Over and Over

(For character pictures and descriptions: http://www.polyvore.com/over_characters/set?id=20358604)

When Bethany Hayden was in highschool, she thought her life was going great. She was madly in love with her boyfriend, she had a fun, outgoing older sister who she adored, and she was popular.

Then everything changed. One night, and her life was sent tumbling into a chaotic mixture of grief and coping. Her boyfriend breaks up with her because she's taking too long to get over the "accident", she seperates herself from her friends, and it feels like she doesn't have control over anything.

That's about the time she became OCD. Bethany told herself she would try to control anything she could. Everything had to be perfect, and nothing could be out of place. It was a good distraction, but slowly took over her life.

Once she got to college, she met up with some friends from highschool again, and started recovering, slowly, but it was a start. Then, one night she gets invited to stay at a cabin over winter break with the group of her old "friends" from highschool.

She agrees, thinking this might be the final step in getting over everything. Little does she know, that meeting up with everyone again, plus a few new faces, might trigger what she's worked so hard to overcome.

But she also doesn't realize that at the same time, she discovering new friendships, gaining confidence, and maybe even letting go of what she lost four years ago.