Status: For TestItOut

Take Me

is that meant to be impressive

After a hard day at work Maral, started the long journey home. She had to travel from the centre of Madrid to her appartment in the old quarter.

She had the life most people were envious of. She had a great boyfriend. She had the great job.

Running her hand through her hair, Maral dropped her keys on the table and placed her bag on the chair as she entered the appartment. She started to pull her coat off but she froze as she saw pair of red jimmy Choos. They weren’t hers. Maral stood frozen thinking of logical reasons why they would be there. She knew there was no other reason apart from Ryan was sleeping with somebody else.

Trying to fight the tears back Maral began to walk down the hallway. She stopped outside of her and Ryan’s bedroom door. She heard muffled sounds coming from within the room.
She went to open the door, but she quickly shut it as the sight of her living nightmare greeted her.

Her boyfriend was having sex with someone else…

Her loving boyfriend. They had talked about the future and having the house and the children running round in the back garden.

Ryan didn’t see her or know that she stood behind the door, with her heart silently breaking.

She wrote him a note before she sprang out the appartment and into the cold Spanish night.

“Espero que te ha divertido, Te vi con ella, en nuestra cama. esta es la última vez, no hay más oportunidades segundos. su excedente.

(“Hope you had fun. I saw you with her, in our bed. this is the last time, there is no more second chances. its over. ”)
He’d said he loved her. He’d said that she was everything to him. He’d said that they would be together forever.
Apparently all he did was lie.
Sitting in the car, driving a little too fast, she refused to cry.

3 months later.

Since Maral left her appartment that day, she hadn’t looked back.
She still loved Ryan but she couldn’t forgive him for breaking her heart.

She went to stay with her best friend Jo. In those 3 months Maral did nothing but eat, sleep and work.

But on night things changed. the Spain national team had just won the European championships and rumour had that tonight they party in Madrid.

Jo was obsessed with the Spanish national team. Often describing them as “Hot”.
To Maral they were overpaid and cocky.

as Jo forced Maral to join her and their other friend maggs on a night out. Maral decided on a little black dress that brought out her brown eyes.

As Maral and her friends entered the club. A unknown pair eyes spotted her and said to his friend Fernando “She’s the One”
Before making his way over to her.

Maral stood at the bar waiting for the bar tender to notice her, when she heard a low husky voice say “You need any help”

“no I am fine” Maral replied without turning around to see who it was.

“the names Sergio Ramos, but I suppose you know my name already” he said.

As he finished she turned to see the one and only stood there.

“is that meant to be impressive?” she smiled sarcastically.

“Oh, Burn” Torres shouted as he ordered his drink.

Sergio just glared at him, and he left.