Status: Finished! I'm Done! Thought Comments? Would You Read The Sequel? :)

It All Changed, When I Held You in My Arms for the First Time

The End.


I needed sleep. I’d do anything for sleep, I thought as I rocked Raven back to sleep. It was currently 3:30 in the morning and I had been up for 2 hours trying to get Raven to go to sleep. I had a very important paper that I had to finish and on top of that I had to go to work in 3 hours, and I had housework to do. I was tired, I had been working my behind off and I just wanted a hour long nap, without any one waking me up.

“Why won’t you go to sleep?” I asked her.

Raven stopped crying and looked at me. I laid my head back on the rocking chair and sighed. I grabbed her bottle and blanket and carried her into my bed room. I placed her on top of my bare chest and placed her blanket on top of her. I gently rubbed her back until she fell asleep. I grinned, I’ll only take an hour nap, I thought as I closed my eyes.


I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned, and answered the phone.


“Hey, did you still want me to come over later?” Jennifer asked.

Every once in a while, Jennifer would baby sit for me. Her doing that, helped me a lot, it gave me time to get things done.

“Yeah, what time is it?”

“It’s 6 o’clock.” Jennifer informed me.

“Shit.” I had over slept. “How fast can you be over here?”

Jennifer giggled, “I’m already here. Want me to let my self in?”

I had given Jennifer an extra key to my apartment. “Please.” I said, before I hung up the phone.

I laid my head back on the pillow, before I got up. My arms wrapped over Raven as I walked into the living room, where Jennifer was.

Jennifer kissed me on cheek and grabbed Raven from me. “Got get ready for work.” She told me, giving me a stern look.

I chuckled and did as she told me. I took a quick shower before I got dressed. I popped into Raven’s nursery where, Jennifer was. “Thank you.”

“Your welcome, now leave. I wanna spend some time with my favorite baby.”

I rolled my eyes and left after kissing my baby girl on the forehead.


I smiled as I walked into my apartment, smelling Chili being cooked. I was a horrible cook, only being able to make the basics.

I spotted Raven rocking in her “Swinger,” and picked her up. I swear, if I’m away from her for long, I go crazy.

“Hey, baby. Daddy missed his baby.” I told her.

Raven just looked at me, her brown eyes shining.

“Derrick! She was on her way to sleep. Since, you picked her up, you put her back to sleep.” Jennifer scolded me, making me smile.

“Please, this baby, can’t sleep without seeing her daddy.” I exclaimed.

Jennifer rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen.

Raven only looked like her mother a little bit. Everything else was me. Kim hasn’t tried to get in contract with me to see how Raven was doing. I thought that maybe she’s come to her senses after Raven was born, but she didn’t.

Kim was now on her way to becoming a “Super Model.” Her face was every where, and every time I saw it, it made me angry. She did a interview a few week ago, and the interviewer asked her if she wanted kids. Kim only smiled and said, “No, they would get in the way of my up and coming career.”

Other than that, things have been going great. Jennifer and I finally admitted our feelings for each other, and we were taking things slow. Jennifer adored Raven, she was always buying her clothes and toys, even through she couldn’t play with them yet. Nana loved Raven, and was always happy to watch her. College was going good, and I have a good paying job.

I know most teen parents can‘t handle the day- to- day stress. But with my friends and family, I was and able to. I know most teen parents, don‘t stay together or get together. I guess for that one, I fit with the most. I love Raven and wouldn‘t take that night back, ever.

Everything is perfect. And, I better enjoy it before something happens.
♠ ♠ ♠
That was the end!

So, yeah. I had to rewrite the first and second chapters.

I love this, and I'm sorry the ending is bad. I suck at 'em.

I'm thinking of doing a sequel to this. But, Raven will be a teenager and it'll be through her eyes. Anyone up for it?