sign that says were getting onto the highway, then I'm being shaken by Brit.

"Were in Huntington, Bree wake up before I smack you." Brit said as she flicked my nose

"Ouch." I said as I opened my eyes and rubbed the crusty feeling from my eyes. Looking down I saw that Bullet was Chewing on her leash. "Stop that." I said as I tapped her nose and picked her up.

"We still have a journey ahead of us and I can't do anything with you, if you chew through your leash." I said as I started to get out of the car.

"Now you need to take care of your self." Brit said as she gave me a good bye hug. "I will I promise. Bye." I said as I pulled away.

"Bye kid." Brit said, then she got into her car and drove away.

"Now what should we do?" I said as I help Bullet close to my chest and started to walk down the side walk.

"Wow it's-" I stopped myself when I opened my phone and checked my phone. "Two in the afternoon." I said to myself.

Huntington is beautiful, they have cool looking buildings on one side and on the other there there was the ocean. It was a perfect place to live, if you had the money.


I've been walking around Huntington for two hours and I still have no clues. No ones seen the people in the picture I have. It's like my parents never existed and I was born out of thin air.

Right now I was sitting in a park, with a vanilla ice cream Cone in my right hand and Bullet's leash in my other hand. "What are we going to do? It's like my parents never existed." I said as I licked the sweet ice cream that was starting to melt in the California heat.

Looking down I saw that Bullet chewed through her leash. "What the hell." I said as I lifted the broken peace. "Why'd you do this." I said as I looked down at where Bullet last was, which was right next to me.

"Where'd you go?" I said when I didn't see her. "Bullet!" I yelled out as I started to search for her. I spent a good half hour looking for her, before I spotted her running towards a street.

"NO!" I shouted as I ran after her. If she got hit, she could die because of her small size, her head could be cracked in half.

"Bullet, Come here." I started to panic even more when I saw a bid Jeep turn the corner and head our way. It was gaining speed, but so was I.

It seemed like a split second, I was able to catch Bullet and cover her with my body. I heard screeching tires then allot of pain in my left side as I started to tumble a few paces away from the car that almost killed Bullet.

I was able to sit up with a little difficulty. My arm hurt like hell and my head hurt too. But on the brighter side, Bullet wasn't hurt.

"What the hell kid." A deep voice said as a tall and strong looking guy and a bright blond lady came out of the jeep.

"Are you alright?" The blond lady asked as she came over to me and started to look at my 'wounds.' "Your head's bleeding." The girl said as she took off her short sleeved hoodie, she started to put it towards my head but I pulled away.

"I'm fine really." I said, even though I felt faint.

"No your not. Matt we need to take her to the hospital." The blond haired girl said as she turned her head and looked at the tall and buff looking guy, who must be Matt because he nodded his head in agreement.

"Need help getting up?" The lady asked me.

"No I'm fine. But what an I going to do with my dog? her leash is broken." I said as I used my right arm to hold onto Bullet.

"Here I'll take her." The lady said as she picked up bullet.

"Thank you." I said as I used my right arm to help me stand up. I kept my left arm close to mt chest, it hurt a lot.

The lady introduced herself as Val and she helped me into the back seat of there jeep.
The ride to the hospital was a blurr to me because my head started to feel like it was being smashed by bricks. We were half way there from what I remember Val saying, then I blacked out.
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Sorry for the shortness and the wait. Here you go, you all got your Matt chapter :)

Matt and Val