Status: In progress

Night's on The Ash

Chasing the snow

As we got up to the hill I began to see why he liked it so much. We walked to the edge of the huge hill and I looked down kinda scared. "Are you sure this is safe Eric?" I asked tentatively. He looked at the hill for a second.

"On this hood I'm not sure, its like going down in a boat so we should be safe" he said looking excited. I didn't want to go down this insane hill on a random piece of scrap metal but I know I won't win. I climbed onto our makeshift sled and prepared to hold on for dear life.

"Here we go" Eric said loudly. We were rushing down the hill faster than anything you could ever feel. Rushing past tress and rocks. We spent the entire day out there chasing the snow.

"You have to admit that was fun" Eric said. He Looked at me with that smile that made me melt inside, I couldn't say no to him. I nodded, "Now what?" I asked.

"Well there is a nice warm bed upstairs" Eric said. I looked at him knowing what he wanted, we hadn't done it since the lake. "And what if I'm not in the mood yet?" I asked not wanting to do anything yet. He thought for a min.

"Well then we can sit in front of the fire wrapped up in an old quilt with hot chocolate and popcorn and talk" he said in a charming voice. I don't know how but he could always make something so simple amazing. "Then lets do that" I said.

We sat in front of that fire for hours talking about everything from bikes to flowers he never ceased to amaze me he was always so sweet. It had grown dark out side when we started to get quiet, the only sounds you could hear were the wind moving against the house the fire crackling and mine and Eric's hearts together. I started thinking about the future what would happen to us, would we still be together.

I turned to Eric, "Hey Eric...Do you ever think that we would get married and have kids?" He looked at the fire thinking. "I don't know we might just depends" he said. "On what?" I realized this wasn't something he had wanted to talk about. "Just stuff" he said. "OK I won't press any more into it" I said.

I learned to put stuff like that behind me, Eric always lived in the moment and he was always happy. Just live in the moment and everything will be happy when you hit a rock find a way around.

Now it seemed to die between us I thought for a moment. "Well since you have given me such a great day why don't you let me make your night." I said trying my best to be cute. "And how are you going to do this love?" he asked, smiling. "Well its simple, you just follow me to the bedroom and I will take care of the rest" I said feeling really horny all of the sudden.