Status: In progress

Night's on The Ash

The Race of Kings

He always looked so happy before a race. I watched as he pulled his bike up to the starting line on. I saw the smile on his face as he got in the zone. I heard Litsa tell him to keep the rubber-side down. He nods and then he's gone, flying down the road. It all happened so fast i didnt know where to go just then dingo grabs me and says "Don't you want to see the finish?" i nod and he says hop in. I get in his car, a camaro i think and we are off racing to get to the finish.

From the finish line I could see the bikes racing down the hills hugging the same turns Eric and I took every weekend, just not as fast. Eric was so graceful on his bike, his knees meer inches from the pavment putting everything he had into this one race. He was calm and steady as he came around the final turn. The finish was just as amazing as the start, Eric came in on his beautiful bike back tire up in the air as he came to a stop leaving King in the dust.

"THAT'S HOW THE CORINGA RIDES CADELA!" Tango yelled. "The what?" I asked feeling kind of stupid. "The Joker" Litsa told me. "Eric's nickname is The Joker, he's the best of the deck."

"So, king i guess this means you have to give up your Crown?" Dingo said tauntingly. "Dingo! You know i don't take crown's it's not my style" Eric chidded, Dingo sunk like a dog being punished. "This isn't over Joker" King said in anger, "Ace will come for you"

"I told you before i'm not afraid of Ace." Eric said meanicingly. "We shall she about that on The Ash" King boasted, "He will be back soon you know, and looking for freash meat." Right then Eric did the one thing i knew he would always do when faced with a challenge. "When he returns I will personaly TAKE HIS CROWN! Then this nonsence will end." I looked at Eric and knew he was joking, or so i thought.