Welcome to the Club, Shatter or Survive

Chapter 7 We See Him

Now who could be coming my way, at 2 am...?

Well I think its 2am, it feels like it...

I got up and sat on my knees.

I looked right to see a man coming towards me.

Maybe if I look cute, he'll give me something.

I closed my eyes, and waited till I heard him come closer to where I was...

"P-Please, could you give me some money?" I asked.

Then I opened my eyes, I saw red pants right in front of me, he was rather close to me.

I looked up, my eyes went wide.

"You want money?" He said in some sort of tone.

He had blonde hair, not dirty blonde hair, but bleached blonde hair, which makes his hair look white, if Jenny was here, she'd be screaming, "Oh my god, he's such a hot scene guy!"


He wore a long sleeved black shirt, with a shirt under it, that was white, and I could tell there was writing on that shirt in black letters. I saw the letters, "JN" but I couldn't see any other words on it, because it was covered. He had some sort of chain around his neck, and it had metal circles on it, the metal circles were all together, not loose or out. He had red pants, with a skull chain on the right side of him, on my right side, if I was facing his way, it'd be left. The whole chain was skull heads, you could barely see the chain, I mostly just saw a bunch of skulls.

I nodded my head.

He looked down at me, and then a smirk came to his face.

"Suck me." he said, the smirk he had, didn't ever go away.

I blinked and looked up at him.

I was sitting on my knee's with my hands down in front of me, looking up at him, he was so close to me, if I wanted to touch him, I wouldn't have to hold out my arm that far, I wouldn't even have to straightened my arm out.

I looked up at him, "What?" I said.

"I said, Suck me." he said.

I blinked again.

Suck what?

"Um..." I said looking up at him.

He bent down and placed his hand on my chin, and looked into my eyes.

"You’re looking at me with such innocent bright blue eyes, are you a virgin?" He asked.

I felt my face get warm.

He smirked, "Your blushing."

I looked down, and he pulled my chin up higher, for me to look at him.

I bit my lip and nodded.

His smirked widened, his eyes are a light color of black, with silver at the bottom part, well it looked silver.

His hand was so warm...on my cold face.

He had long fingers, with black nails...

I felt my heart beating fast.

He bent down, and he put his forehead against mine.

My heart sped up even quicker.

I bit my lip.

I could feel his heat, him smirking...
His breathing...

"Have you ever kissed a man?" He said.

I felt my face flush a darker shade of pink.

He chuckled.

"Guess...I'll be your first." He said then tilted my head up, and pushed his lips against mine.

My eyes went wide, his were closed, and I felt mine, slowly closing as well...

When he pulled away, I noticed I was holding onto his shirt while kissing him, without realizing it.

"S-Sorry..." I said letting go of it, stuttering.

He smirked again.

He took off his skull chain, and grabbed my hand, placed it in my hand, and closed my hand on it.

I looked up at him.

"This is a precious item of mine, and I'm going to let you hold onto it for me, for a little while, then I'm going to come back, and get it." He said.

I looked down at it.

"If you sell this, I will kill you, and then I will find this skull chain." He said in a serious tone.

My eyes were wide.

He smiled.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Demonia..." I said.

"Demonia." He said my name.

I put my hand on my chest, feeling my heart pounding.

I like the way he says my name.

He turned and began to walk away, and I watched him, and even when I could no longer see him, I still looked that way...

The next morning, I found myself begging like no other, for money.

I did it, pretty much all day, I was digging my nails into my leg the whole time too.

When it became night time, I ran into a store, bought myself a tooth brush, tooth paste, and some soap.

Being homeless and all, people don't brush their teeth, but I put soap in my mouth and rinsed it like that, it's pretty gross. Putting soap for your hands in your mouth and scrubbing your teeth with your finger. Now, I have a cheap tooth brush, and the cheapest tooth paste I could find.

I found myself, washing up again, and brushing my teeth like crazy, and trying to fix my hair into looking nice.

I felt my heart beat fast every time I thought of that guy.

I think I have a crush...

I ran back to the spot and waited.

I waited, and waited, he never came, he didn't come the next day either, or the next, not even the next one after that.
A whole week had gone by, and he still didn't come.

I held onto the chain close to my heart.

I found myself staring at it a lot too...

I also found myself crying, each day he didn't come.

He said he'd come back....

I got up and started to walk around at night.

I think I've passed by a lot of weird people, a lot of weird acting people, a lot of weird looking people, and some are both.

Some of the guys look scary. So I find myself walking extra fast, when seeing them.

I've been wandering around at night ever since that day.

I guess, maybe I'm just hoping I'll see him.

As the days go by, I begin to lose hope in seeing him again...

He wouldn't have given me his precious item, and told me he'd come back, if he wasn't going to come back.


The next day I tried looking for a job, probably should have done that sooner.

But I figure, since I'm sixteen, they'll ask questions...

