I'll Die Regretting the Time I Lost

Chapter 4

I stared into his green eyes for the first time in close to two years. Confusion filled his eyes before being replaced by shock and surprise.

“Mel?” he asked as he gazed at me. I bit my lip as I nodded a little.

“Yeah, it’s me.” I replied quietly as he moved to sit down beside me.

“Mel, are you okay?” I heard a voice say. I turned my head and saw Syn carrying Aiden as he walked over to us.

“I’m fine Brian, Zacky found Amy.” I responded. Syn looked over at Zacky before looking back at me with a questioning look. It was almost as if he was asking me if Zacky knew anything.
I simply just shook my head in response.

“I see, Zacky what are you doing here?” Syn asked.

“I decided to take a walk here, I found her,” Zacky started explaining as he motioned to Amy. “She looked lost and afraid so I figured I’d help her find her mommy. I just had no idea it was Mel.” He shrugged. Syn just nodded and looked at me.

“Are Jimmy and Kitty still looking for her?” he asked.

“I don’t know, I guess they are.” I shrugged.

“I’ll go find them and let them know she’s okay.” Syn said as he placed Aiden next to me on the bench before walking away to go and find Kitty and Jimmy.

“So, this is your daughter?” Zacky asked as he looked down at Amy. I saw her looking back up at him. Her eyes were the same shade of green as his were at that moment. He has to know. How can he not tell she is his daughter? I nodded a little.

“Yeah, she is.”

“She’s beautiful,” he said as he smiled at her. Amy smiled back at him shyly. I bit my lip and nodded in agreement. He then looked over at Aiden. “And who is this?” he asked as he stared athis son him.

“This is Aiden.” I replied as I watched him carefully. Amy moved closer to her brother and hugged him. I couldn’t help but smile at that.

“Who does he belong to?” he asked.

“H-He’s mine too, they’re twins.” I answered as I looked at him. Did I mention they’re yours as well? I had thought about saying that, but then decided against it. I didn’t want him freaking out or getting mad at me for keeping them if he didn’t want them. So I just decided not to say anything to him. Or at least not yet. But I had a feeling that he would either figure it out on his own, or someone was going to end up telling him whether it was me or not. I'm just kind of scared as to how he'll react if and when he finds out.

"Now I can kind of see it, how old are they?"

"They're almost two. Neither one of them can talk yet though." I said.

"They haven't even said one word yet?" he asked. I shook my head as I looked at them. Aiden and Amy were both staring at Zacky. Amy pointed at him as she looked up at me. I bit my lip a little nervously before looking at Zacky. Then I saw Aiden move away from Amy to move towards Zacky as he began reaching for him. I could tell they both knew who their dad was. I had always felt bad about keeping them away from Zacky and vice versa. Before they could really do much at all, I would show them pictures of him and tell them it was their daddy. I stopped after awhile because looking at the pictures and remembering everything that happened was just too much for me.

I just hoped the way that Aiden and Amy were acting didn't make Zacky suspiscious to anything.
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Okay, I know it's kind of short, but at least I updated.
