Status: Finished! I'm Done! Thought Comments? Would You Read The Sequel? :)

It All Changed, When I Held You in My Arms for the First Time



This awesome, amazing, and mind blowing, story was written for, Spencer Smith.'s Teenage Pregnancy Contest.

This story has 3,685 words in it! It's long!!

Okay, this story was inspired by the movie, I Am Sam. It's personally one of my favorite movies and I love how he steps up and becomes a father.

I happen to love the song, “ I Love You Five,” By NeverShoutNever! So, that song is what came into my mind when writing this.

So, I decided to tell another person's story. But, this is different, because it’s not written in the female perspective. I decided to do this because, all you really hear about is what the mother's go through and never what the fathers go through.

I happen to have a kick ass father, who is there for me and, this is kind of honoring him. If that makes any sense.

To all the real fathers, in the world, this is for you!

***Anyways, I want to apologize if I offended anyone.****