Status: Keep / Don't keep?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

I Could Leave This Star Crossed World Behind But When They Cut Me Open, I Guess I Changed My Mind

Who is this girl? And where on earth did she come from? I thought as I led her through my front door.

She was so strange, so alien.

Twila's eyes were a boring pale gray, her hair a flaming purple, and her lips and skin blue. She was tall, and well built, and seemed to have an attitude.

"I have told you, Mr.Fox, I am not from Earth, but from Mars. So technically, you should have thought , ' where on Mars, is she from?'. " Twila said, standing by the front door with her long arms crossed over her chest.

"How do you know my name?"I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"A sign hangs outside your door."

"What did you say you needed again?" I was almost positive this was a dream, and this alien was a figment of my imagination.

But this felt so real. The air was cold and sharp, and hit my face with a hard force making me think twice of my dreamy state.

"I need ; a radio with antennas and a device to talk through, a place to rest, food, and you will have to be my grandfather if people ask."

She fell back onto my rocking chair and sighed, closing her eyes.

"....What are you doing?" I asked after minutes that were covered in a thick silence passed.

"Waiting." She muttered bluntly.

"For what?" I questioned, sitting across from her.

"For you to get me my things, you old dope." She hissed at me, one eye opening.

In the light, her beauty stunned me. She wasn't an ugly alien, but a beautiful girl. Her eyes held as much knowledge as my own. Her long purple hair looked more bright and lively, and even her blue skin seemed almost just a strange glow from the lamp.

I shook my head, and rubbed my eyes.

"Now listen here. I am not an old dope as you say. I'm only sixty-three, thank you. And I will let you know, youngster, that I will not be your personal bitch. Get those things yourself." I growled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You old, lazy, fat ass geezer. How the fuck would I know where to get those mother fucking things on a planet thats new and scary to me? And another thing," Twila said, standing up becoming more and more angry. Her blue skin turned bright red, as if her temperature was litterly rising.

"I am not a fucking youngster," She snapped, making cotaions around her head. " In human years I am seventy-fucking-five, okay? Just with a bit of an attitude, thank you. I'm seventeen, and perfectly aware of how things work, because on my planet, us kids aren't fat-ass lazy son-of-bitches, 'kay? We do things for our elders, and we clean our planet, and we learn and pay attention in class. And I know that you should be taking care of me, a poor lost kid wondering around in a feild. So I will treat you the way you treat me. Now please get me those things so I can go home...sir."

I stared at her, and blinked as she sat down and crossed her legs and her skin returned to blue.

Then I prepared her room.
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keep ?