Status: Updated randomly

Emily and Sierra and their Many Worlds of Terror

Roller Coaster

After a very short time spent debating on which ride to get on, Emily and Sierra found themselves getting strapped into a car that belonged to none other than a roller coaster.

"I fucking love these things!" Emily squealed when she was finished buckling up nice and tight in her seat.

"So do I!" Sierra ecstatically concurred with her giddy friend. "I'm so ready for this thing to start!" And just after the excited girl had finished her last sentence, the roller coaster began its slow venture upward right on cue.

At this point the two girls were gushing with anticipation, while the roller coaster car inched closer and closer to the top. When it hit that point and stalled for a few seconds, Emily couldn't help but slip out, "Yee haw!" before she and Sierra were jetting down the other side of the hill at a lightning speed.

"Wheee!" Sierra shouted as they turned upside down and made a loop-de-loop and the roller coaster quadrupled in speed. When she was upright again she screamed, "I want it to go even faster!'

Emily was about to agree, but her paranoid side suddenly took over. "Yeah, though not too fast... it might throw us off of it!" She threw her hands up in the air and started to shake them all around.

Sierra's once grinning face was suddenly overcome by a wave of worry and seriousness. "And if it throws us off of it...we might die..."

Emily curtly nodded her head. "Which is something we definitely don't want happening at a time like this."

"Especially not since it' looks like it would be a painful death!" Sierra added to the growing pile of morbidity.

"Plus there's still so much that I want to accomplish!"

"I know, so many other things to do!"

The duo could've kept going on with their almost song-like back and forth exchanges of their would be death on a roller coaster, but Emily remembered that they were, in fact, still on the said roller coaster. "Uhm, how the fudgeballs are we talking if we're on a roller coaster that's going at least five zillion miles per hour?!"

"I know! It's like we started going on and on about it killing us, and then just totally forgot all about it!" She then noticed that the roller coaster was now coming to a stop. "But it looks like the ride is over now."

"Wow, that thing had to have lasted at least a half hour," Emily shook her head in utter disbelief and started unstrapping herself from the ride. "But at least we made it off alive!'
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 438

Yeah, it took forever to get this up! And it's short!
I'm so sorry, forgive me? My laptop broke, I've got to use my dad's slow one, and I've been mucho busy.

But, I hope you like it. ;]