The Arch of Three

Chapter 3

After throwing the last demon out of Tenken’s throne room, Shouren grabbed his head. Nexion ran over to him after piercing a demons head. “Babe?” she asked lifting his head and watching the butterflies flying relentlessly in his eyes. “Babe what’s wrong is . . . is Seth dead?”
Shouren shook his head and watched as Tenken walked up to them. What a disappointment. He thought seeing that Tenken was human sized. “Look sharp princess it’s the guest of honor” He said sarcastically.
Tenken was below expectation, far below indeed. He was human sized, was balled, had green toads skin, and looked more a high class business man rather than a warlord. “Hay can you tell me where Tenken is?” Shouren asked. “Fool! I am Tenken conqueror of the human race and planet earth!” Tenken bellowed with some satisfaction. “Wait a minute; we almost died who knows how many times! To be this god damned fucking disappointed!” Nexion yelled kicking a dead demon sending it sprawling to Tenken’s feet.
Shouren drew his sword it was a double edged sword, two and a half feet long and three inches wide. He used this fluid and quick moment of drawing his sword to slice Tenken’s arm off. Tenken was mutually surprised, as his greenish blood flowed, but showed no sign of it as he kicked Shouren into the wall. “I must commend you for that boy, not a single person has been able to harm me like that.” Tenken spoke in such a taunting voice. Nexion grabbed her saber and one of her daggers. “Take this.” She said throwing the dagger into Tenken’s chest. “Such a feeble attempt, why don’t you just give in.” Tenken said in response to the dagger digging itself his chest.
Seth survived the trident, and was now aiming his arrow at Tenken as he walked down the leafy corridor of the Great Temple. What the heck? Is that Tenken? He asked himself. Pulling the arrow back for maximum speed and power he let it fly.
Shouren pressed the jewel on the gauntlet they found. “The Oni gauntlet!” Tenken exclaimed before Seth’s arrow bit into his shoulder. Tenken pulled the arrow out of his shoulder with a grunt, not noticing Nexion’s advance. She took eight quick silent steps then lunged. Putting one hand at the butt of the handle she dug her sword through Tenken’s body. His green blood sprayed into her face, she kicked Tenken onto the ground leaving him there with her sword in him. She turned and said “Now you’re done with you pitiful disgrace for a demon.” Then to Shouren and Seth “Let’s go boys.”
Seth smiled re-holstering the arrow he had out. Shouren stood up and leaned on the wall to catch his breath. “Hey hurry up babe.” Nexion called to him as her and Seth began walking away. As soon as Tenken was sure the pitiful human female and her elf companion were unaware of him he stood up and silently pulled the human female’s sword out of his chest, he snuck up behind her and brought it down on her head. “Shouren!” Nexion yelled as she turned around to see her friends back get sliced open. Seth quick as he was pulled Nexion back, before she did something blindingly rash in her rage.
Butterflies? I’m seeing god damned butterflies at a time like this. Got save them my friend, my . . . my love. Shouren thought and mental images of the three of them passed through his head, all of them smiling.
“Damn it let go of me Seth.” Nexion said struggling to get free of Seth’s grip. “Yes, Seth, let go of the bitch so I can have her head you’ll be rewarded handsomely” Tenken said. “I have an idea how about I take this and shove it down your throat to rip you lungs out.” Shouren said.
Tenken was so surprised he was stunned that this half-breed had the gall to stick his hand down his throat and into his bowels. Shouren half mad with rage felt something inside this abominations bowel and pulled his large intestine out. “Should I keep going or stop here. It seems the Oni gauntlet deals a lot of pain to you.” Shouren said pulling Tenken’s tonsils and his tongue free, rendering him incapable of speech. Tenken attempted to throw Shouren off him but was stopped by Nexion pushing her foot into his chest. Shouren seemed not to notice as he was ripping out the lungs of this severe disappointment of a
Demon that killed my family, our families. He thought resisting the urge to stop and let his back pain heal up. He pulled the left lung out and was reaching in a fourth time when Nexion grabbed his arm. “Stop it,” She said “If you don’t your back will burst then I won’t have you anymore, and neither will Seth.” Shouren slipped the gauntlet off his arm leaving it half way in Tenken’s mouth, the jewel exposed. Seth shot an arrow into the jewel and the gauntlet discharged a great wave of bright white energy.