Welcome to the Club, Shatter or Survive

Chapter 8 The Club

When I woke up, I was on a couch.

"You know I thought you were dead." said a woman's voice.

I looked at her, then my eyes went wide, That's the girl from before!
The girl that bought my shoes...

She smiled at me, when our eyes met, mine to her brown, and her to my blue eyes.

"I didn't think I'd see you again, well I assumed I wouldn't." she said.

She started touching her hair as if fixing a hair out of place, then she began to talk again.

"How many times have you met Rai-Rai?" she said.

"Rai-Rai?" I said.

"Raiden." She said.

"Twice..." I said trailing off, and trying to get my voice to speak up louder.

"You know, Fainting the second time he see's you, isn't a very good impression." She said, her smile shifted to the right, and then she chucked a little.

When I looked into her brown eyes, they were smiling, her eyes shined.

"Listen, if you want to leave this place, leave now, because when Raiden brings girls back here, leaving is something you won’t be able to do." she said, looking into my eyes.

I blinked, "Where am I?" I said slightly confused.

"You my dear, are at the club, take a look around." She said.

I began to turn my head, slowly scanning the room. There were females, everywhere, they were sitting on couches talking, some were at the table playing cards, and others were near some weird doorway that had no door, but a white sheet covering it. I found myself noticing them glancing at me, and whispering to each other.

"There probably talking about you." she said, taking notice of what I was looking at.

"W-Why?" I stuttered out.

"Because you’re the new girl, meaning, fresh meat." she said, she was still looking at me, when are ours eyes met, I could still see that smile.

"How come there are so many girls here?" I asked.

She only smirked at me.

"You won’t be finding any men back here but Raiden." she said.

"What's behind that white sheet...?" I asked.

"Another room, and if you exit that room, you'll enter where the partying is." she said.

"This place is basically, just were we hang when we don't want to go out there." she said.

"By the way, my name is Farah, one of the best girl’s here." she said showing a smile full of confidence.

"What makes you say you’re the best...?" I asked curiously.

"I'm one of Raiden's favorites." said Farah.

"How do you know?" I asked. I felt a pinch on my heart, for some reason it hurt when she said that.

"Because he always has one arm over me, either his right or left, depending what side I'm on, and also, Viviana is one of his favorites, she get's the side I'm not on, or I get the side she isn't on. I think you might be the new favorite though, I think Viviana is no longer one of his favorites." said Farah, resting her chin on her arm, and she looked up, as if she was thinking about it.

I bit my lip, and then asked, "What makes you say that?"

"Well, when he brought you in, he was sitting on the couch, with his arm over you, and you where resting your head on his right side, and he had his right arm over you. Then I was on his left, and his arm was over me. Normally Viviana is the one that's with me, next to Raiden. I don't think he was just doing it out pity, because of what happened to you or whatever. Viviana is over in the next room, she probably really hates you, because you stole her spot basically. Well, that's how she looks at It." said Farah leaning back, making herself even more comfortable on the couch.

"B-But why am I his favorite?" I asked stuttering.

"Don't ask a question like that, just be glad you are. Honestly, I only like you because you didn't take my spot, next to Raiden." said Farah, she was looking at her nails, but then she'd look up, and look into my eyes.

"I love being one of his favorites, I'm able to be around him as much as possible." said Farah.

"Are you his...girlfriend?" I asked slowly.

"No, but I call myself it sometimes." said Farah.

"How come?" I asked.

"Because then other men don't get the pleasure of putting their hands on me, he actually cares if they do." she said smiling, but not looking up at me.

I looked down.
I wasn't feeling very happy hearing what she's saying about him...
I don't want to have another girl to go against to win his heart...
I have a crush on him...
Well I think it's more than just a crush.
He's the first guy to ever get my heart going, and my first kiss.
Yeah, my first kiss is at sixteen...a lot of girls have their first kiss at a younger age...

"Who runs this club?" I asked.

"Raiden of course, he's in charge of this club, and this is a pretty big club." said Farah.

She looked up from her nails, and then sat up, and grabbed my hands.

"I'm probably the only person you’re going to be able to trust here, because every girl here is jealous of you, because you have a spot next to Raiden and they don't. So don't be making a stupid mistake, and start trusting other girls here." said Farah in a serious voice and looking me in the eye.

I nodded my head, and then she let go of my hands and leaned back.

"Mmm....I could go for cocktail right now." said Farah, leaning her head back real fast, and staring up at the ceiling.

"You’re going to be sharing a room with me." said Farah.

"I am?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's a room with just the favorites in it. Well I call it that, because it was just Viviana and I, but recently since you got here, she moved out of the room and into the room with the other girls. Raiden must of said something to her. Luckily for me, I don't have to share a room with three or four other girls. Raiden has his own room, I love it when I get to go in there, and sleep in the same bed with him." said Farah smiling.

"Just some advice to you, Raiden is a very dominant man, so don't try to control him. Well I don't think you would try too, because you seem shy. Myself on the other hand, isn't shy one bit, I'm way to outgoing." said Farah, her tone was so, whatever like, and, "This is this and that is that." Like. She seems rather nice though...so far..

"How old are you?" She asked looking up at me.

"Sixteen, you?" I said.

"Nineteen years old, and I hate every day I grow older." said Farah.

"Raiden's older than me, he just turned twenty. Not even legal to drink, but he does it anyways, and so do I." said Farah.

"Well, you should go take a shower, and put on the outfit Raiden left out for you." said Farah.

"Outfit?" I repeated.

"Yeah, the room is near his, you see the doors over there that are a different color from the rest?" asked Farah.

I nodded, while looking in the direction she pointed.

"Well, our room is on the Right." she said.

I nodded.

"Take as long of shower as you want, just makes sure you wear what he put out for you. It's a pretty awesome outfit if you ask Me." said Farah.

I got up and walked towards the room, and then, I opened the door, and walked inside.
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Thank you for reading!
Chapter 9 will be out soon.
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