Welcome to the Club, Shatter or Survive

Chapter 1 They Encourage Me

I came home from school, and drop just about every binder and book in my hands. Along with a couple of other things, onto the floor of my room.

My two friends Jenny and Katie came in too.

"Why did you just drop it?" asked Katie.

"Because I'm way too exhausted to drop it next to my desk." I said.

Jenny dropped her stuff too.

"I'm just lazy." said Jenny and she put her arm around me.

"So did you hear about that party that's going on tonight?" asked Jenny.

"There's a party?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" said Katie.

"Everyone is going! We have to go Demonia!" said Katie.

"Yes, we definitely have to go, the hottest guy in school is going to be there!" said Jenny.

"Yeah, and I KNOW he'll want to talk to you!" said Jenny.

"Yeah of course, and he'll ask me if he can drive around my Father's Bugatti Veyron car. I bet he wouldn't even talk to me if he thought I wasn't rich or popular." I said sighing and I went up on the stool and jumped on my bed, and laid back.

"Well... Maybe he just likes you because you’re such a sweet girl!" said Katie.

"The first word that comes out of my mouth every time I'm around people I'm not used to being around is, "Um" and I still say um a lot when I'm with you guys. Plus I think he likes more..." I trailed off.

"The sluts?" said Jenny trying to help me out.

"Yeah...them. Um.. I mean, I'm not saying they all are, just the ones that he seems to talk to a lot." I said.

"Well Demonia, he is a boy. He wants sex." said Jenny.


"Jenny! Don't say that word! You know it makes Demonia feel uncomfortable!" said Katie.

"What? Sex?" said Jenny.

"YES! That word!" said Katie.

"She's going to have sex at some point anyways!" said Jenny.

"Still! Don't say it! It makes her uncomfortable!" said Katie.

"So? She needs to get used to it!" said Jenny.

"Please...enough!" I said.

They both looked over at my bed; I was under the covers hiding.

"Oh fuck, now look what you did Jenny! You embarrassed her!" said Katie.

"Oh whatever!" said Jenny.

They both ran towards my bed, they tried jumping on, but failed.

I took the blankets off my head, "You guys fail, and you have to use the stool." I said.

"Wow. Your bed is so damn big and high that we need a stool, that's fucking funny!" said Jenny.

"I agree!" said Katie and all three of us began to laugh.

"So, tonight, we're going right Demonia?" said Jenny elbowing me.

"I'll have to ask my Dad." I said.

"Oh..." said Katie.

"He'll probably say no though..." I said.

"That's what sneaking out is for!" said Jenny winking at me.

I smiled, "Well it's wrong...but okay!" I said.

"There we go!" said Jenny

"I'm going to ask first." I said.

"Boring~" said Jenny.

"Oh shut up Jenny, let her ask first. But if he says no, just text us, and we'll come get you." said Katie.

"Okay. Sounds good." I said.

"Wear something cute!" said Katie.

"No! Wear something sexy!" said Jenny.

I rolled my eyes.
"I love you guys." I said.

"We love you too." said Katie.

"Well we'll leave, go ask your dad then text us." said Jenny. And then they both left.

I sighed and leaned back on my bed. I know they’re going to say no...
I still want to ask.

I heard the bell ring, which means its dinner time.

I got up off my bed, stepped down to the stool.

I walked out of my room, and down the long stair case.

I sat in my chair; it was at the far end of the table.

My sister was already sitting there, along with my Mother and Father. They were discussing what property they wanted to buy, so that they could make it a house and store a lot of the things we buy in there.

I don't know why they don't just sell the stuff they don't use, or give it away. There always buying really expensive things, and never using them.

Although it irritates me, I never say a word about it.

"Daddy! I want another car." said my sister.

"What's wrong with the other five you have?" My father asked.

"Oh...Nothing. I'm just getting bored of it. I miss that new smell." said My Sister.

I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my pasta.

"What type of car did you have in mind?" asked my Father.

God. I can't believe he's going to get her ANOTHER car. I mean, she's so spoiled, I guess I shouldn't be the one talking. I have a car, but all I wanted was one. Instead me got me four, I told him he didn't have to get me so many, I only need a car that works to take me where I need to be going. He insisted in getting me more than that, "Just in case I get tired of driving one, and want to drive a different kind." That was the stupidest thing; I've ever heard him say. Well not really...
I love my Father, but really, if he doesn't start watching what he's doing, what my Mother's doing, what my sister is doing, then maybe someday, they'll get tricked and we'll lose all our money.
Well not, "Our" Money, I mean, my Father's money, he's the one who makes all the money really. My Mom works, but not that much, and she does not make any where close to what my Father makes.

