Status: In progress

Night's on The Ash


The worst part about living somewhere that snow fell was that I couldn't ride year round. I didn't hate winter but I didn't love it either, it wasn't something I was found of. I would sit in my room just hoping for the snow to melt and the air to warm with that hint of spring and leather and gas. For some reason Eric loved winter I couldn't pull myself to understand as to why he would love it so much. Everyday he would try to get me outside with my camera but I wouldn't follow I liked my nice cozy sweats and my big old couch in front of my big TV.

"OK you have spent enough time on this couch its time for you to get you ass outside." Eric said as I awoke from another day dream in front of my television. "But I don't want to, I hate the cold." I proclaimed loudly. "That's what they make winter clothes for." Eric came back kinda smug. I sat there starring at him, I looked into his eyes, bad move, with that he won I was outside freezing my ass off in the cold with my camera and bag in hand.

Eric was a completely different person in the winter he had a big Blazer that really didn't look like a Blazer anymore because he ended up cutting the back off and putting bars on it so it looked like a Jeep. He had big wheels on it to. he always drove it in the winter it was odd. "So where are we going?" I asked like I didn't really care. "Well that's just it, its a surprise" he said as he winked, I hated when he did that.

We rode in silence for a while, I didn't like it when he didn't talk. "Why do you have to surprise me why can't you just tell me, you drive me insane when you do that" I said loudly, he stared ahead at the road silent. "ERIC STOP IT" I yelled!

"I'm not doing anything" he said with a charming tone. "Bullshit you aren't doing anything your ignoring me" I said kind of angry now. "I'm focusing on driving" he said with a smirk. Then we stopped he didn't say anything just got out and walked around the car and opened my door. "Trust me you will want to take a lot of pictures of this one" he said with that smile that said everything is OK.

I got out of the car to see something out of a greeting card, everything was so white and beautiful. "Where are we?" I asked astounded as a took a picture. "Well this is actually going to be my house, I bought it" he said casually. "You what, your moving out of your house?" I asked.

"Not yet, Its not livable yet and its not the nicest place, but it was cheap and I own it out-right." I said like he was showing off a medal of honor. I didn't get why he bought a house in the middle of nowhere, and why he brought me here. "So why are we here?" I asked puzzled. He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes. "Well I think you need to live a little and embrace the season" he said with genuine compassion. I was still confused, "I don't like the snow" I said.

"Well then I hope you dressed warm enough. Come on, the house is right there I'll start a fire and we will have some fun and be able to come back to a nice warm house" I stared at him for a second pretending like I was trying to decide, he just stared back like a puppy wait for you to throw a ball or something so he could go get it.

"Go start your fire" I said in defeat. He almost jumped with delight, he grabbed some wood went inside and started a fire lit all the propane heaters and came back out with two car hoods. "What are those for?" I asked a bit surprised and even more confused.

"Well when I was a kid we were too poor to get pretty much anything so we would use what ever we could find in my grandpas yard and because we couldn't find sleds my grandpa took old car hoods punched holes in them and put a rope through it" he said

"Your kidding right, where the hell did you even get that, why are we going sledding?" I was now really confused I don't like snow and sledding you get cold. "I don't want to go" I planted my self even tho I knew he was stronger than me.

"Try it and we can spend the day in the house" he tried to bargain. "It's a cottage" I said just to be mean. "Fine its a cottage" he agreed cheerfully.