Sequel: Do I Stay Or Do I Go?
Status: Deciding between updating or making a sequal.

The runaway


Matt's POV

After getting a few punches in the stomach. A punch to the side of my face and a kick to my groin, we finally got Brian to settle down. But when he settled down, Michelle came out and smacked me.
'I deserved it, I guess.'

Anyway, we finally got them to come to the hospital. They were still hesitant, so they had a DNA test done and that's what are waiting for now.

"What are you guys going to do if she is your kid?" Johnny asked, since he was sitting next to Brian.

"I don't fucking know." Brian sighed as he rubbed his head. "Raise her, like I'm suppose to and not let my parents force us to give her up again" At least Brian has accepted that this could be his and Michelle's child.

"Mr. Haner?" A doctor said as he entered the room.

"We have good news. Brielle is your daughter. If you'd like you can go and see her." The doctor said before he left.
'I think I just saw a tear escape Brian's eye.'

Brielle's POV

My left arm is sore and stiff. The doctors had to take some blood from me, for what reason? I don't know.

Currently I was laying back with my head resting on a soft pillow. The doctors had just given me some morphine for the pain in my arm and the head ache I've had for the past few hours.

I had my eyes closed, but instantly opened them when I heard a soft knock on the door. Opening my eyes I saw a guy with semi long black hair that was spiked in different directions, and he had brown eyes

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Um sure?" I said in an unsure tone.

Slowly the guy came into my room and closed the door behind him. I watched as he slowly walked over to my bed and sat on the edge of it. Quietly we analyzed each other. I couldn't help but to notice that we share a few Christics.

"Dear god you got big." as he brushed some of my long black hair behind my ear.

"Um, not to be rude or anything....But who are you?" I asked him. Sure we look alike, kinda, but I wanna hear the words. Not just assume something, that may or may not be true.

I watched as a tear silently rolled down his cheek and as a small smile started to show."I'm your father."

I don't know what came over me, but I sat up and hugged him. I buried my face into his chest as my own tears started to fall. My own smile started to come out as I felt my 'father' wrap his arms around me, wile being careful not to touch my arm.

My dad and I only pulled apart when we heard the door open again. When I looked at the door I saw a lady with dirty blond hair with hazel eyes, she was also smaller then my dad which means she's most likely taller then me. I also saw tear streaks on her cheeks.

"Can I join the reunion?" I saw a hint of a happy smile on her when I nodded my head again. I opened my arms for her as she came over to me and hugged me, just as my dad had.

I couldn't believe I finally found my parents. I've dreamed of this moment for a LONG time.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was one of few chapters that have made me watery eyed. So PLEASE comment and subscribe.
Tell me your opinions of the chapter.
Sorry for the shortness.
Oh and I've added a pic of Shay into the character bin thing.