Welcome to the Club, Shatter or Survive

Chapter 2

When I woke up this morning, I could hear the servants moving around, many of them.
They were never this noisy; it made me wonder what they were doing.

I got up out of my bed; I opened my door, walked out, and saw the servants packing things in boxes.

I wore my black night gown, which fell below my shoulders and it had white trimmed lace around the bottom, it was my favorite.

I walked down the long stair case, I overheard my parents talking in the kitchen, and I hid behind the back wall, and listened.

"An arranged marriage?!" I heard my Mother say.

"I think that boy from the Shost family will go and marry Demonia, but shouldn't we arrange a marriage for Lidia first? Since she's the oldest? It makes more sense you know." said my Mother.

"Yes, I know but, I think he'll like Demonia a lot more. She is well, fairly beautiful, and that's not to say Lidia isn't. Just Lidia acts more spoiled, which she is, but we can't have them thinking that. I wouldn't mind if they weren't so into the shy, sweet kind. I talked to the Father and he seems to have his mind set on his son marrying a cute, shy girl, he mentioned many other things. And his Mother just wants him to marry into a rich family, like we want are kids marrying a rich man." said my Father.

"Yes, if we want to keep our wealth for the rest of our lives, we have to make sure we get more of It." said my Mother.

"We have a lot of money, more is simply, better." said My Father.

My eyes went wide.
They...arranged a marriage for me?
They can't do that.
They can't.
I mean, I've been a good girl throughout the years; sure I've done a few things...
I'm a teenager, what else could they expect from me...?
I've done a lot of what they said; I've kept my mouth shut when I really wanted to yell at them, about what I feel about them and their stupid spending habits.
And the stupid things they say about something they've had for a mere week.
So many things I've kept my mouth shut over, that I've wished I could say to their face.
I don't want to marry someone I don't love.
I mean...
The only thing I really want out of life is to fall in love. I want to experience the power of love.
I've always wanted my first kiss to be with someone I love so much, that I'm so in love with...
I've met plenty of boys; none of them make my heart skip a beat.
None of them make me melt, or feel warm inside.
None of them have made me feel really safe, and I haven't trusted any.
Maybe...um...Maybe I'm just too careful...

Either way, I don't want my parents arranging me in a marriage. There so ignorant...I wish they weren't...

I bit my lip.
I wonder when they plan on telling me about this.

"So are we almost finished packing things for the move?" asked My Father.

"Yes, all we have left to pack is Demonia's things." said My Mother.

My eyes went wide.

AND, we're moving...?
I felt my knee's give on me.
I was shaking when I heard about the arranged marriage.
Now I'm on the ground.

I didn't know we were moving, I thought they were just packing some stuff to send to the new house they got. This is too much.

We just got here...

I'm so lost, I'll admit. What's going on first? Am I moving and then getting married? Or am I getting married then moving?

I'm so upset, I have so many questions to ask, but I won’t ask them anything till they tell me about it.
I went back upstairs and into my room, I noticed things missing, packed probably.

I got dressed and ready, and then I came downstairs and sat in my seat at the breakfast table.
Yes. We have a Breakfast table, A lunch table, Dinner table, AND a dessert table.
Ridiculous right?

This scares me, my life. It's like there's a new thing in our house every single day. I feel like I don't belong here, I feel like I'm in a new place all the time. Home isn't supposed to be like that. It's supposed to be something you’re used to waking up to every morning.

"Good Morning Demonia." said My Father sitting down in his seat.

"Morning Father." I said.

"Good Morning my sweet daughter." said my Mother coming in with her million dollar necklace on.

"Morning Mother." I said.

"Daddy!!" I heard my sister Lidia screaming.

"Daddy! I lost my earrings you got me! You need to by me new ones!" yelled Lidia as she came into the room and sat in her spot.

"Lidia, those earrings are 100,000 dollars. Are you sure you looked everywhere for them?" asked my Father.

"Why waste my time looking all over the place when you can just get me new ones Daddy?" she said taking a bite out of her bagel.

The servants brought in more food; looking at all this food makes me sick.

There's enough here for thirty people to eat. There are only four of us here.

"Well..." said my Father.

I looked up, is he really going to say no for once?

"Okay sweetie. Anything for my beautiful daughter." said my Father.

I rolled my eyes, nope; he's just going to give her whatever she wants as usual.

"I have an announcement!" said My Father putting down his drink after taking a sip.

"You're going to get us another car?" said my sister Lidia perking up.

"No not that dear. We're moving!" said My Father.

"WHAT?!" My sister screamed.

I covered my ears, hoping whatever else came out of her mouth, I wouldn't hear so loudly.

"What's wrong?" asked my Mother.

"I don't want to move! I just ordered a fur coat, and some shoes, and clothes!" said Lidia.

"Sweetie, We can have them ship it to our new house." said My Father.