"How was your day today Demonia?" asked my Father smiling at me.

"Um...It was good Daddy." I said.

"Good! I'm glad you had a good day. I wouldn't want my pretty girl to be sad." Said my father.

I looked down at my food.

"Did you do your homework?" he asked.

"Yes, of course Daddy." I said.

"That's a good girl." said My Father.

Whenever I call my Father something other than, "Daddy" He thinks I'm mad at him. It's the weirdest thing.

The first time I had my friends Jenny and Katie over, and they met my Dad, they asked me why I called him, "Daddy" they looked at me like, "What the fuck?"

I guess you’re not supposed to call your Dad, "Daddy" when you’re a teenager.

Yet I still do. I'm afraid he'll buy me something. It's not that I'm ungrateful or anything, I am very grateful, it's just too much.

When I was little, my Dad used to stress about money. I can remember a few times where he hit me. I was only five years old at the time, and my mother had a serious drinking problem, but once the money rolled in; my mom dropped the alcohol and picked up the credit card. I honestly now, can't say which was worse.

"Hey Daddy?" I said.

"Yes my sweet?" said My Father.

I wonder if he regrets hitting me. He never once apologized...
I'd prefer that over any expensive car.
A sincere, apology...but...I guess my Father couldn't do that for me.
I really wish I knew what he was thinking, when he got me my first car.
He knows I don't care for such expensive things.
I was actually taken out of my comfort zone when we got this house, but now I'm used to it.

"I was wondering if I could go to a party tonight with my friends." I said.

The maid came, and filled my glass.

I still haven't gotten used to the maids. And it's been... I don't know.. 9 years? Maybe ten? Eight?

"No. Absolutely Not." said My Mother answering for him.

I lowered my head, and then raised it.

"W-Why not?" I stuttered.

"Because, parties are where teens get drunk. And I don't want you drinking." said My Father.

"I won’t drink." I said.

"Still, people have sex. I don't want you getting pregnant." said My Mother.

"Um..." I said and lowered my head.

"You can't go Demonia. Maybe when you’re my age." said my father.

His AGE?

Is he freaking kidding me?!

I'm sixteen, he's what? 50?!

God. I can't believe he said that.

He made me choke on my food.

I gritted my teeth, I almost said something.

I wish I had the courage to. I don't want to be a coward; I don't want to be weak.

I was always curious as to why my Father would hit me, and not my older sister.

Maybe because I was just so fragile and weak, that he knew I wouldn't be able to fight back, so he hit me?

He acts like it never happened.

So does my Mother.

And my Sister.

As long as they get to spend his money.

And myself? I just kept quiet.

I really wish I didn't...I...

"I'm done eating, Thank you." I said and got up, and went straight to my room.

I laid down on my bed, and texted my friends, Jenny and Katie, telling them to come get me.

A half hour later, I heard a pebble hit my window.

I opened it to see them setting a ladder against the wall.

I blinked.

"Ready?" said Jenny.

"Just climb down the ladder." said Katie.

"Um..." I said then turned away and put on a new outfit.

I came back and looked at the ladder.

"Don't be scared!" said Jenny.

"Yeah! We'll catch you if you fall." said Katie.

I bit my lip, then closed my eyes, then carefully lifted myself onto the window, out it, and onto the ladder and climb down. I felt them holding onto the ladder, they knew it would make me feel a lot more secure.

"Good job!" said Katie.

"Yeah, thank you." I said smiling.

"Let's fucking go! Hot boys AWAIT!" said Jenny.

"Hell yeah!" said Katie.

"Yay!" I said.

They laughed at me.

"You’re so cute, I wonder why you haven't chosen any boy to be yours." said Jenny.

"They can't all want your Dad's money." said Katie.

"I don't trust any of them..." I said and we began walking, we got into Katie's old run down car.
It was rusty, the paint was chipped, and it took about a try in a half to get it working.

I kind of liked it.
It wasn't all shiny and polished, it was chipped and rusty, but still kept going on, like me I guess.

Well it is a junker though.

If I was the one making the money, I'd buy Katie a car. But since I'm not the one making the money, I don't want to use my Father's money to buy someone a car.