I stopped, and turned towards the alley, I've been avoiding these a lot, but I went down one once, so, I don't think it's that bad.

I took a deep breath and started walking down the alley, I could hear loud noises, and I walked slowly towards it.

I then stopped and my eyes went wide.

There were four guys beating up some other guy.

He saw me.

"HELP ME! PLEASE!" He yelled out.

The four guys to turn to see who was there, I turned right away and started to run.

I wasn't fast enough though!

I felt someone latch there hand onto my leg, and then I fell to the ground.

"Where the fuck do you think you’re going?!" he said.

I think he jumped to try and tackle me to the floor, but he ended up jumping and grabbing my leg instead.

My eyes were wide.

"Please, let me go!" I shouted and tried to claw the ground to pull myself; he simply pulled me up, and put his arm around my neck.

"Shut up." He said.

I looked at the boy they were beating, he was dead.

My eyes went even wider and I started to scream.

"Please, let me go, I didn't do anything to you." I said and began to cry, when the man took out a knife, and began tearing off my jacket.

"Sure you did." He said smirking.

The other three started snickering.

"You can't just come over here, and get a nice show without paying." said the man.

"I don't have any money!" I yelled out and tried to get free, but it was no use, the man was huge, he probably weight three times of what I do.

"Oh that's okay, your body will make fine payment." said the guy with the knife.

"Yeah, lucky for you, you’re a female, if you where a guy, we would of just sliced your throat open." said the guy holding me.

"But why would we kill a girl if we can get in it?" said the third guy, the other three started laughing.

"Awe, she's shaking!" said the guy holding me.

"Please don't." I said crying more.

The men with the knife slide his knife down my dress, and tore it off.

"Damn, how many pieces of clothing are you wearing?" said the man holding me.

He tore my jacket off; he cut off, and tore my dress, now all I have is my tank and skinnies on.

"I SAID LET GO OF ME!" I yelled, and then I began screaming again.

"What's this in your pocket...?" He said reaching for it.

I shoved my leg into his chest and fell.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH IT!" I screamed out.

My eyes were wide, full fear and anger.

"Why you little BITCH!" he said getting up and slapping me across the face, as hard as he possibly could.

Sadly, his hardest hit, couldn't even compare to my Fathers....

"I'm going to enjoy ripping you up." Said the man with the knife, the one I kicked.

"I'm going to cut you up nice and slowly." he said.

The guy holding me, and the other two started snickering slightly.

I bit my lip as he started coming closer to me, pointing the blade at me.

He put his knife to my cheek, and then said, "Are you ready?" He said it with a smirk on his face.

I felt the tears still falling.

I heard a loud sound, the sound of a gun firing; next thing you know, the man with the knife is on the floor dead.

A bullet hit his head, and I screamed.

"Back the way from the girl." I heard a calm voice, and when my eyes looked to see, I saw the guy who had given me the skull head chain.

He was holding up a gun at them.

"Do you think you’re the only one with a gun?" said the other two guys, they took there's out a pointed it at him.

That's when the guy's eyes flared, the one I had met before.

"You DARE point a gun at me? Do you know who the fuck I am?!" his calmness broke quick, switching to pure anger.

The two men’s eyes went wide, including the one holding me.

"I am Raiden." He said reverting back to calm, but his tone was serious.

The guy's eyes went wide, they dropped their guns, and backed up, the guy holding me let me go.

I ran straight over to wear Raiden was.

"Sorry man, I didn't know." said one.

"Please forgive us." Said the other one.

"It won’t happen again dude." said the third one.

Is this guy that gave me the skull chain, whose name is Raiden, some big tough guy here?

"I won’t be forgiving anyone tonight." said Raiden.

"Boss p- the man dropped on the ground, and then Raiden shot the other two.

It went so fast, that the other two were dead before they could really react to getting shot themselves.

I screamed and brought my legs up to hide my face.

"Demonia." Raiden said my name with just a soothing voice.

He bent down and hugged me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I was shaking like crazy.

"You need to stand up babe." said Raiden.

I looked up at him; he stood up and held his hand out.

Should I really take the hand of a man that just killed four guys?"

I looked at his hand, and then I placed my shaky hand on his sturdy hand.

He helped me up.

"Well now that, that's done, how would you like to join my club?" asked Raiden.

"C-Club?" I said stuttering.

He’s acting like he’s done this all before. Killing someone, and he’s all calm about it…

"I can tell your not from here, otherwise you wouldn't be asking what it is." said Raiden.

I nodded.

"You know, you party, drink and such at parties, and in clubs, mines like that, but even better." said Raiden.

I could tell he was really confident.

"Um..." I said.

"You seem pretty shy, so, you can think about It." said Raiden.

I nodded; I looked over at the dead bodies...
Seeing the blood, the look on their face.

I started to feel dizzy.

Next thing I know, I'm on the floor passed out...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 8 will be out soon!^^
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