"Oh. Okay. I don't care then." said my sister Lidia, she then continued to eat.

I wonder if my sister's bipolar...

"Where a-are we moving?" I stuttered. I was trying to speak up. “And what is it going to be like?”

"Well far from here. We'll be in an area with mixed people." said my Father.

"What do you mean?" My sister asked.

"Like they'll be Asians for example, and Hispanics, and Mexicans." said Father.

"Asians? Dad Asians are hot in all, but I want white hot guys too!" said Lidia.

"There will be Lidia. There's just going to be a lot of different kinds of people." said Father.

"Demonia, are you alright? You haven't touched your food." said My Mother.

I looked up from my plate.

"I don't want to move..." I mumbled.

"What was that?" said my Mother.

"Speak up, we can't hear you Demonia." said My Father.

"I don't want to move." I said looking up at them, and then I looked down.

"Why not?" My Father asked.

"I want to stay here. All my friends are here." I said.

"You can make new friends." said My Father.

"I don't want to move away from my two best friends." I said.

"Katie and Jenny?" said My Father.

"Yeah, plus I like my school." I said.

"You can make new best friends." said My Mother.

"No, I can't. Katie and Jenny like me for me. They don't care if I have money or not." I said biting my lip.

"Maybe we can pay them to come with us." said my mother to my Father.

"I don't want that!" I said.

"Why not?" asked my Father.

"They'll get to be with you." said Mother.

"They can be new at the next school you go to, along with you." said My Father.

"I don't want to pay their families to move with us." I said.

"Why not?" asked My Father.

"Because there human beings! Not objects you buy then toss out when you don’t need them!" I yelled.

"DEMONIA!" My Father's voice boomed over the whole table.

I sunk in my chair and lowered my head, bit my lip.

"There's nothing wrong with having money and using It." said my Father.

Yeah using it to buy whatever the heck you want, even if it's something you already have, and that you just bought a week ago.

Or using it to buy worthless crap you'll never even look at...
Or to buy 50 chefs when all you need is one.
Or to buy a new house when you already have a house that you can get lost in easily.
Or to buy ten cars when you only need one to drive.
Or to buy jewelry you don't even treasure or care about that much. Or not at all...

This family is too much for me...

"Anything else you need to tell us Daddy?" Asked Lidia.

I looked up to see if he was going to tell me, that he arranged a marriage for me.

"No." said my Father.

I looked back down, and then I got up and ran to my room.

I guess...
I guess I'm not getting married till after I move.

This is so unfair.
I grabbed my phone and texted Jenny and Katie about it.

I got quick responses back....

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!" I got back from Jenny.

"What? When? Why?" said Katie back in her text.

I sighed and started to respond to their messages that were flooding my phone now.

They weren't very patient.

They didn't give me even a minute to text them back...
There upset too.
Probably more than me at the moment.
Because it's new to them, and now it's old news to me.

I'm crying now, I really suck at holding it in...
I laid down on my bed, wiping my eyes and texting Jenny and Katie.

After an hour, I threw my phone on the floor, and went to sleep.

When I woke up, my room was half empty, the servants had come in my room, and where packing things, quietly as I slept.

I got up and went downstairs.

I opened my door, and right when I opened it, I heard my name is screamed.

"Demonia!" said Both Jenny and Katie at once.

"Don't leave us!" They said at the same time again.

"I don't want to..." I said and I cried along with them.

My Dad happened to of passed by and saw us.

I glared at him...of course I didn't have the guts to glare at him in the eyes...

I glared at his shoe. Pretty stupid...
There really is no point in me glaring if I can't look him in the eye...
I still wanted to though...

"Let's go to your room." said Katie.

"Yeah, so we can talk!" said Jenny.

I nodded and wiped my eyes.

We held hands going up the stairs, I felt like I was a little kid again.

"So when are you leaving?" asked Katie as we walked into my room.

"I'm not sure, either tomorrow, or the next day after that." I said.

"Wow that's pretty soon." said Katie.

"Yeah...I hate it..." I said.

"Why didn't you fucking tell us sooner?!" I said Jenny pushing me.

"I didn't know till it was too late!" I said.

"Yeah, SURE, you fucking liar!" said Jenny pushing me again.

Katie got in front of me. "Jenny, stop! You know Demonia wouldn't tell us this late on purpose!" said Katie.

Jenny sighed and sat down.

"We're going to miss you so much..." said Jenny.

"Yeah, big time." said Katie.

They sat down, and I sat in the middle of the two. We hugged.

"We will come say goodbye to you when you leave." said Katie.

"Yeah we will!" said Jenny.

"Thank you, you two are the best. That means a lot..." I said smiling.

There good friends, even though sometimes they do stupid shit to me.
Like that one time they left me at that party, they’ve actually done that twice now.
They are pretty dramatic sometimes, but I still love them.
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Thank you for reading!!
Chapter three will be out soon =)
Please comment! =D