Welcome to the Club, Shatter or Survive

Chapter 4 New School

When I woke up this morning, I was nervous. I already went to school once as the new kid, now I have to do it again.

Jenny and Katie will be by my side though.
My Father still hasn't told me about the arranged marriage, I really am starting to wonder when it is I'm getting married. I don't want to marry anyone I don't love.
I'm getting impatient; I don't want to keep having to worry about this.

Luckily for my sister, she's eighteen years old, and doesn't go to high school anymore, since she graduated. Lidia's in college, she talks about how great it is, but then she says she misses high school because of the wild parties. So, I'm thinking I'm going to like college a lot better then what I'm in now, high school.

I got up, and got ready, after taking my shower, I dried my long black hair, and put some of it up with a clip. I slipped on some black skinny’s and a purple shirt, along with putting my wrist bands on, then I grabbed my backpack, that was full of stuff from my other school, and then I walked out of my room, down the stairs, and out the door. I jumped in my car and started driving to school. Luckily, my school wasn't very far from home, so I didn't need any help getting there.

I parked my car, grabbed my backpack, and walked inside. I looked around for Jenny and Katie, I texted them too. Neither of them answered and neither of them where at the spot they said they would meet me. My heart was beating like crazy; I could see some people staring at me as they walked by. It's probably because I'm new...I hope that's the only reason.
I bit my lip, and kept texting them over, and over again. Why do they do this to me? They said they'd be right by my side. I heard the bell rang, and I walked nervously towards my first period class. I think I stood at the door for a good five minutes before walking in, and standing in front of the class. I was shaking...

"Class this is our new student, her name is Demonia, be nice to her." said Ms. Kendle.

"Go ahead and sit next to Josh, Josh raise your hand!" She said.

A boy perked up, and raised his hand.

"Go ahead." said the teacher.

I quickly made my way, and sat next to the boy, he had dirty blonde hair, and brown eyes.
Before he was sleeping, now he seems to be wide awake. I've come to realize, neither Jenny nor Katie are in this class, because in about fifteen minutes first period will be over.
I wish I could understand what the project the teacher was talking about. It was hard to pay attention, I felt like all eyes were on me, when really they were just glancing around the room...probably bored.

I was holding my hands together tightly; when the bell rang everyone was out of the room.
Typical high school, but I don't know anyone.

When lunch time came around I sat by myself.
Soon enough though, Jenny and Katie where sitting right next to me.

"Jenny, Katie!" I said.

"Hey Demonia!" said Katie.

"What's up girl?" said Jenny.

"You guys didn't meet me, this morning." I said.

"Oh shit." said Jenny.

"Oops." said Katie.

"What?" I asked.

"Sorry, I forgot." said Jenny.

"Yeah me too, I was too busy thinking of funny stories to tell, so that I could make some new friends, and quick!" said Katie.

"Oh..." I said.

"You’re not mad are you?" asked Katie.

"Um...no." I said.

"Good!" said Jenny and she smacked my back.

"Owe!" I said.

"Sorry!" said Jenny.

"Oh my god! I saw this cute guy, he was so hot." said Jenny.

"Was his name, Jack?" asked Katie.

"YES! How'd you know?!" asked Jenny.

"Well I made a few new friends today, and they told me all about him." said Katie.

"Oh, sweet. I made a few new friends to, I got their numbers too." said Jenny.

"You sure do make friends fast!" said Katie to Jenny.

"So do you!" said Jenny.

"I guess we're just one of a kind!" said Katie.

"Oh my god, yes!" said Jenny.

I sat there, silent.
I basically just listened; I don't think they cared one bit about me. They know how I am, yet it's like they don't care.

"What about that one guy Dave?" said Jenny.

"Oh my god, he has such a nice ASS." said Katie.

My eyes widened.

"I agree!" said Jenny.

"What about John?" said Katie.

"Oh wow. He's pretty popular with the girls. I've heard that he's already dated over thirty girls." said Jenny.

"No way!" said Katie.

"Yeah way!" said Jenny.

"Do you think it's just a rumor?" asked Katie.

"Well I bet he calls it that." said Jenny.

"Yeah he probably doesn't want any other girl knowing that he's a player." said Katie.

"Yeah, but it's kind of obvious." said Jenny.

It's only been one day, and my two best friends, have already met, and made so many friends.

"So Demonia, did you make any friends?" Asked Katie.

"Yeah, you’re so cute. You probably made a lot." said Jenny.

"I didn't make any, and you both know why." I said and sighed.

"Awe." They both said at the same time.

"Well I can introduce you to my friends." said Katie.

"Yeah, and you can meet the ones I made." said Jenny.

I suddenly feel like Katie and Jenny are at a whole new level, then I am. Well at least two whole new levels.

"We can help get you known!" said Katie.

"I was going to sit with my new friends, but then I saw you." said Jenny.

"Yeah, same here." said Katie.

"Hey, let's all three of us go over and hang out with them." said Jenny.

"Sounds good." said Katie.

