She Won't Be Lonely Long

Xabi's Not-So-Humble Abode

For the very first time, Xabi was eager to return to his estate all thanks to Hannah. As she joined him inside the vast foyer, surrounded with two pale marble staircases leading the same direction and an elaborate chandelier overhead, the sense of welcome that the house gave him wasn't nearly as sombering in her presence. It felt more like a home than ever.

And, unlike the past few hours, her thoughts weren't dominated with filth. The royalty that his home spoke was unfathomable and she couldn't help but gawk at it for a second, not quite impressed but simply flabbergasted. She had been in buildings like this before, but they were more like national landmarks rather than a single man's home.

"Xabi, what the hell?" she murmered, her eyes swooping to every costly crevice that she could spot from where she stood. It was all beautiful, yet much too flashy for his taste. She wondered why he would live in such a place.

He shook his head. "It is not my doing."

She knew by the way he spoke that he wasn't impressed either, certainly not being the garish type. He hooked fingers with her and began to lead her up the left staircase. Once they had defeated that strenuous climb, they trudged down a hall thick with shadows and into the farthest door on the right side. She wasn't surprised with how his bedroom looked, having experienced the rest of the house, but could still ogle.

The designer of this house certainly had in mind what most celebrity footballers did on their beds in spare time when putting together that room. Not many girls would mind getting intimate there, as the room took the term 'having sex' to a completely different level, closer to making love whether you wanted it to be that or not. The bed was the focal point of the room, certainly the largest item. It was a canopy bed with four intricately carved rails of mahogany surrounding it, loosely draped with a fog of white sheer. The bedding was layer after layer of quilted satin similar to the curtains lining the right side of the room, all glass doors over peering over a wide pond and thicket of pine.

Neither of them bothered to turn on the lights, knowing well that he didn't take her there to flaunt his abundant vanity. She let him lead her to the bed, excitement building up in her chest that would only gradually subside as his touch on her deepened. She casually stood with the edge of the bed as he spared a long, forward gaze to what he had in store , grasping to the fullest how fantastic it would be to spend the night with her again. He would continue to miss her until they were both in the thick of action, so began to put a dent in their agenda for the night by unleashing his hands. As eager as he was, there was no haste to the situation because the ambience of that room simply couldn't allow it. Something about that room prohibited wild sex while another aspect made it so you wouldn't even want it.

He brushed the ringlets from her face and trailed his hands along the peak of her shoulders, bringing the two spindly straps of bright red satin down with them. While his agile fingers worked with the zipper binding the back of her dress, his mouth found a patch of bare skin at her neck to tease. He inhaled deeply, savoring the smoothness of her skin against his tongue and the dull, sweet taste. She peeled the heavy tuxedo jacket off of his wide frame just as her body spilled into the frigid air of the room, yet not completely bare as she was wearing a sort of corset underneath to smooth her figure. Soon he was reduced to just boxers and she had found the comfort of the bed, it's cloud-like down comforter hugging her as he stood at the empty area between her legs hanging off the side of the bed.

The outline of what happens next should be obvious, but not its true extent. Hannah was astonished that Xabi could bring her gratification to an even better high, beating the many records he had already set for himself. This time in particular, there were more factors than just skill or attraction; She was with somebody that she truly cared about and that was why it turned out to be so fantastic, likewise for Xabi.

Somehow Hannah was awake before Xabi was that morning, after she had gotten only two hours of sleep but feeling completely rested. Another miraculous event, she didn't even get lost struggling to find the master bathroom.The interior of this was dressed to be one of the more modern-themed rooms, it's floor made of dark grey slate and everything else nearly transparent glass.

She certainly could have waited to shower until she was home again, but the enormous steam shower was too much to pass up. It was bigger than the kitchen of the house she had left in Michigan, and had not one but three showers heads to surround you, bigger than dinner plates.

Xabi was awake very soon, and let the whispy trails of steam and familiar sound of the shower running lead him to Hannah. He hadn't bothered to dress so was only wrapped in a sheet from the waste down, which was enough considering what would happen next. He took a minute to take this in, watching her cloudy figure through the steamed-over glass door seperating them. Her eyes were squeezed shut as her head was cocked to the cieling, running her spindly fingers through her hair as the sweltering water neaded through it.

He only watched long enough to be prepared in every way for yet another soiree. This one would be a bit roudier than the last, considering the change of setting. He didn't bother to drop the sheet tied around him before stepping into the shower with her, it's excess trail dragging behind him and wallowing in soapy water. She still hadn't noticed his presence until it was physically wrapped around her waste and she had been turned to it.

Again, as she came face to face with him reality became less distinct and all she could notice was the flawlessness of what was holding her. She focused on the way his calloused finger tips felt against her sweltering hot flesh and whimpered, returning the embrace as a sort of invitation for him to accelerate this encounter. Soon, the weight of water swelling the fibers of the sheet wrapped around his waste was too much to be supported simply by a makeshift knot and the sheet drooped until it was a puddle at the both of their feet. They were both utterly stark by that point and there was no hinderence to what both wanted so badly.

Supporting all of her weight by clamping both hands around her bare hips, he knocked her feet out from under her so that she would fall into his support and he could let her gently lower to the floor. She repositioned her body so that she was on her hands and knees, anxious to know when he would take stance behind her although it surely came soon enough. He knelt behind her, already excited enough to direct this entire soiree on his own, and held her by the hips strongly enough that a Mac-truck couldn't have separated them. On his knees, he skidded forward so that he had forced his way deep enough inside her that now all that needed to be done was the thrusting of his strong hips. Hastily, he began, each thrust stronger and deeper than the last until every second of his reality was sheer nirvana. He didn't have to climax, because every second of his reality felt like the strongest orgasm imaginable. Their bodies truly fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, every nerve of every square inch already familiar with those of their partner. They had broken in that shower, almost blessed it in the most unholy way so that it didn't seem so cold and unfamiliar to him anymore.

Her body was weak by the time that he had finished with her so all she cared to do was sit, rolling upright so that she could rest her upper body against the warm stone wall drizzled with steam and water. He spared one downward glance to where she sat until he couldn't help but at least hold her again, the affinity he held drawing him to her like an industrial-strength magnet.

"...I should at least call Maral to tell her when I'll be home." Hannah wearily spoke after a while, indulging her senses by running her finger tips along his strong arms.

The idea of her leaving was sour to Xabi. He didn't have any plans for that day and that means that once she was gone, the house would go back to its normal state again-- cold and unwelcoming to even its owner. He was tired of being lonely and now that he knew just how great that house could make you feel as a companion joined you, he didn't want to let that feeling go. One way or another, he would convince her that this was her home.
♠ ♠ ♠
**I didn't spell check, just cuz I don't feel like it right now, but I will later.

I'll admit, there was no point to this chapter besides to just illustrate how great it would be to screw Xabi, lol. But I know that readers like screwing, and this is my apology for taking so damn long :( Sorry.

Thanks for reading! Comment, pleaaase!