Sequel: Do I Stay Or Do I Go?
Status: Deciding between updating or making a sequal.

The runaway



That was the noise that I woke up to. I was in a bland hospital room. The walls and floor were white and the only thing with an actual color on it was a stool in the corner of the room that was the color of wood.

I looked to the side of me and saw that my backpack was on a chair next to me. So I grabbed it and started to search for my picture. Once I found it I tried to use my arm to grab my back pack, so that I could put it onto the ground. But I couldn't move it.

"What the fuck." I said as I started to panic. My whole right arm was in a cast.
I started to hear my heart monitor going off and I turned to the door of the room as a doctor and nurse came rushing into my room.

I watched as the doctor and the nurse ignored me and went on checking the machines I was hooked up to.

"Will one one you tell me what the fuck is going on?" I asked a little louder then I should have.

Finally the doctor turns to look at me. He was one of those old dudes that refused to retire from his job.

"Well Miss. Sanders you fractured your humerus and you sprained your wrist. You also have a mild concussion." The doctor said as he looked at his clip board, then started to walk out of the room. "I'll go get your visitors."

"But-wait." I didn't even get to correct the old guy on my name. "Crazy old bat." I mumbled as I laid down in the hospital bed. I still had my parents picture in my hand, so I looked at it as I waited for my supposed visitors.

"How are you feeling." The blond lady, I think her name was Val said as she came over and sat besides me.

I flipped my picture down as I placed it on the side of the bed. I didn't notice it fall off the bed or the big guy that I didn't know the name of picking it up.

"I'm doing OK. But I'm still confused." I said.

Val was about to say something else, but the big buff looking guy interrupted her. "Val can I talk to her? Alone?" The guy asked. Val nodded as she stood up from where she was sitting and walked out the door.

The gruff guy walked over to the door and closed it. Which made me kinda nervous.

"Where did you get this?" The guy asked as he showed me the picture of my parents.

"I found it in a box of my baby things." I told him the truth and I think if I lied to him, he'd have the power to kill me.

"Fuck." The guy said as he sat in the chair next to my bed and pinched the bridge of his nose. I'm guessing he's mad at me for some reason.

"Whats your first and middle name's?" He asked. I raised my right eye brow 'How did he know I have two middle names?' I thought.

"Brielle Shiloh Michelle. How do you know I have two middle names" This guy was really freaking me out.

"Shit. Brian's going to kill me." The guy said as he started to rub his temples.

"OK, why are you so interested in me all of a sudden and why the fuck is this Brian guy going to kill you?" I asked. I was really loosing my patience with this guy.

"Because I'm your uncle and Brian is your dad." The guy said as he finally looked at me. "I need to go make a few phone calls." The guy said as he stood up and walked out of the room.

"I'm so confused." I said as I laid on the UN-comfortable hospital bed and rested my sore eyes.
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Sorry it's so late, I've had writers block for a while now. Please comment on this chapter and please subscribe.

Oh and check this story out. It's a fantasy A7X story. Two worlds

A7X's new CD is amazing!!!!