They both got up, and started walking over to a table full of all sorts of people.

Jenny looked back.

"Come on Demonia!" said Katie.

I bit my lip.

To many people...

I walked over to the table, along with Katie and Jenny.

"Hey, I don't think I've seen you here before. What's your name?" asked a girl looking at me.

"D-Demonia." I stuttered a bit.

"Oh, well hey, I'm Julles." she said.

"Hey." I said.

After that everyone just kept talking.

Neither Katie or Jenny, talked to me the entire time.

They just...kept talking to their new friends.

I didn't feel like I belonged, I tried twice to get into the conversations they were having, it ended in an epic fail.

I ended up, getting up and leaving.

I went to my next class early.

When the day was finally over, I ran straight to my car, and drove home.

I didn't say anything to Katie or Jenny.

I figured neither of them where going to meet me after school either.

That's why I just left, as quickly as possible.

My first day of school, was horrible.

I'm hoping I can go home, have some tea, and then sleep, and pray I never wake up.

Sadly, when I arrived home, I only felt safe, and relaxed for a good ten seconds.

Then I noticed a limo, and I walked into my big fat, fancy house.

"DARLING!" I heard my mom say from the other room, and come running to hug me.

"Go put your stuff down and come into the dining room!" she said.

I blinked.

"Um...Okay Mom." I said.

I went up the stairs to my room, dropped my stuff, and fixed my hair a bit before going down the stairs and into the dining room.

When I came in, I saw four other people that I do not know, there.

"Hello." said the man.

"Hi.." I said.

"Demonia!" said My Father putting his arm over me.

"This is the Shost family!" said my Father.

My eyes went wide.


"Hello dear!" said the woman.

"Nice to meet you." said the Father.

"I heard a lot about you." said The Father.


"Awe, are you shy?" said the Woman.

"Well aren't you just the cutest thing." She said.

"My son is a lucky man, to be marrying such a beautiful girl like you." said the Woman.

I felt myself backing into my Father slightly.

"Marrying?" I said.

"Yes." Said the Woman.

"Surely your Father told you." said the Father.

My Dad looked at me like, "SAY, YES."

I felt myself tightening my fists and looking away.

"He didn't tell me, anything." I said in a mono tone.

"Tim! Why didn't you tell your daughter?!" asked the Woman.

Tim was my Father's name.

"Oh, Um, Well, I wanted it to be a surprise." He said.

I glared at him.

That bastard. He's lying right through his teeth!

"Well, putting that aside for a second, meet my son, Ryan Shost." said the Father.

"Why hello Demonia, might I say you look ravishing." said Ryan kneeling down and kissing my hand.

My eyes went wide.

He had dark brown hair, with dark brown eyes. He was wearing a tuxedo, and here I am wearing a purple shirt, with black skinnies, with a bunch of different colors of rubber bands, and bracelets on my wrists. His hair was back, and jelled. He definitely looked like a boy, that belonged in a rich family. His smile showed over confidence, and the need for control.

"Um, thanks." I said.

"Alright everyone! Enough chit chat! It's time to eat!" said My Mother.

"Oh delightful! Thank you Lilly." said the Woman to my Mom.

We all sat down.

Everyone started talking. Ryan was sitting next to me, which made me feel beyond uncomfortable.

He kept saying weird things into my ear and putting his hand on my leg, as if petting it and saying, "Your such a good girl, so cute." Then he started whispering into my ear again, I wanted to slap him! He needs to get his hand off my leg, and soon.

I think this guy is way to used to getting what he wants, I bet he was against the whole arranged marriage until he met me.

I could hear my parents talking to them about what day I should be married. My eyes where wide, they've got to be kidding me. Are they seriously thinking of marrying me now? I was thinking they were going to wait till I was a certain age. I don't want to get married to someone I don't love either way.

"I'm curious to here on what Demonia thinks." said the Woman.

"Yes, I want to hear as well." said the Father.

"Well, I think I do to, sweetheart, what day would you like to be married?" My Mother asked.

Lidia and my Father looked at me.

All eyes on me.

"It'll be such a grand day!" said the woman.

"Your such a lucky woman, you’re going to be even richer!" said the Woman.

"Yes! You'll never have to work a day in your life." said the Father.

"Isn't that great hun?" said My Mother.

"You can be just like me." said My Mother.

I could feel my heart pumping a million miles a minute, and my eyes wide as ever, my fist tightening more and more as they kept going at it.

"You should marry in June, that'll be lovely." said My Mother.

"Do you like purple flowers, red ones, or maybe pink?" said the woman.

"Oh, forget it. I'll decide what your wedding is like." said the Woman.

I bit my lip hard when she said that.

"I'll pick out her wedding dress too." said the Woman taking a bite of her food.

"We should do the King and Slave theme!" said my sister Lidia.

"Just kidding!" She said and she started eating more of her food.

What was with that remark?

"Demonia, you haven't told us what you think." said the Woman.