We got in and she started driving to the party.

I was in the back, with Jenny; she was screaming her head off. She was pretty pumped for the party. I just smiled and sang along with Katie to her music.

It took me awhile to get comfortable singing, and it took them a lot of work to get me to do that.

When we arrived I could hear loud music, and when we started walking up to the house I saw many people on the grass drinking and laughing.

But it wasn't the normal laughing, it was the, "ha-ha I'm drunk and everything you say is funny to me right now."

I walked in with Jenny and Katie side by side to me.

When we walked into the party, I lost them....

I looked all around for them.

I decided I'd just sit down, but when I saw what that girl was doing on top of that guy, I just wanted to stand.

I mean, wow. So many people where making out.

I was blushing a lot.

I've seen Jenny and Katie make out before, but that was only because I dared them to, when we were playing truth or dare. I only dared it, because I didn't think they would do it, but they did. I was shocked.

Maybe there not straight....

I mean like...
I don't care if there not, I just want to know what they like.

"Hey Demonia! Baby, you’re looking hot!" said Chad coming up to me.

"Um...Thank you Chad." I said.

"No problem sexy." he said slapping his hand on the wall, blocking the way I was about to go.

"You know I've always been really attracted to you, but I could never tell you because I thought Vlad was going to date you." said Chad.

"Well now I know..." I said.

"Yeah, I also wanted to fuck you." said Chad laughing.

I smelt his breath; it smelt of alcohol, it brought back memories of my Mother.

"You know you’re totally gorgeous. Like your hair is down, but you put a lot of the top layer up, it's rather hot. And when you’re turned, I can only see your long lashes looking down, and that cute, small little mouth of yours. I want to stick my tongue in your tiny mouth and taste you. You’re so fucking hot. I want you soooo bad Demonia..." said Chad and he pressed his lower part against mine.

I squealed.

He laughed, "What?" he said.

"Can't you feel it...baby? It wants some attention from you. " said Chad, whispering in my ear slightly.

I dug my nails into the wall, and bit my lip, my eyes where wide, and I was very scared.

He pressed harder against me, and licked my neck.

"Come on baby." said Chad.

"P-Please stop..." I said.

"Why?" He said continuing to press against me.

"I-I don't want it." I said.

"Yes you do baby, Trust me, It feels good." said Chad.

"I don't c-care!" I shouted and pushed him and then I tried to run, but I ended up tripping and falling.

"All ready on the floor?" said Chad smirking.

I could feel my eyes water.

"Hey back off Chad." said my friend Shawn from school.

"Hey, I'm not doing shit, She wants me bro." said Chad.

"Yeah, you'd think that, but really your just drunk." said Shawn pushing Chad.

"Hey fucke- "Let it go." said Vlad coming over.

"Yeah whatever." said Chad and he walked away.

Shawn helped me up.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, and we walked outside.

"Y-Yeah." I said stuttering.

"You know, you really shouldn't be here." said Shawn.

He had a drink in his hand.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Parties just aren't for you. Sex happens here, guys are going to flirt with you. And I honestly don't think you can take all this." said Shawn.

"I c-can." I said stuttering again.

"Look, your stuttering and your shaking." said Shawn.

"The guy was scary." I said.

"You should really go home Demonia." said Shawn and he got up and walked back into the party.

I sighed.

An hour later I heard sirens, the police.

I freaked, I got up and started to walk to the car.

When I came to the spot they parked, I saw that the car was gone.

They left me...
They fucking left me...

"Ugh!" I said and sat on the side walk with tears in my eyes.

When a cop came over to me, I cried.

They drove me home; you should have seemed the look on my Father's face. He was upset.

"Thank you officer." he said, and then shut the door and started to yell.

I was crying still.


"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.

"You IDIOT!" he yelled.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM!" he shouted.

I ran up the stairs and past my Mother who finally got up to see me, to yell at me.

But I already passed her, and was in my room, and on my bed, burying my face in my pillow crying.

I had about ten text messages, five from each of my friends Katie and Jenny apologizing for leaving me.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

It hasn't been the first time I've snuck out, but when my Dad knows, He yells, and I can't take his yells.

I don't like feeling this way...

I hope tomorrows a better day.

I wonder what my Dad will say to me when I wake up...

Will I get yelled at some more?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi! Thank you for reading! Chapter 2 will be out soon!^^
I hope you liked it!
It'll get better and better.
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