My parents avoided telling me, about this arranged marriage, because they knew I wasn't going to smile at it. They avoided telling me, because there stupid cowardly parents...
They probably figure, that if I meet them, and I find out this way, that I won’t speak up about it, and tell them how I feel about it.
I remember when I was little; all I could talk about was finding my Prince. Now it's not like I'm looking for a Prince, but he'll be my Prince, whether he is rich or poor. Or a kind guy, or a tough guy.

I feel, like they totally just, disrespected me. They didn't even talk to me about it, they just planned all this crap out on their own.

"Demonia?" I heard my Father say.

"I don't want to get married." I mumbled.

"What was that?" The Woman asked.

I closed my eyes.

I have to tell them what I think. I can't just be a coward and keep my mouth shut right now. I wont have any other time to tell my parents that I don't want to get married. They'll simply just push me away, and tell me I'm just nervous about it.

I opened them.

"I don't want to get married." I said.

The table got quiet.

"And why not?" said the Father.

"I don't want to marry someone I'm not in love with." I said.

My Father glared at me.

"Your Father told us you'd fall in love with him, right when you saw him. You two seemed to be getting along." said the Woman.

"How could you not fall in love with this?" said Ryan pointing to himself.

"I'm hot, I'm rich, and I can get you whatever you want." said Ryan.

"Well my Father was a liar then. I don't want to get married, especially to your son." I said.

"DEMONIA." I heard my voice called by my father's booming voice.

I didn't look at him; I got up and ran to my room.


I just kept running upstairs and straight to my room, locking the door, and then I ran into the bathroom and puked.

I finally stuck up for myself, I don't want to be so shy, or a coward.
My heart was beating so fast, I was feeling so dizzy and nervous.
I thought I was going to puke at the table.

I flushed the toilet then laid on my bed.

A few hours later, my door slammed wide open.

"What the FUCK was THAT?" said My Father yelling.

"Y-You didn't tell me anything about an arranged marriage..." I said.

"GET OVER HERE." He said.

I got off my bed and over to him.

He pulled my shirt up to him, and screamed in my face, "WHAT THE FUCK WHERE YOU THINKING!?"

Tears were already flowing down my face.
He doesn't have to scream...or yell.

He threw me down on the floor.

"You completely embarrassed me and your Mother!" said My Father.

"You deserved it." I said then bit my lip and looked down, and rubbed my eyes. Trying to stop the tears.

"You are an IDIOT, and a spoiled BRAT!" He yelled.

"A spoiled brat? You’re the one that's forcing me to marry some rich guy! I don't care about MONEY!" I tried yelling back.

"All I want his to marry someone I choose, I LOVE." I yelled that as well. I couldn't believe how much I was fighting back. Who is this person?

"LOVE? You've got to be fucking kidding me!" said my Father.

"Love doesn't do shit for you, if you don't have money! You can't have a happy marriage unless your rich!" He said.

I stood up.

"Love is powerful; it can go through any obstacle. Just as long as you do it together." I said.

"GOD. HOW STUPID ARE YOU?!" He shouted.

I bit my lip.

Then I looked him dead in the eye, with my eyes still pouring out tears.

"You can't be happy without money!" He yelled.

"That's NOT TRUE!" I shouted back.

"It IS. Now why don't you GROW UP, and LISTEN TO WHAT I TELL YOU?" He shouted.

"Why?! You NEVER listen to me!" I shouted.

"I give you EVERYTHING! I give you money, I buy you such expensive things, and I found a nice man for you!" he yelled.

"I hardly ask you for ANYTHING, if your going to complain about getting me things, then STOP! Because I NEVER asked you for any of it! I want to find someone I can fall for! How many times have I told you!?" I yelled back.

"You...ungrateful...little...BITCH!" He yelled and slapped me across the face.

Hard enough to knock me off my feet.

My Father is a big man.

I screamed and put my hand to my cheek.

I looked back at him; he was just standing there, as if he was paralyzed.

His eyes finally moved to look down at me.

"Do...you feel like a man Daddy?" I whispered.

I really wonder if this makes him feel powerful...

"I'll do anything you want, I've been doing what you want, I j-just want one thing. For you to leave the finding a man to me. I don't care about the money, marry off Lidia to some rich guy, I just...I can't handle it. All these expensive things...It's just n-not me..." I said stuttering, and tears still going down my face. My cheek was throbbing from pain.

"You will marry him." said my Father and he turned and slammed the door.

I rolled up into a ball on the floor, with my hand still on my cheek.

He had the look in his eyes, like he was sorry.

Why is it so hard for him to apologize to me...?

I didn't go to school the next day.

I remember waking up and it was nine. School already started.

I got up and looked in the mirror.

I sighed and started to put cold water on my face, the side he hit, stinged.

I sat with an ice pack on my cheek all day, on my bed.

I didn't watch any TV, or really do anything, just sit on my bed with an ice pack to my face.

I don't think I can stay here, at home anymore...
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Thank you for reading!!
Chapter 5 will be out soon!